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Posts posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. Just now, DalTxHornFan said:

    I grew up eating Tex-Mex at La Fiesta on North Loop at Burnet Road.  I'm not sure of the family connections, but the Jardin Corona guys seem to be carrying the mantle in central Texas.  Stores in Liberty Hill and downtown Marble Falls, too.


    And (full disclosure, Matt's was a client), I love to go there, but my food expectations are lower there.  Great drinks, though!

  2. I grew up eating Tex-Mex at La Fiesta on North Loop at Burnet Road.  I'm not sure of the family connections, but the Jardin Corona guys seem to be carrying the mantle in central Texas.  Stores in Liberty Hill and downtown Marble Falls, too.


  3. 12 minutes ago, Deej said:

    They have zero interest in facts and truths. 

    Reading is hard (and if the words are in English with capitalization -- somewhat oppressive)!

  4. 14 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Nah, by resisting Perry and Sandefer, the University showed its independence from the governor, and even the lege.

    Besides, the administration didn't need any help from Abbott to make this call.

    I'm sure the fact that a lot of alumni that are donors, big and small, would have been pissed if the song had been trashed played a role.

    But the simple fact that the song is deeply meaningful to the vast majority of alumni, holding no racial animus whatsoever.

    Had there been a stronger connection to racism, or any actual racist content, it would be gone.



    I was always kind of offended by that statue of George Washington wanking it on the Main Mall, but nobody ever listened to me.  Thought that it depicted white men in a bad way.

    • Haha 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Hookem2147 said:

    hahahah this thread 

    Very impressive.  Pretty sure that the question "Do you support free beer on the Main Mall every Friday beginning at noon?" would also pass overwhelmingly.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

    Gary Bledsoe even looks like a pussy.  Can’t make this stuff up.

    Even better, his wife, Alberta Phillips, is on the Austin American-Statesman editorial board.  She regularly authors pieces about alleged racial injustice.  It's almost like racial grievances are their family business. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Posted yesterday on the DT thread -- this is just another publicity stunt:

    Never underestimate the ability of a low-life slip and fall lawyer, community agitator, and NAACP president, to find some "anonymous students" with grievances so as to get him back into the spotlight.  As I understand it, the LHB took a vote and is very supportive of "The Eyes."  I've also heard that there is not enough interest in the alternative band to even really organize it.

    Interesting how they leaked it to Texas Tribune just as football season was beginning.  This is a manufactured and orchestrated media event, and alleged controversy. 

    Hook 'em.  All the live long day!  

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  8. You are a student for four years (seven if your last name is Blutarski), and an alum for the rest of your life.  There are way more graduates and alums than current students.  The University has existed for way longer than the last four years. 

    Current students are certainly entitled to their opinions, but are not entitled to getting their way.  Current students are welcome to leave The University and go to any school they are qualified for.  They are temporary until they become graduates and alums.

    I made my choice -- I'm a UT grad and active alum, permanently (Until Gabriel blows his horn, I suppose).  It's always useful to listen to the temps, but the permanent folks are the only ones who really have any skin in the game.     

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  9. 2 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    Just heard from my daughter; she aced the first round of tests. Including OCHEM2 and BIOCHEM. She didn’t mention the Eyes, or go out and protest.

    But she wants the song gone. Has said it stands in the way of UT being the best it can be.

    I support her view of her school. I had my time. This is her’s. 

    Back when I was young and stupid, I was young and stupid.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  10. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    This next wave of Eyes of Texas pushback was bound to happen once football season resumed.  The commission's report was rather well received by student groups but that was when hardly anybody was in person, on campus.  Now that they're meeting again in person and the games/songs are taking place on a large scale, it'll take a few months to digest the findings/decisions.  I think most will come to terms with it, particularly that the spirit of the song is in no way intended to offend (the backstory may be a different tale).  

    But before people insult these young people for caring about this issue...and I disagree with much of their sentiment...remember that they've walked a campus with shrines to one loser after another for years.  Once we acknowledge the 19th c. American South was one of the dumbest fucking groups of people to ever walk the Earth...I think those student groups can move on.   People don't hold grudges so much as they just want us to admit our ancestors were fucking stupid. 

    Never underestimate the ability of a low-life slip and fall lawyer, community agitator, and NAACP president, to find some "anonymous students" with grievances so as to get him back into the spotlight.  As I understand it, the LHB took a vote and is very supportive of "The Eyes."  I've also heard that there is not enough interest in the alternative band to even really organize it.

    Interesting how they leaked it to Texas Tribune just as football season was beginning.  This is a manufactured and orchestrated media event, and alleged controversy. 

    Hook 'em.  All the live long day!  


    • Hook 'Em 7
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  11. We went there late this afternoon.  Pleasant setting and it was pretty damn good.  Just like most places these days, they are understaffed, but the bartenders and servers were busting ass and the manager was very visible helping to keep things rolling.  Great view of the lake and good food.  Started with a green chili white queso with meat, served with warm chips as an appetizer along with our first drinks.  I did a fried catfish and shrimp platter -- very good.  She did shrimp and grits -- probably the best that either of us had ever tasted, and we've had that dish a lot at some very good places.

    Way better than the Oasis food-wise (I know, that's a low barrier), but way less of a zoo and the same lake view setting.  We will go there again.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    What a horrible list. Must be pay for play...otherwise they have no business reviewing restaurants. Although, if I remember right, that's par for the course with D Magazine.

    I don't disagree, but, as they mentioned, it has been a tough time to evaluate restaurants lately.  The funny thing for me is that even though I do lots of business meals and entertaining in Dallas, the only restaurant on that list that I've actually been to is Pappas Bros. Steakhouse, which is a great place despite its location.  Maybe I need to expand my horizons!

  13. 16 minutes ago, bluto said:

    I think this qualifies as big night… tried the new Brazilian place called Meridian. Before you laugh at the fact it’s in the village (apt mega complex), you need to drive the area now to see how much coin they dropped. It’s actually pretty damn swanky.

    Restaurant itself was fantastic. Everything from oysters to pork pasta to cheese fritters, drinks were excellent, service was great. Highly recommend, and while expensive not crazy… 2 apps, 2 entrees, shit ton of booze, $180.

    Haven't been there, but D Magazine's new top 50 rates this place as #3 out of 50.  Probably worth a try.


  14. Smooth-haired Border Collie was our great dog.  She did about a 14-year span from when my kids were very early teens until college grads.  She always needed work to do or would go crazy.  She loved life at the deer lease.  She taught herself about rattlesnakes and would freeze on them until I could dispatch them with a shotgun.  Loved to swim all day with me in the river.  It was a misty day when we had to put her down.

    It's been five years.  I'll do it again one of these days.  I think.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  15. 51 minutes ago, 406W30th said:


    Anyway, I recently got a pellet smoker (I know, I hate me too but I ain't got time for an offset these days) and the motherfucker starts losing temperature like 4 hours into the cook. Probably spent about 45 minutes going from 255 to 115 and to get the thing going again and up to temperature was a pain in the ass.

    Gonna wrap in butcher paper and probably use the ol' Texas Crutch because at least that's reliable. Though it's not as much fun drinking beers in the kitchen as it is outside.


    I am a total acolyte of the Franklin Barbecue Manifesto book, including his approach to trimming and S&P (mostly P) rubs.  If you've already put four hours of smoke on your brisket, nobody is gonna know that you finished it inside in an oven.  Do the reheat in a slow oven.  Keep it loosely wrapped so as not to screw up your bark.

    Enjoy.  ( And do drink some beer, anyway.)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Are they going to reopen the Hoffbrau? 


    I don't know if that is a leased or owned operation, but there is no way that that place covers the fixed cost nut of property ownership from selling food there given what the dirt is worth.  Frankly, all of downtown Austin needs to be high-rise mixed use to just pay the property taxes.

  17. 2 hours ago, LonghornJones said:

    Thanks for the reply.

    We are staying in Mission Beach near the boardwalk. I think our daytime activities are pretty booked, assuming the weather isn't shitty at the end of November. Any super kid-friendly places to eat that are a "must" in the area? Thinkin like a Casa Bonita?

    There's only one Casa Bonita (to my knowledge) and my kids (now in their 30's) loved that place back in the 1990s.

    That said, there are plenty of dockside restaurants on the water near downtown that kids would enjoy.  Watching boats, seagulls, fish, etc.

    Old Town in San Diego is a fun area, as well.

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