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Everything posted by KaiserSoze

  1. Seriously, who fucked up the spelling for the sub-board? Go fuck yourself.
  2. Holy shit those were fun times... I don't even know where to start. You were the Golden Retriever of that era.
  3. Yep, those people and the ones who use "whilst" sound like fucking morons.
  4. I was at that concert as well, with my gf at the time who I later married. We hit Abel's between the game and the concert... damn nice weather that day for September.
  5. It has been 5+ years since I read the book so I won't remember any of the finer points and I'm guessing I'll enjoy the movie for what it is. Looking forward to it.
  6. Apparently he's not a pussy, that's a good thing.
  7. Someone (not me) started one on the Lulz board a couple of days ago.
  8. The calvacade of stars I've met and/or interviewed for work over the last 8 years is pretty ridiculous... it'd be unfair to unload the stories here. Matt Bullard is a fucking ICON FWIW I'm high as balls right now and it feels beautiful
  9. This thread seems gay, but whatever. I posted the full story on the old board but the short of it is that I introduced myself and shook hands with Prince William and then got him to take a pic with my wife and MIL... who prior had mocked me for the idea. I'm divorced now and fuck them, but I made it happen.
  10. KaiserSoze


    Just had a 20mg gummy, life is about to get comfortable. High
  11. Underwhelming and at best solidly average.
  12. KaiserSoze


    I have some nice gummies right now that a friend brought back from a trip. They're 30mg each. I haven't tried a full dose yet as I generally like 10mg but I might at some point.
  13. KaiserSoze


    What Yarbr said
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