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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. BTW, WTF is Ream doing here? Mark a man, dude! Maybe the man with the ball? Made zero effort to close out that shot.
  2. Kidd could have been complaining a lot behind the scenes but still be surprised the move happened without him knowing.
  3. Pepi and Balogun are our best strikers when healthy, both were out. Dest also hasn't played in over a year. Having him would have been very useful in breaking down the bunker. Johnny would have also been a nice option to have as well. It's really tough to say we didn't dominate the game when you look at this: I'm not going to get on the negative train quite yet, but if we see this team get punched in the mouth against Canada on Sunday, the alarm bells will be going off for me.
  4. Took my kindergarten son to a pub to watch tonight. He told me he doesn’t even want someone to say a word that begins with the letter P tomorrow because he’s so mad at Panama. Sad but proud of him at the same time. This was a weird game. No way we should have lost this, but I do think this game shows how much we miss Dest and Jedi if we’re going to have Adams in the middle against a bunkering team. If teams are going to bunker, Adams’s value goes way down. I would have like to see Gio in the middle for 20 minutes. He’s way more likely to break something open.
  5. The video, which was discussing the book, seems to implicate Kidd a lot more than previously known. The further we get away from the trade, the more this stinks of Nico and Kidd being ego driven and Dumont just being a basketball dumbass who put his trust in the wrong people.
  6. I guess MacMahon's book got published. Dumb zone discussing it here. Warning: gonna continue to piss you off. The Wonder Boy: Luka Doncic and the Curse of Greatness The Wonder Boy: Luka Doncic and the Curse of Greatness
  7. Game day, boys. Taking the 6-year-old to the pub for the first time to watch. He has his CP jersey ready to go.
  8. Lengthy but good article on Keller and Richardson ISDs and their divergent paths. I do think this is somewhat promising that a grassroots effort is forming to change the voting system in Keller. Hopefully this leads to more districts around here doing the same.
  9. AD, with his injury, is apparently healthy enough to be on the golf course and smoking cigars. So glad Luka was traded for smoking hookah. Cigars are way better for you.
  10. Would anyone really be mad if the Adelsons moved the team? I would be way more behind a shitty expansion team at this point. I just can't root for a team owned by this bunch. Maybe if they came out and actually apologized for making the worst trade in league history and also fired Nico, I could start to get back on board.
  11. Finally have a game with the full team this week. Feels like it’s been ages.
  12. I posted this in the Mavs thread, but this still doesn't let Nico off the hook for me. He should have just resigned if this was forced upon him or, at the very least, got a much better deal.
  13. Aren't we supposed to have the Lively and AD update today?
  14. I don't think we'll ever fully understand until a book is written about this 10+ years from now when Nico is out of a job and needing money. If Dumont really was interfering, Nico should have just resigned and said he wasn't going to be a part of something so unbelievably stupid that it would kill his career. I'm not letting Nico off the hook, even if the owners were involved. If Kidd really wasn't involved in this decision, he should bail after the season is over. I would personally have zero issue if he quit after not being consulted about this. If he was consulted, he needs to be canned as well. I find it hard to believe Dumont sparked this idea. He certainly signed off on it, but no way he thought trading Luka would be good for business. This is the part of this that puzzles me the most. I just can't figure out why anyone would sign off on it. You don't have to be a basketball person to know this was a bad move. Regardless, someone needs to nut up and face the music on this eventually and heads need to roll. The fact that they are about to lose a shit ton of revenue is going to be just cause for someone to lose their job. My guess is Nico is out of here by the summer.
  15. Hearing they also raised season ticket prices again by 13%. This is after they raised the prices 30% last offseason. Incredible effort to tank the value of a franchise in a matter of weeks.
  16. The ironic part is if we hadn't traded Luka, we would probably be able to weather this storm while Kyrie is out. Gonna be funny when this all comes crumbling down after Kyrie declines his player option this summer and we're left with an aging, always hurt AD as the only piece to build around.
  17. Man...Milan is collapsing. Might have to fire another coach.
  18. This thread looks like it's going well. Ugly win last night but I guess they all count the same. Both teams shot about 40% from the field. I was at a happy hour deal last night and they put the game on. That is seriously the first I've watched the Mavs since the trade. Just hard to get invested in watching this team.
  19. Luckily I have a soccer game tonight so I will be distracted from this torture. Still can't believe this trade was ever an idea much less reality.
  20. Hopefully, with Milan crashing out of the Champions Leauge, the silver lining will be that CP will have more time to rest between matches.
  21. The guys keep winning with zero bigs. Doesn’t seem like it can continue on long term, but maybe they can squeeze out enough wins by the time Davis comes back.
  22. Not a great start to the House Bill Shell out $10k for private school students but offer a measly $200 of additional funding per student for public schools. I'm sure this is all part of the negotiating game, but these are not people interested in having a good public school system. I know my district is currently running at about a $13 million deficit this year. Luckily we are well run and have had a previously established fund to take care of future payroll obligations. That will last us until 2026-2027, but this "raise" would only address about 1/3 of the current deficit.
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