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  1. Anyone else following the latest developments in her case. There was another dig in a field outside of town earlier this week. And of course the usual rumors that this might actually be a breakthrough, albeit with a bit more fervor this time. I pray it is, her family and friends deserve some closure. I can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions they must experience every time there is a new development. The stuff I heard does not come from LE or the family, just from old friends I keep in touch with. I graduated with her, had a few classes together over the years, but mainly knew her through mutual friends. Even still, after 16 years it breaks my heart to think about. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/williamson-county/few-details-of-georgetown-dig-but-sheriff-called-rachel-cooke-s-mom/1665518568
  2. Wow! Fuckin a. Out of California too... /slowclapgif
  3. Roy Orbison at Aquafest 1988. I was so young though, I spent the whole time running around with my friends. First real one, I was 15, my college age cousins took me to see Dave Matthews Band and Phish.
  4. My chocolate, Douglas, with a friend.
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