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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. 6 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Smoke ring is from nitrogen oxide in smoke reacting with the myoglobin in meat.  There is a narrow temperature band that this reaction occurs.  My guess would be the insulated smoker is too efficient and the meat isn’t cool enough for long enough to develop the smoke ring.

    Here is a detailed explanation of the science behind smoke rings:


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  2. 26 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

    Thanks man.  It is really confusing, I always equated smoke ring to smoke penetration in the meat. I assumed my previous attempts were due to the shorter smoke times, but this went 8 hours and still nothing. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong. It was amazing only having to go out there to spritz the meat every hour or so late in the cook.  

    The smoke ring is useless, thus sayeth Daniel Vaughn:

    The Science of the Smoke Ring

    And why it has no bearing on the quality of brisket.


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  3. 31 minutes ago, Gaffords said:

    Ewers is definitely the better of the two.  The kid can uncork it for 70 yards almost effortlessly. No need for a huge windup. 

    Maalik has a beautiful delivery also. But needs more reps. He might even have  better touch on the deep ball, if so, it's only slightly better. What I like most about Maalik is him willing to sit and learn.  If we don't land Arch, Maalik should have a solid grasp of the offense and be more than capable of taking over the roll without any drop off

    That hurdle of the defender on a keeper was a thing of beauty!  Welcome to Texas!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Always thought that would be a fascinating job. 

    I have fun, earn a decent living, and have seen lots of shit over the years. 

    It is remarkable how true the fraud triangle generally plays out.  Motivation, Opportunity, and Rationalization are the key elements to fraud.  

    Companies need to work on their internal controls to minimize the Opportunity part of that equation.  Hard to control the rest.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    It's going to mutate regardless.  There is a large percentage of people in the world who won't take it because they cannot get it.  It's not going away.  The vaccine has way too many breakthrough cases of the vaccinated to kill off the virus even if 100% of the world population was vaccinated.  A LOL about getting people to comply with booster shots.

    This is not the polio vaccine which basically eradicated it and offered near 100% efficacy against transmission.

    The reason that this stuff is not analogous to polio is that non-human species are carriers, as well.  Vaccinate errbody -- this virus will still be around.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Chiming in on the decline of Uptown Del Frisco's Double Eagle.

    Hosted a dinner for a group in a private room.  A couples event.  The service was excellent.  Solid cocktails and wine.  The proteins were good, but not to the level that I expected for the prices.  The sides and desserts were bland and underwhelming.

    The worst part was the rest of the crowd.  IDK what kind of dress code they try to enforce, but it isn't working.  Folks in hoodies and sweat pants or worse.  Drunk and loud group at the bar.  Partially nude chicks in tight dresses -- NTTAWWT!  (Many looked like pro's on the prowl -- the others were just almost naked.)  The wives were appalled.

    There have got to be nicer places to go to drop those kind of bucks on a dinner event.  Thinking Al Beirnat's or even Bob's on Lemmon.


  7. 6 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    So they pay something?

    Ag exemptions still get a bill right? If it's religious or non-profit =zero.

    How much does Fossil Rim pay? Or Sid Richardson Ranch?

    The question stands. Does the LDS pay a dime in tax for owning timber in FLA?

    @hullabelew added on. If they had the Waggonner what then?

    Understood and I agree with your point.  Ag value of grazing land is miniscule.  The ag value of some of my family's East Texas land with timber on it is nowhere near what it is worth.  Going on memory, the property tax on the timberland is around $3 per acre.

  8. Best of luck.  Just remember that small communities are small communities.  Your local reputation counts a bunch.

    We lucked into a smallish place about 25 years ago.  We made friends with the locals at the feed store, contributed to the local library, etc. 

    Next we ended up getting a referral from the feed store for a much bigger ranch that we leased for a long time. 

    Our current (and biggest) ranch lease resulted from the landowner calling us out of the blue and asking us if we would like to take a look at it.  It is a great ranch and hopefully this will be the last time our group moves.

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  9. 36 minutes ago, PantsTent said:

    “LeAnn Mueller said she thought her older brother had found his footing, and was shocked to learn of his death.”

    Doesn’t sound like some sort of long term illness some are hinting at.

    Agreed.  And him moving to DFW and taking on the Hutchins gig.  But still, he didn't look great in recent pics.

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