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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lidig8r

  1. Dude! Really? He is selling tires.
  2. Gents... embrace every day that you wake up on the right side of the dirt. For many reasons, I am out of the eating disorders/mental health communities. Too much vice. Too much corruption. When a patient in an eating disorder treatment center is raped, and that treatment center is trying to cover it up and no other corporate owned treatment center (which absolutely knows about the incident) ... does nothing... NOTHING.. well... that is too much. http://adadsjourneywitheatingdisorders.home.blog/2024/10/30/life-and-death/
  3. From watching Beauregarde curled up like Vandy's Guinea Dago quarterback after he gets planted by Simmons...
  4. Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me ... but ...
  5. Speaking of Vince and Colt ... Vince was just a stupid, sick, super human athlete. At the end of the game, with a chance to win, we knew that due to his athleticism and will to win, we were going to come out on top. Now, was Vince a great "student" of the game, studying opponent's game films for hours at a time? ... eh... Maybe not. But, having the intangibles, confidence, athleticism, the ability to make the team believe ... and we saw the results. With Colt, he didn't have Vince's athleticism... But, his accuracy was crazy... not a great, over the top, strong arm. But Colt had the ability to dissect a defense With the game on the line, our belief in Colt's innate ability to pull out a win (except.. fuck you Tech) because he was a student of the game, was rewarded on most occasions. With Ewers ... he is not a freak athlete like Vince. Does he study like Colt did? Does he have the intellect aspect for the game? He certainly has greater assets and gifts than most college QBs. But, he also has a history of questionable decisions. Skipping his last year of high school and playing experience to make a money grab at Ohio State? Coming to Texas and not understanding that he will be the "face of the program" and throws down the mullet and grungy beard look? Great at ou and for other positions perhaps. The injuries. Yes, he played great against Alabama last year and Michigan this year... and shown other sporadic aspects of greatness. But ... with the game on the line? Do you believe? Now, I hope i am dead wrong on this and he lights things up the rest of the year, is drafted mid 1st round and has a good career in the NFL. But ...
  6. From sleepy North Dallas, with the Woof-Head Bored and wants the damned game to get here already!
  7. So, there is a great super secret way to get to Fair Park that was perfect yesterday. (that gravel parking lot is getting worse in terms of number and depth of potholes). Getting in was a bit of a beating. Walk to the Midway Entrance and lines are not bad at all. Yes, construction at the venerable old Bowl was a bit of a beating making entrances a bit tight but .. fuck it .. it's Texas - Clownshow game. Got to our seats in section 14, row 44 ... and 20 minutes before kickoff ... we were in glorious shade... for the rest of the game. My 40th Texas - ou game was glorious. Hook 'em
  9. ONLY because it is page 100... old man rant time... So, all of these schools who issue press releases about, "hey! Look at us! Look at us! Look at our new play clothes! Aren't we so cool? We are like runway models! Look how hipster we are! New colors! ... blah blah blah..." Dancin' around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots! (NO, CR... Blazing Saddles). These are work clothes dammit! Honor your school's history! Honor the Legends who went before you! Instead of bastardizing their memory through a bunch of froo-froo costumes! Work clothes dammit! OH... Obligatory OU sucks. Continue.
  10. For me, death was a frequent visitor of close family members in a very short period of time. Dad ... Oct. 24, 2019, Mom ... Sept. 19, 2020, Older Brother ... Nov. 13, 2020... Throw in my daughter on Oct. 30, 2017 and well ... this time of the year pretty well sucks. And yet ... A few weeks ago, I forgot the date of my mom's death. and like you Sandman, I wondered if that made me a shitty son? But... the reality then hit. I try to honor my mom, my dad, my older brother and especially my daughter, by living a life that they would be proud of. I remember the lessons I learned from all of them. Over the course of their lifetime. And I strive to grow every day. Since I embraced that outlook and it became my reality, the day of their transition to their next existence does not hurt as much and in fact, I can use grief or sadness on that day to try to help others that much more. And if their day of transition does not come across my consciousness on that exact date ... that cannot take away the piece of my heart and soul reserved for the love we had when we were all here. Maybe ... we all need to give ourselves some latitude. The many days of joy, happiness and love greatly exceed the day they left this existence.
  11. Well fuck me. You are correct. I would have thought that 1970 and 2009 would have been on that list ... but... NOOOOOOO
  12. Is this really only the second time that we are ranked number 1 going into the Texas - ou game? 1964 ... and then ?
  13. So, right after the final gun sounded, the (then-drunken) SO says, "Those Vandy guys are going to get laid 2 or 3 times tonight." My response ... "Have you ever seen the women who attend Vandy?" SO's reply: "Uh yeah... never mind."
  14. uh... Gents ... I don't recall ever seeing anything about this on Shaggy/Surly ... https://okcfox.com/news/local/former-ou-football-player-accused-of-prostituting-former-ou-cheerleader
  15. Did anyone notice how much Brett McMurphy and Cliff Clavin look suspiciously similar? And ... you never see them both in the same place ... hmmm
  16. Hanging out with the Woof in Far North Dallas waiting to chew on some bulldawg ass tomorrow...
  17. "a dime" He threw a dime. Dime defense. He caught a dime. We dropped a dime on them. Fuck me. It isn't cool. It isn't hoop. Just using your fucking words! [Lawn, Kids, Clouds, etc.]
  18. well fuck me sideways on a bed of sneks with Linda Cohn... I learned something new today ... Had no idea the university had a GM for the football program.
  19. Wait ... the University of Texas has a General Manager now? Does the Athletic Director know? Or, is there a secret GM at UT about which we do not know? If there is no GM and communications should have gone through the Athletic Director, doesn't that automatically involve the competitive aspect? Shouldn't the discussions have gone through the NIL bagmen and then, if they refuse to pay, he approaches the coach and/or athletic director to see if they can put pressure on the NIL bagmen so the team does not lose its starting quarterback? This seems to have been seriously mishandled.
  20. I have to deal with the nutbag, extremist crazy women in the mental health advocacy community every week. So, I am going to see this film tonight at 7:45 after pounding some drinks at Mesero at the EVO movie theater in Addison. I will report back.
  21. Was there about 2 weeks ago. The bullet train is incredible. Clean, fast, on time. Osaka Castle was great but Kyoto was incredible. The temples and shrines there just... wow.
  23. Sometimes, the "advice" from those who have not suffered similar tragedies can be a bit much to bear. When my daughter was taken by anorexia, I dedicated whatever years I have left to improve a very fucked up mental health community and field. And yet still, there are the Militant Fat Activists/Social Justice Warriors who place their own angst and self-loathing over the needs of those suffering. So many feckless, so called leaders in the field keep letting in those toxic elements. It is maddening. And then ... the line that shall never be crossed was crossed. You never blame a parent for the medical care your child received or their death. And yet, finally... that happened and was directed at me. One of the lead Fat Activists had this up on her social media wall. Instead of going immediately nuclear, I devised a plan. As in, contacting not just every organization in which she is involved, but their board of directors and investors advising them that this is the type of subhuman, wretched, dark soul with whom they collaborate. It will be done thoroughly and methodically. This past weekend, I had to be around the SO's siblings. One of her siblings said, "Steve, this seems like it is consuming you. When you around toxic people, it rubs off on you." A million snarky comments came immediately to mind. Instead, I just smiled and said, "Thank you for your advice. You will always be a trusted advisor." Stupid fucking bitch. And so gentlemen, on behalf of my daughter, on behalf of all those who have died from eating disorders, once more, burying charlatans and cretins is necessary. No mercy will be given. And it kills me that this is still necessary.
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