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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lidig8r

  1. From a balmy 37 degree morning in far, far, away... err... North Dallas, already filled with Thanksgiving leftovers and a trouble making, wood-headed dog ...
  2. From brisk far North Dallas, hoping to see our Longhorns run like this wood-headed, burnt orange coated doggo...
  3. Here's to the Bones...
  4. Yup. Straight up good dude who is in the Longhorn Hall of Honor.
  5. We had an interesting, sort of related situation on the 40 Acres. In Dec. 1991, David McWilliams resigned as head coach and asked to be reassigned in the athletic department. He became an associate athletic director working with student athletes. Just the year before, he had signed a new 4 year contact extension. His base salary ? $116,000 per year. The joke at the time was that McWilliams was in charge of hot dogs and hamburgers for the Texas Exes. He did have burnt orange blood. But, he never coached again.
  6. We don't quite have all the facts yet Gentlemen. First, OP and his wife have been married 38 blissful years. Which puts their age at what ... early to mid 60s. A wedding shower? So, inquiring minds what to know... whose shower is it and what relation do they have to the OP's wife? Is it a child of a trusted friend? Is it a friend of the OP's wife going for Wife No. 2? or 3? or 4? Is it a nephew? Niece? If the shower is just for a rando with whom the OP and his beloved wife have very few interactions... FUCK 'EM AND FEED 'EM FISHHEADS! GO HORNS.
  7. By everyone, do you mean young men under the age of 28 who believe every pass, either completed or not completed has to be called a "dime," and who are so desperate to find their own relevance in a world which cares increasingly less, that they naively (or stupidly) believe that if they invent new words like "tuddie" or "natty" they will be regarded as erudite and not beholden to terminology or ways of thinking utilized by their elders? (excuse the run on question). Not everything associated with "the times" is necessarily better? For example, See ex-Mrs. Lid the Sequel, fast food (which is only food in the technical sense of the word) and Jorge's margaritas (the ones in the late 70s/early 80s would destroy many today. Ok... I have clouds to yell at and kids to get off my lawn. Continue.
  8. Coincidence? I think not!
  9. Yes, we were getting sketchy football but seriously... Are you trying to say that using practically every statistical analysis, the WORST coach in Texas football history is the same as again, statistically, the second best coach in Texas football history? Even burnt out Mack is light years ahead of that brain dead potted plant who did nothing but dig our grave deeper.
  10. From drizzly, cloudy gray-skied (or skyed) North Dallas, Beauregarde (out looking for Gatas) and I both say:
  11. What? Seriously? If Mack stays for 2014, that means the worst coach in Texas football history would not have come to the 40 acres! Some other university would have rolled the dice on that Bone Headed Ignoramus, Coach Potato's demise would have happened elsewhere, and we would not have been subjected to years of the worst Texas football on a week by week basis. The Coach Potato PTSD still flows strongly within me.
  12. They can call it ... The Akufo Super League!
  13. So, 1995, the maid of honor to my first wife was living in Chicago. I flew up for the game and stayed at her place. (No, no pics and nothing happened since I had not yet morphed into a full blown scumbag yet). She had a relative who worked in the Notre Dame alum office and was involved with tickets. I was dressed in a burnt orange shirt of course. We ended up in the Notre Dame alumni section at the 50 yard line. As the game was about to start, I heard a very familiar voice right behind me ... "TEXAS FANS BABEEE... IT'S GONNA BE A LONG DAY BABEEE!" Yup.. Dick Vitale, one row behind me. And he was throwing out some great lines. As I started to respond in a halfway intelligent manner, we talked a bit about Notre Dame and UT of course. His daughter was on the volleyball team at ND at the time. As ND started pulling away in the second half, I remember Dickie V saying, "Look out for Rickie. He has the look of a Heisman winner. I just looked at him and said something inane like, "Time will tell." Well, game over, he shook my hand saying thanks for being a good sport. My friend and I walked through the parking lot, accepting beers from ND alums, teaching some ND coeds how to 2 steps. A fabulous atmosphere in the fall. By all means, go if you can.
  14. and would you ever call her again?
  15. Gents... embrace every day that you wake up on the right side of the dirt. For many reasons, I am out of the eating disorders/mental health communities. Too much vice. Too much corruption. When a patient in an eating disorder treatment center is raped, and that treatment center is trying to cover it up and no other corporate owned treatment center (which absolutely knows about the incident) ... does nothing... NOTHING.. well... that is too much. http://adadsjourneywitheatingdisorders.home.blog/2024/10/30/life-and-death/
  16. From watching Beauregarde curled up like Vandy's Guinea Dago quarterback after he gets planted by Simmons...
  17. Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me ... but ...
  18. Speaking of Vince and Colt ... Vince was just a stupid, sick, super human athlete. At the end of the game, with a chance to win, we knew that due to his athleticism and will to win, we were going to come out on top. Now, was Vince a great "student" of the game, studying opponent's game films for hours at a time? ... eh... Maybe not. But, having the intangibles, confidence, athleticism, the ability to make the team believe ... and we saw the results. With Colt, he didn't have Vince's athleticism... But, his accuracy was crazy... not a great, over the top, strong arm. But Colt had the ability to dissect a defense With the game on the line, our belief in Colt's innate ability to pull out a win (except.. fuck you Tech) because he was a student of the game, was rewarded on most occasions. With Ewers ... he is not a freak athlete like Vince. Does he study like Colt did? Does he have the intellect aspect for the game? He certainly has greater assets and gifts than most college QBs. But, he also has a history of questionable decisions. Skipping his last year of high school and playing experience to make a money grab at Ohio State? Coming to Texas and not understanding that he will be the "face of the program" and throws down the mullet and grungy beard look? Great at ou and for other positions perhaps. The injuries. Yes, he played great against Alabama last year and Michigan this year... and shown other sporadic aspects of greatness. But ... with the game on the line? Do you believe? Now, I hope i am dead wrong on this and he lights things up the rest of the year, is drafted mid 1st round and has a good career in the NFL. But ...
  19. From sleepy North Dallas, with the Woof-Head Bored and wants the damned game to get here already!
  20. So, there is a great super secret way to get to Fair Park that was perfect yesterday. (that gravel parking lot is getting worse in terms of number and depth of potholes). Getting in was a bit of a beating. Walk to the Midway Entrance and lines are not bad at all. Yes, construction at the venerable old Bowl was a bit of a beating making entrances a bit tight but .. fuck it .. it's Texas - Clownshow game. Got to our seats in section 14, row 44 ... and 20 minutes before kickoff ... we were in glorious shade... for the rest of the game. My 40th Texas - ou game was glorious. Hook 'em
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