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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. I think Mezzaluna was his first big hit, then he did the Granite Cafe on 29th street, Reed's Supper Club near the Arboretum, and some others that escape me.  His group's biggest deal these days seems to be The Grove Wine Bar & Kitchen, with multiple stores around the Austin area.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Man, those names take me back.  Sfuzzi was part of the Mezzaluna restaurant group right?  Those guys really did kinda start this whole tidal wave of great dining that we're all enjoying 20+ years later.  

    Sfuzzi's was a restaurant chain started out of Dallas by Robert Columbo.  His brother, Patrick Columbo also had a leadership role.  They were successful and expanded to NY, LA, lots of other places.  They later faltered, leaving many lawsuits from aggrieved investors in their wake.  Their last incarnation on McKinney in Uptown closed in 2013.

    Reed Clemons was the guy behind Mezzaluna, the Granite Cafe, and others.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    So troll then.

    I am not trolling -- just analyzing damages with "reasonably certainty" -- which I understand to be the legal standard in play here.

    • Fuck You 5
  4. 9 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    Bullshit. What you are doing with your economic damages nonsense is essentially the same as you joining a conversation about a lawsuit involving a car wreck resulting in the death of a 6 year old and a 90 year old - both suffering 3rd degree burns over 80% of their bodies - and offering up an opinion that the economic damages look speculative.

    When called on your tone deaf ass-hat comment, you point to the fact that a 6 year old and a 90 year old likely do not have jobs, and so have speculative damages.

    In both my fatal car wreck example and the Jones defamation case, the primary cause of action and injury/damage has squat to do with lost wages (in the first example) or money spent on security cameras or other economic damages (in the second example).

    The fact that you keep on flogging that economic damages bullshit means one of three things: 1) you are ignorant of legal terminology and causes of action, and think “economic damages” is the same thing as what a jury says you have to pay the plaintiff; or 2) just like ignoring the horrible deaths of the auto victims - you ignore the pain of the families of the dead children brought about by Jones’ lies and actions, and focus instead on the clearly least important aspect of the suit because you are a troll; 3) or because you genuinely do not see the defamation as that big a deal.

    In an effort to bridge this obvious miscommunication gap, can you tell us if you are a troll or a sociopath…..or just really, really ignorant about the subject you are going on about?

    (Hint: admitting you are ignorant is the best of the 3 options)

    That was a lot of words.

    • Fuck You 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    Keep it up. You're mom's friends will be very impressed with you.

    Perfect.  That's a great example of why we can't have nice things in this cesspool.  I've tried to have been reasoned and logical and others have been totally ad hominem.

  6. 1 minute ago, TheRealRonWeaver? said:

    “Any,” or “economic?” Try and stay on point, or better yet, be human.

    Good point.  I'm talking economics.  Message board postings are imprecise.

  7. Just now, Bullneck said:

    He's just doing that douchy argument shit people like Anastasis and Donkey Cigars do where they're just asking questions or "arguing" a very specific technical point but really just testing the waters looking for like minded douchebags.

    With respect, I'm simply looking at the causal relationship between the tort and any resultant damages to the plaintiffs.  

  8. OK.  In response to all of y'all -- I do think that the economic damages are tenuous in this case.

    As to the social event -- a daughter of his half-sister married the son of one of my wife's college friends.  There were a number of prominent legal eagles from the Regents School community in attendance.  Austin is pretty big, but not that big.

  9. 52 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    One of the parents had  death threats against him which led to a woman being indicted on four felony counts. She believed it was a hoax.

    Again, I am no special pleader for this guy (Full disclosure:  I have been face to face with him at a social event), but I do think that any economic damages related to this matter appear to be remote and speculative.

  10. 5 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    You understood enough earlier to call it silly. Are all things you don’t understand silly in your estimation or just this thing you don’t understand?

    For sure the whole causation scenario is silly.  How the plaintiff's get to a damages claim is tenuous.

  11. 7 minutes ago, coachherman'sgrill said:
    3 hours ago, LTtxfan said:
    It’s not about a flag. TCU football coach loses it again after losing to SMU | Opinion
    Mt. Gary is still an active volcano, and just because it’s 61 years old doesn’t mean it’s not prone to explode.
    That Gary Patterson popped after losing to SMU on Saturday isn’t the surprise; the shocker is the timing, which is ultimately why this latest eruption is embarrassing.
    Just take the L, and move on to Texas.
    Typically the TCU coach who wears his emotions not just on his sleeve but also his face, sunglasses, visor, shirt, pants, socks and shoes, is prone to lose his stuffing 20 minutes after a loss. Those sometimes illogical rants are logical.
    But when it comes to SMU, Gary can’t keep it together at any time.
    Gary’s entertaining rant on Tuesday at his weekly press conference was 72 hours after TCU’s home loss to SMU, and GP “at his best.”
    “I cannot substantiate that it was a SMU or TCU person, but it did happen,” Patterson said on Tuesday of assistant coach Jerry Kill, who has battled serious health issues over the years, was hit and fell to the ground amid SMU’s celebration/chaos.
    “If we wouldn’t have had the flags, it wouldn’t have happened. OK?”
    Twice in this rant Patterson said he could “not substantiate” his claims.
    If you can’t substantiate the claims either don’t say it, don’t say it, or don’t say it. Or, find a different word.
    Because this is not about a flag.
    Gary is upset that his team lost, and that his defense had it handed to him by little SMU for the second straight game in this series in Fort Worth.
    TCU has allowed little SMU to score 40 points in Fort Worth in their last two meetings. The last time little SMU scored 40 in consecutive games against TCU was 1977 and ‘78.
    On Saturday, Gary was irked that some SMU players pulled a Baker Mayfield and tried to “plant” the SMU flag at midfield at Amon G. Carter Stadium after the win.
    That led to the postgame scuffle, which resulted in Kill sustaining a concussion. There is nothing funny about that.
    Patterson said this was all coordinated and planned. He may be right.
    Here is what that extensive planning would have sounded like: “Hey, SMU video team, when our players celebrate on the field after the game, get video of it.”
    SMU denied Gary’s allegations. Athletic director Rick Hart went so far as to issue a statement, and called Patterson’s accusations “a complete fabrication.”
    Social media is mostly trash, but one of its great developments are accounts from teams that don’t take themselves too seriously and use TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for fun.
    @SMUFootball posted a video on its Twitter account after the win and used one of Patterson’s country songs as the soundtrack.
    Gary didn’t like that, either.
    There is one way to avoid all of this — beat them.
    And TCU normally beats SMU, but when the Frogs don’t ... don’t be around this coach.
    The other notable times Mt. Gary has popped after playing SMU:
    Sept. 21, 2019.
    After the Frogs lost at home to SMU 41-38, Gary was not happy with his primary offensive coordinator, Sonny Cumbie.
    Gary was so not happy that he did something he’s never done before, or since, that date. He made Cumbie available to the media after a game.
    Gary’s explanation for this was because he wanted “somebody that could actually answer” questions about the quarterback.
    Oct. 2011.
    Two days after TCU’s overtime loss to SMU in Fort Worth, Patterson made a point to rip the Conference USA officiating crew during a conference call with reporters.
    “I’d be quiet if I thought the person in charge of the officiating crew came out and said it wasn’t very good, but they didn’t. I have a hard time with people who don’t admit mistakes. I have to do it all the time,” he said. “I have their names (of the officials). They won’t ever come back to this stadium again.”
    The next day, during his midweek press conference, after what he perceived as a slight from then coach SMU coach June Jones about his program, he ranted about SMU.
    “They’re getting no help from Gary Patterson,” Patterson said. “They shouldn’t ask me about going into a conference, they shouldn’t ask me about how they played, they shouldn’t ask me about their players, they shouldn’t ask me about anything because they’re not getting any help, period, anymore.
    “We’ve bent over backwards to make sure that they improved their program because I believe that’s what you do.”
    The next year, a few days before TCU played SMU in Dallas, Gary said, “If I was going to do a press conference over again last year what I would tell you is after watching the film SMU kicked our butts on both sides of the ball.
    “Am I still disappointed in some things? Yeah, but the bottom line is if I want to do that I can just call (Jones) on the phone. I don’t need to say it in front of a camera. If I’m going to be the person I’m going to be and I’m going to teach young people to be the right people then I’ve got to act right, too. Simple as that. But I’m still not taking back what I said about the officials.”
    It’s 2021, and while Mt. Gary may be 61 he’s still an active volcano.
    Because this isn’t about a flag.
    This is about losing to SMU.
    And losing to SMU at home is a good way to watch Mt. Gary erupt.


    Man, that is some good stuff.  I miss Randy Galloway and his take on all of this.  Hook 'em!

  12. 3 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    I’d have difficulty adequately quantifying the harm caused when a national media figure spent a lot of time claiming my child had not been murdered.  Saying that I was involved in political ratfuckery and not grieving a terrible loss. Folks responding with suspicion of any harm would make me ragey.

    No doubt.  But tell the jury about what percentage of people even know who he is, what percentage of those who actually saw the original show, and if they didn't see the original show, what is the liability of the people that rebroadcast the show or the statements, etc., etc.

    Not a compelling damages case from what I've seen.

  13. Just now, cactusflinthead said:

    Plan? He had a plan?

    Ask lawyer #1 what happened to it.

    Yep.  I don't understand anything about this matter.  Totally off the rails.

  14. 3 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Okay so don’t fucking default. The way you beat a bad case is to litigate it and move for summary judgment. You don’t just ignore it.

    I'm with you.  If I was the D, I'd never accept a default judgment, even if I was a pro-se.  I don't know what his strategy is.

  15. Just now, cactusflinthead said:

    Just winging it...

    Visits to therapy due to being doxxed and life up ended

    Change of phone, address

    Purchase of additional security due to Alex Jones' followers showing up at their house.

    That's a start of the tangible stuff.

    Not sure how much they want out of him, but he hasn't behaved properly. How fucked up of a client do you have to be to roll through 7 lawyers?

    IDK.  But my hunch is that Travis County District Court Judges will not have the last say on any of those issues.

  16. 3 minutes ago, 686 said:

    You had a good question and interesting scenario man, no need to delete. Same type questions come up for a lot of folks on a new place.

    It was a doxxing issue.  No worries.  Thank you.

  17. 1 minute ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Well, maybe don't run through 7 lawyers and blow off discovery.

    I'd be willing to bet the parents have receipts.

    Haven't been following closely, but would like to look at their damages that relate to whatever they say that Jones caused.

  18. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Why?  Alex Jones and Co. were harassing the shit out of the victims' parents, doxxing them, and spreading all kinds of bullshit lies about them online.

    I'm hoping that these lawsuits will finish taking whatever he has left after his divorce, up to and including his MRAP.

    It was okay with them whacky spreading conspiracy theories, until he and his crew decided to started targeting the families of dead kids.

    Show me some solid and reliable damages numbers related to these allegations.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    Wow, I'm sure that will make an interesting appeal. It will be interesting if he supersedes the judgment.

    I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, but do think these lawsuits are silly.  She is the ultimate "ham sandwich" judge.  See her Planned Parenthood rulings.  Court of Appeals will deal with this appropriately.

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