I don't think we'll ever fully understand until a book is written about this 10+ years from now when Nico is out of a job and needing money. If Dumont really was interfering, Nico should have just resigned and said he wasn't going to be a part of something so unbelievably stupid that it would kill his career. I'm not letting Nico off the hook, even if the owners were involved.
If Kidd really wasn't involved in this decision, he should bail after the season is over. I would personally have zero issue if he quit after not being consulted about this. If he was consulted, he needs to be canned as well.
I find it hard to believe Dumont sparked this idea. He certainly signed off on it, but no way he thought trading Luka would be good for business. This is the part of this that puzzles me the most. I just can't figure out why anyone would sign off on it. You don't have to be a basketball person to know this was a bad move.
Regardless, someone needs to nut up and face the music on this eventually and heads need to roll. The fact that they are about to lose a shit ton of revenue is going to be just cause for someone to lose their job. My guess is Nico is out of here by the summer.