Maybe because in part, if you have a pulse and have 3 opportunities to spell CAT after being spotted the C and the A, you are admitted at those "fine institutions of greater learning." UT is one of the most liberal, public universities in the US. We currently have statues of MLK, Jr., Barbara Jordan, Cesar Chavez. We previously removed statues of Robert E. Lee, Albert Sidney Johnston, John Reagan, James Stephen Hogg and moved them Briscoe Center for American History.
Good Lord, we aren't aggy which has a bunch of old, former yell leaders doing their chants during BLM protests.
Like all institutions of higher learning, we must remain open to intelligent viewpoints.
If players attending the University of Texas wish to not participate in athletics until certain demands are met, that is their right. That is an adult decision. However, with adult decisions come adult consequences. A decision like that at 21 years old has the potential to impact them for decades and could jeopardize a far greater platform in the future. Now, I do not believe we should yank their scholarships. If they wish not to play, they can attend class and use the time they would otherwise spend in practice or at games to hone their views on life and the world. If they choose not to continue their athletic careers, we can still enhance their lives through academic opportunities.