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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lidig8r

  1. How wonderfully colorful and yet, parochial at the same time. The adults are having a discussion here. Now, just sit quietly at the kiddie table. If you cannot, then there is this website called, "shaggytexas." Some aggy named Kevin Morgan took it over. Persons of your ilk are much more likely to do well there. Mkkay?
  2. Mommy blogger on Huff Post? Nah, I found that after the fact and in fact, I mentioned "dubious origins." Of course in baseball, a team can very well be out of contention by mid June and yet, they have all of June, July, August and September (almost the length of the NFL season) to just wander aimlessly. (Yes, yes, I know it is a chance to bring up developing players and see what life is left in aging veterans) but for the casual fan, the cost, time and expense of going out to see a losing team repeatedly lose is a beating. Baseball is supposed to be, in part, an escape from the misery of everyday life. Oh and I agree about the NFL. The CTE issue is not going away and the league's inability to find a resolution to the "kneelers at the flag" alienated a lot of fans. The Visigoths are not at the gates yet but... there is discontent in the wind.
  3. Yes, I am a moron. That is relatively irrelevant. Of course, when you play 162 games instead of 81, there is much more a chance of added revenue. And Beau, I noticed you omitted the numbers from the NFL. So, the posts so far represent the myopic of the hardcore baseball fans believing that nothing is wrong, (key in Kevin Bacon in Animal House saying, "All is well.") while baseball erodes at the edges faster than panties on a porn star. Oh.. here are some articles that agree with my uninformed belief that baseball is facing the iceberg: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/laura-hanby-hudgens/the-decline-of-baseball-a_b_9630782.html https://howtheyplay.com/team-sports/Baseball-A-Changing-Landscape http://time.com/money/3772690/baseball-losing-fan-interest/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/baseballs-trouble-with-the-youth-curve--and-what-that-means-for-the-game/2015/04/05/2da36dca-d7e8-11e4-8103-fa84725dbf9d_story.html?utm_term=.644ade43e7f0 Now, some of the sources may be of dubious origin, but the casual fan is becoming more and more "casual," and forward thinking leadership is needed. In the meantime, I will go fuck myself, pay myself tree fiddy, and I will hang up and listen.
  4. Just a plain, Longhorn polo shirt in true burnt orange. No logos on the front. No stripes, no candy ass crap. This is close but needs to be darker.
  5. In terms of popularity and appeal, there is little dispute that major league baseball ranks a distant third to the NFL and NBA. Now, not being much of a baseball fan, there are some obvious fixes that appeal to a casual fan like me which could draw many more casual fans to the game. There are four obvious major dates during baseball season ... Opening Day, Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. First, as to Opening Day, make it uniform every year, that is, the first Sunday in April, the day before the NCAA college basketball championship game is played. All games played in the US. All games played that day starting on the east coast and rolling to the Left Coast. The night before, teams can host a Welcome Back to Baseball Gala, fireworks at the parks, black tie event for the monied people, a larger gala for the great unwashed at the park. Then, on those 4 major dates, you have a designated rival to play on every occasion with home venues alternating. For example, Yankees and BoSox play at Fenway Opening Day, Yankee Stadium Memorial Day, etc. Rangers-Astros, Cubs-Cardinals, etc. Not only would this make Opening day and each holiday during the season more significant, it would elevate the rivalries that much more. As is, it is all over the board. For example, on Opening day in 2014 the Rangers played .... the Phillies. Really? One of the biggest days of the season and you are playing a team with whom you have no history. Really? Oh, and home team in the World Series depends on the All Star game? Really? Dumb. How about this ... if the two teams played head to head during the season, the team with the winning record is the home team. If they did not play, the team with the better record in inter-league play is the home team. If that is the same, the team with the better record is the home team. So many smaller things that could be done but these are the major things that may attract the very casual fan like me. Thoughts?
  6. The more time that elapses since the end of Charlie Not-So, the stench he left behind will dissipate more and more.
  7. I also pronounced it with an English accent, so it was, "Paydo-bear." And since we live in a time of extreme political correctness, shouldn't it be, "African-American Lab," instead of "blacklab."
  8. After being a fairly, benign somewhat frequent poster on that "website that shall not be named," do we know yet how many former Shagsters have abandoned the Titanic, a/k/a that "website that shall not be named" in order to come to this, the Promised Land? Are the rules the same, i.e., carte blanche and your own stupidity will be the only limitation? Is the Picasso of Penii designing a logo for this site? Oh... at the "website that shall not be named," it took 50 posts before access to a certain section which started with the letter "N" and ended in "AA." I understand the same criteria exists herein. In order to reduce the likelihood of stupidity and 50 inane, meaningless posts, I propose that if we had attained that level on that "Website that Shall not be named," we should be grandfathered in to this site? What say ye Admins or Mods? As far as I can tell, ou does still orally inhale the male sexual appendage with great force and furious anger, aggy is still irrelevant and Charlie Not-So is still the worst coach in the history of Texas football. Oh..one last thing, is it coincidence that at almost the exact same time, craigslist decided to no longer host ANY personal ads on its site?!!!! What is the world coming to?
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