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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lidig8r

  1. she did with me ... multiple times in fact.
  2. Coach Potato... the Sequel... or perhaps the Axis of Incompetence. Charlie Not So Strong. Shaka Not So Smart. Rodney ... Whatever!
  3. Look into transcranial magnetic stimulation. It has been used successfully so much for major depression that most insurance providers have approved it. For what it's worth, the FDA also approved it for use with depression. and yes... definitely with a ketamine regiment as well. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/transcranial-magnetic-stimulation/about/pac-20384625
  4. I am a Ferrari guy but I really like the Williams livery this season. https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/13311793/f1-2025-liveries-all-10-teams-reveal-new-designs-at-london-launch-as-lewis-hamilton-makes-first-ferrari-appearance
  5. Does Abe Lemons have a son around anywhere coaching? Is he like his dad?
  6. I can't help but wonder what are the Texas basketball aspirations. If at best, we hope to compete for an occasional conference championship and more often than not, fail at that .. then keep him. However, if our aspirations are consistently a deep run in the tournament with a realistic chance of playing for a championship ... Coach Terry is not our man. Not even in the same zip code as who we need. Now, he is not Coach Potato bad. But to believe that Coach Terry will lead our proud university to relevancy in the tournament is idiocracy.
  7. Fuckin A. With you as their daddy, how can your daughters not turn out to be incredible! Your openness and vulnerability inspired me.
  8. Literally two minutes after I posted info about TMS and ketamine, on my Facebook feed, this quote popped up: "Ernest Hemingway once wrote: The hardest lesson I have had to learn as an adult is the relentless need to keep going, no matter how broken I feel inside. This truth is raw, unfiltered, and painfully universal. Life doesn’t stop when we are exhausted, when our hearts are shattered, or when our spirits feel threadbare. It keeps moving—unyielding, indifferent—demanding that we keep pace. There is no pause button for grief, no intermission for healing, no moment where the world gently steps aside and allows us to mend. Life expects us to carry our burdens in silence, to push forward despite the weight of all we carry inside. The cruelest part? No one really prepares us for this. As children, we are fed stories of resilience wrapped in neat, hopeful endings—tales where pain has purpose and every storm clears to reveal a bright horizon. But adulthood strips away those comforting illusions. It teaches us that survival is rarely poetic. More often than not, it’s about showing up when you’d rather disappear, smiling through pain no one sees, and carrying on despite feeling like you're unraveling from the inside out. And yet, somehow, we persevere. That’s the quiet miracle of being human. Even when life is relentless, even when hope feels distant, we keep moving. We stumble, we break, we fall to our knees—but we get up. And in doing so, we uncover a strength we never knew we had. We learn to comfort ourselves in the ways we wish others would. We become the voice of reassurance we once searched for. Slowly, we realize that resilience isn’t always about grand acts of bravery; sometimes, it’s just a whisper—“Keep going.” Yes, it’s exhausting. Yes, it’s unfair. And yes, there are days when the weight of it all feels unbearable. But every small step forward is proof that we haven’t given up. That we are still fighting, still holding on, still refusing to let the darkness consume us. That quiet defiance—choosing to exist, to try, to hope—is the bravest thing we can do."
  9. You express your soulful pain so eloquently... and directly. Grief is truly individualistic, impacting us mentally, emotionally and yes, biologically. If you have not looked into a physician directed ketamine regiment along with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy, I strongly urge you to research these treatments. Unlike pharmaceutical intervention, these two types of treatment are designed to address the biological issues often in the brain of persons with severe depression. You have a purpose. You are here for a reason. And perhaps, it is not a matter of YOU finding it. Perhaps ... IT needs to find you.
  10. This season... What a ride. I am a bit sad that we will have to wait 8 long months before we can post again in the ... "Ok, it's Friday assholes" thread. I am a bit sad that this Texas team was right on the brink of measured greatness, of being in the pantheon of historic Texas teams, fell short. I am a bit sad that, unlike Imma, who walked with his son and is exposing him to friendships, and a culture of shared life experiences, there are many fathers who do not have the wisdom to do that... who can't raise their sons as men, knowing both victory and defeat. Yes, I am sad that we lost a game that we should have won and that perhaps, we have now "learned how to win" because this team must absorb a loss that should not have been. And finally, I am sad that there are a number of grown ass men, who cannot yet see or understand that if a loss in a college football playoff game is the worst thing that ever happens to them ... they lead a pretty charmed life. All of you magnificent asshole bastards give your sons and daughters a big hug today, tell them you love them and that their ... and the Longhorn's future awaits and is incredibly bright!
  11. From snow on the ground North Dallas (remembering a beach house in Galveston last week) anticipating turning Will Howard into the fifth Stooge ...
  12. This right here is the poster child for "how to intelligently express your viewpoint without going down the sewer of personal attacks through the use of profanity and monosyllabic grunts." In other words.... VERY unsurly-like! I tip my hat sir.
  13. Taken about 30 minutes ago at the dog park near The George Bush and the Tollway... (Beauregarde on the right) Now, it's a consistent snow with sleet blend and is pretty much sticking to the roads.
  14. Now, that right there is some greatness in response. But in its greatness, haven't you established even moreso my unfortunate statement ... "if Mack Brown is as feckless and worthless and as "average as everyday's wash" [at best] (thanks to Coach Royal for that quote), are we the Blue Blood in college football that we claim to be?" If by objective statistics and measurements, Mack Brown is our second most successful coach... and taking your argument to the next, logical step... how can we claim to be a true "Blue Blood?" Now, fuck a big ole hairy duck, I very much consider us to be a Blue Blood... but without Mack's contributions, our claim to be in the same stratosphere as the Thurston Howell III of college football becomes a bit more tenuous. Especially when you consider we brought in that brain dead mohron Charlie Not-So and Grill Boy Turtle Tom who was shit canned at FAU.
  15. In looking at your very articulate and impressive rants on Mackie-Boy on this thread page (do your rantings draw raves?), I am drawn to a disturbing issue ... if Mack Brown is as feckless and worthless and as "average as everyday's wash" [at best] (thanks to Coach Royal for that quote), are we the Blue Blood in college football that we claim to be? In our "storied" history, Mack Brown has the second highest number of wins, the second highest national championships won, the most bowl victories, second highest winning percentage (for coaching more than 5 seasons after WW Dos), is tied with Fred Akers for the 3rd most conference championships won. Did Mack have (and still has) incredibly big flaws? 'Murica, Fuck Yeah. It seems as if Mack's legacy is the very definition of when a team wins the coach gets too much credit ... when it loses, the coach gets too much blame. And yes, Mack stepped on his dick royally in the last few years of his coaching regime on the 40 Acres. But, for the piss and vitriol he gets from some seems to be way over the top. Does he deserve a statue at UT? Hellz no. Did he make mistakes and poor decisions along the way? Again, 'Murica, Fuck Yeah. And so, in conclusion, if you want to direct your anger at a more appropriate source, look to that moronic, birkenstock wearing, can't remember the name of his quarterback in a deposition, deep dickin' the wife of a wealthy alum, single digit IQ, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low life, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey shit Coach Potato was, is and always shall be.
  16. Surly needs a section of this esteemed website dedicated to the airing of grievances, Festivus style. A place where people can go and express their political based views, no matter how pedantic and closed minded they are. A place where a person can go and not just parade their ignorance but to be the Grand Marshall of that parade. A place where persons who have lost their own identities and instead look at every issue in life through the lens of whichever political party has managed to convince them to throw away their money at room temperature IQ politicians. A place where people who view life exclusively through a spectrum of either blue or red can type out inspirational and erudite arguments like, "you suck," or "nuh uh." A place cloaked in secrecy and separate enough from the remainder of this website that it is best utilized to entertain mutants and farm animals.
  17. So, I usually represent the university when I travel as well. Tokyo and Kyoto in September, Italy last month. In Japan, I got 3 random, "Go horns" or "Texas!" The Go Horns sounded a bit like... Go Holns. [no racist] In Italy, there were about 10 shout outs. Including a couple in the Castel San Angelo. I found that if you do not throw out the "Ugly American" vibe and try to blend into the culture, there are some incredible people willing to help, give information and throw back some drinks with you.
  18. So, there was a general recall of Kraft's Mayo?
  19. So .... a question .... from an older Longhorn (Class of 81) but yet who is still morally bankrupt and emotional immature... On those big ass televisions set up, as the well-to-do Longhorns leave the tailgate and walk to their luxury suites, is the set up going to remain so those of us who are the great unwashed can stay and watch the game? Or... will we be given the bum's rush, and made fun of like Thurston Howell III making fun of a "Yale man?"
  20. For those Christmas blues ... sometimes inspiration comes from unexpected places. http://adadsjourneywitheatingdisorders.home.blog/2024/12/24/merry-christmas-daddy/
  21. Wait. We played BlowU in the Big 12 champeenship? If you want to stir the pot on one of the most contentious, surlyiest websites on the intertrons, please, at least dear 6 pound 3 ounce baby Buddha, get your facts correct.
  22. “Exactly what was said is, ‘If you want to stay at Texas, you might as well quit football and just go to school here.’ So lot of motivation there for me. I mean, it was probably the worst thing that was ever said to me, and it was just said so carelessly, like they didn’t care that it was changing my entire life —in two years there, I made friends, I had a girlfriend there, everything, and then they tell me that and expect me to get up and leave the next day. So, it was probably the worst thing ever ..." What a vacuous, entitled, snowflake candyass. Wah Wah Wah... IF the worse thing ever said to you was that you can remain at an elite academic university, make incredible connections and have an alumni network of hundreds of thousands of UT graduates, that the rest of your life can be built upon a foundation of intelligence and collaborative support ... if THIS is the worst thing that was ever said to you, then go crawl back up your mother's vagina from where you were hatched, keep sucking your thumb and retreat further into the dark abyss of irrelevancy from which you shall never emerge. And many years from now ... no one will remember you. No one will ever remember any great deeds you did ... because you did not do any ... and you will remain a shadow, never remembered to even be forgotten.
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