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Posts posted by Lidig8r

  1. 3 hours ago, DFW Horn said:

    You got the wrong guy, dumbass. I never advocated grey or black in our uniforms.

    No need to apologize.

    I won't apologize then.

    Your striped pants idea with the NASCAR jerseys we are currently sporting was egregious enough.

  2. 14 minutes ago, DFW Horn said:

    "idiot snowflake ideas"

    GFY, meathead. There's nothing wrong with those stripes. DKR approved

    Sports | Legends | Nostalgia | History

    Apples and turnips Snowflake.

    Look at the jersey. Does that jersey look like it belongs in Nascar? NO. It is clean. It is not candied up.

    Now, take a look at our current jerseys. They are as cluttered as your mother's vagina on Mother's Day.

    Look at the back of the helmet from Earl's era. It is clean. It doesn't look like Ohio fucking State's helmet with warnings and insignias too numerous to count. Today, there is so much crap on the helmets, one can barely determine they are off-white.  

    Adding more sissified, window dressing to our uniforms simply makes them more common, LESS distinctive and more like those worn by the great unwashed of college football.

    You shattered your credibility with your idiot, snowflake idea of incorporating grey, which is not even a school color, into some of the most iconic uniforms in the history of college football. You should have stopped with that one craptacular idea.

    So, once again, wait until the off-season to parade your ignorance. 

  3. 9 hours ago, DFW Horn said:

    No to gray football uniforms, but what about pant stripes? They looked good on Earl.

    earl campbell | Longhorn Football | PinterestThrowback Thursday: Earl Campbell won Heisman 39 years ago ...

    Earl would have looked good in anything. Now... STOP IT!

    It's not the off-season yet where idiot snowflake ideas like yours are paraded around for all to ridicule.

    Give it another month.

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, nunna yo bizness said:

    It may approach it, but for me Mack will always be in the lead.  I blame Mack for causing the downfall that put us on the long road to having this asshole as our coach.  Every year that we suck, no matter who the coach, I hold Mack equally responsible.

    Good Lord. Good idea. Let's completely ignore the worst coach in the history of Texas football who did more harm in 3 years than perhaps is evenly humanly possible.

    • Like 1
  5. Gents, if anyone is interested, tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec. 3) we have a counselor in the DFW area who is going to be talking about anxiety, stress and fear during the Holiday Season.

    8:30 a.m. through 9:00 a.m. on DFW local radio station 1160 AM, or bigdtalk.com, or you can watch it live on Facebook Live at JP, Kathy & "the Crew."

    In two weeks, on December 17, we have another therapist on talking about Depression during the Holidays. 

    Each show will be offering tips and advice (and you can call in, or type your questions in on Facebook) as well as resources.

    I was able to start this radio show, The Mental Health Moment, because of some incredible people who just want to help. In some ways, this little two bit radio show for me is very cathartic... it addresses my own issues in a way that I feel I am helping others in my daughter's name. In that way... it doesn't hurt as much.


    • Like 4
  6. On 11/25/2019 at 8:02 PM, Goofyboy said:

    I think I’m extremely stressed out. My kid is going through hell at school and now the administration and his general education teacher have turned against him.

    My son is in special education for emotional disturbance. He has an IQ of 130 and social scores that put him in the 2%. He is super rigid (96% score), so any changes send him in to a heightened level of anxiety. He’s been assaulted by his special education teacher (fucker left bruises on my sons inner biceps), insulted by this guy, called names by this guy and has had maybe 10 hours of education this whole year in his special education class room.

    That teacher is gone. My sons teacher from last year has been moved to this campus. My son was upset on Thursday. A teacher tried to be funny and called him a book character name which my son took as an insult. He called her a bitch. She took offense and said he was so sad, which was the second insult to him in under a minute. He flipped her off and called her a bitch again. All they see is his reaction and have no clue that they instigated and escalated a kid that is learning social cues.

    So, my kid is the bad kid. They think he’s violent because he hit... he hits when someone puts their hands on him. What they miss is that he’s reacting in self defense because he was assaulted by his teacher multiple times this year.

    FUCK!!!! We were fine last year. We were doing well and the district moved my son to this new unit. The principal told another parent she doesn’t want any of these kids on her campus (there are 6). We have these people by the balls. They failed to implement my sons behavior plan all year. They let him melt down and scream for an hour and a half when it was in his plan to call me if he’s having issues for longer than 7 minutes.

    Please tell your kids that there are kids that need help. As parents, please don’t assume that parents aren’t doing everything they can to help their kid to not disrupt your kids day.

    This sucks. I needed to vent. Thanks for listening.

    TLDR: son is super smart, in special ed for having emotional issues and is being hated on and I’m stressed the fuck out

    Does that school ever bring in mental health care experts to talk about these issues with the teachers and staff? More schools are beginning to embrace that ... to educate the next line of caring and defense, our teachers.

    I am talking at two schools in Collin County after the first of the year about mental health and specifically eating disorders. There are A LOT of experts out there who would step to the plate and help put together a program.

    Just thinking out loud here.

    • Like 1
  7. Will you muthafuckas get back on point and embrace the wonder and magic that Corch Potato is the worse coach in the history of God and we can all bathe in the glorious schadenfreude while his incompetence and his being grossly inept on a felonious level are being paraded on a weekly basis before a national audience.

    (and no, I am not yet recovered from the PTSD suffered because our storied program was entrusted to the ilk of that moron)

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    An F1 race would probably be a lot better if, you know, they actually raced.

    Basically it is a parade of really cool cars.

    I would like to debate you on this one ... but... uh... well...

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    That is probably the only thing cool about F1.

    You probably also think Corch Potato was the best coach in the history of Texas football and you wish we wore alternative black uniforms with capes.

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    What I love best is that Luigi and Co. delete threads that are a little too critical of aggy football.   Either they feel the need to protect aggy football, or somebody in the aggy athletic department is asking them to censor those threads.   

    Either way it’s pathetic that they can’t handle the truth.   

    And there are aggy fans tossing money Luigi’s way that are okay with being told that they can’t criticize aggy football too harshly.  

    Meanwhile, we use our forums to organize airplane banners in an attempt to get coaches fired.   

    Censorship is to literature, what lynching is to justice.

  11. Buff, I can't help but believe that your soul will find its way to lead you to the path you are destined to be on.

    Extreme, overwhelming anger ... rage tends to be short lived in its intensity. I believe it is incredibly productive that you can have this forum as an outlet. That you can let out those feelings of rage knowing that you will not be judged ... that this is a safe place to vent, to share, to have as a safe resource.

    And yet, I also believe that that rage, that overwhelming anger, especially when justified and based on horrific acts perpetrated against you, nonetheless will weaken over time. It doesn't ever have to go completely away. But, we must surely learn to live with it and not let it become our master. And I believe it inevitable that it will weaken and fade.

    That is because of the incredible love you have for your daughter. A kind love. A pure love. A love based upon strength, resolve and honest feelings. The love you felt as you hugged her again and again. Perhaps, a love that defines you. A love that defines your soul ... or that your soul allows you to feel.

    I believe that your daughter grows she will see you, and understand that  YOU are THE person of integrity, of honesty, of strength, of love.

    The day may very well come as well, maybe far in the future, when your daughter comes to you and says, "Daddy, I know mom had so many troubles and issues. She said some unkind things about you. But, you have never said anything bad about mom to me. You never put her down or try to make me not like her. Why"

    And you can look her in the eyes and say, "My beloved daughter, because our hearts are the same."


    • Like 5
  12. 1 hour ago, Thujone said:

    Not succeeding doesn't necessarily mean one deserves animosity. You clearly have a lot of anger at a guy who hasn't been a part of program for two years. I suppose that's between you and your therapist. What makes him a good man? How about the fact that he cleaned out 5-10 players who were bad guys, locker room cancers? Remember that? Or is that too inconvenient for you and your myopic view of the narrative you seek to perpetuate? Don't know what perpetuate means? Don't know what myopic means? Ask your mom, since you still live with her.

    Re: the USF contract: sorry, I don't buy it. Contract negotiations are just that, and their buttressed on every side by lawyers. Are you saying our lawyers got got? Well then, guess we ought to get better lawyers. What a crock of shit this narrative is. But it's convenient, isn't it, dipshit?

    Sub 90 IQ? Really? You stooped to that eh? Guess you're the authority on intelligence. Do us a favor and post your career earnings. We'll compare them to Charlies and see who's done better for themselves and their family. Or are you going to argue that this person with a "sub 90 IQ" somehow tricked us? Yes, that's it. He tricked us. He accidentally, stupidly, tricked us into paying him all of that money. What an idiot! Stooping to the IQ argument is the most obvious way to expose yourself as an idiot, and I'll say it: a racist. Fuck you.

    You've clearly got an axe to grind. Maybe Texas didn't cover on some of your parlays while you were out wagering the kids' college money. I don't know. That's between you, your wife, and the judge. But sometimes coaches don't work out. That's college football. Maybe you should find a new sport. Or a new team to follow. I hear OU is hiring. They suck. Just like you.


    Wellllll.... that escalated quickly!

    Let's see, I am going to go after and try to unload on an experienced attorney who draws internet famous cartoon penii on the side. What could possibly go wrong?!

  13. 2 hours ago, lonestar3 said:

    ehhh, unlikely...

    James Lowell Street, from the "Great Beyond," wishes to have a word with you as he takes a break from his card game being played with Jesus, Thomas Alva Edison and Margaret Thatcher.

  14. On 9/15/2019 at 8:20 AM, Xcalibur said:

    He’s easily going to be a top 3 Texas qb, mentioned alongside Colt and Vince by the time he’s done here.  We need to win the conference this year.

    James Lowell Street would like to have a word with you,

    • Like 2
  15. 3 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    Fuckin A this ^

    Texas is the only classic blue blood program in the country with that stupid ass shit on the front of their uniform and it looks amateur as fuck.


    1. Take off the TEXAS. People know who we are.

    2. Take off the little Longhorn logo.

    3. Take off the 150 patch.

    4. Put a 150 decal above the Longhorn logo on the helmet as an homage to the 100 logo 50 years ago.

    5. Profit?

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