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Everything posted by Lidig8r
Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno and all of Penn State can rightly fuck off.
Lidig8r replied to Parliament's topic in Football
12 years ago. This was absolute greatness!!! https://deadspin.com/pedobear-showed-up-at-the-houston-penn-state-game-tod-5872516/ -
Road wins ... neutral site wins ... whatever. (Yes, yes, I know, neutral site = a more hostile environment, more adversity, etc. etc, ad infinitum) But, there is a 4 year streak of something that will probably never be duplicated by a Texas quarterback. I speak of course of, Peter the Great, Pete Gardere. From 1989 to 1992 playing those Godless hillbillies from Oglaucoma in the Cotton Bowl. Each year, BlowU was ranked. Each year, going into that game, we were not ranked. And yet, we won those FOUR STRAIGHT YEARS. That is a level of greatness which may never be duplicated. Now... get off my lawn, I have clouds to yell at and if you disagree, fight me. (Well... with words anyway.)
Hi, assholes, it’s me again on another Friday . . .
Lidig8r replied to South Austin's topic in Football
So, he grazed it!
Dear Deshaun... since you made President Biden appear as if he were a silver tongued devil (NO CLOAK ROOM... NO CLOAK ROOM), I'm just gonna off the top of my head, type up your speech for you. It is with great optimism and enthusiasm that we embrace the many challenges of being in one of the most dynamic conferences, the Big 10. UCLA football has a long and proud history. Some of our legends include ... Jackie Robinson (yes.. THAT Jackie Robinson), Billy Kilmer, Heisman winner, Gary Beban, Randy Cross, Kenny Easley, Freeman Mcneil, Jonathan Ogden and of course, Troy Aikman. We are proud to call one of the most honored, respected stadiums in the world our home field. The Big 10 will offer new challenges, greater demands for athletic excellence and we are prepared to meet those higher demands and expectations. Christ Almighty.. it's not that difficult.
Imma just put this right here.
TL/DR ... Old Man Yelling at the Kids on God's Lawn It sucks... it fucking sucks, as in with Bucky Beaver teeth and no saliva that we find ourselves in a place where the greatness of college football has been denigrated and is being destroyed by a bunch of lying, rotten, four flushing, lowlife, snake-licking, dirt eating inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat ass, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty-lipped, worm headed sack of monkey shit television executives. Local rivalries mean nothing. Traditional rivalries mean nothing. The ease of alums and fans being able to drive to a rival's game and then be home the same night means nothing. Coffee shops in small towns throughout flyover country which were formerly packed with men talking about college football being left soulless and lifeless. These eunuch television executives who probably know as much about football as they do fornicating are chasing the almighty dollar not for the sake of any university but for their own shallow and fleeting glory ... to allow them to have a third Mercedes in the driveway, a lifetime supply of erectile dysfunction medication for their tepid, undersized cocks while their wives and mistresses grit their teeth and just want to get through things as they fantasize about fucking their gardeners. what was once an almost sacred rite of passage, first watching with your dad, then maybe playing for, then supporting your university has become a commercialized money grab with no heart, no soul and a blind slavery to corporate sponsors. No, it has not made football better perhaps except for those poor excuses masquerading as men, living in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. I weep for the Republic.
Two options come to mind. First, the Texas-Exes have an area behind what used to be the Museum of Natural History. I imagine you could get a similar area perhaps adjacent to it. Second, look into the Texas Discovery Gardens. They rent out their area on certain occasions. Here is something to get you started: https://txdg.org/corporate-events/ Finally, you may wish to collaborate with some 501(c)(3) organizations to enlist their help. Perhaps through this organization you could sponsor some kids to attend their first game, but for those who could not attend, you could still solicit for a tax free donation. it is one thing to approach Fair Park and say XYZ corporation wants to rent this space on this very busy day. But, to be able to say, we are sponsoring 5 kids with special needs to attend their first Texas - ou game (maybe find a way to get them field passes) and are collaborating with ABC Foundation... NOW, you have something!
In the past two years, physician assisted suicide has become a talking point for persons afflicted with Anorexia nervosa. And I have been fighting those palliative care doctors every step of the way. Filing medical board complaints against some, changing the narrative. Was featured in a Washington Post article in November 2023. Working with about 20 doctors and advocates on a white paper to be submitted to NIH, HHS and Congress. Recently, news reports of a 19 year old dying from anorexia in the UK when she could not get treatment. A 29 year old and 34 year old in the Netherlands being able to utilize physician assisted suicide for their eating disorders. There are no generally accepted standards of care for the treatment of eating disorders. PE firms running treatment centers into the ground. No collaboration with the medical community. Militant Fat Activists being allowed to have a voice. And now... "oh... we don't really understand eating disorders, but what the fuck, we can't cure you so let us help kill you." Fucking ball washing bastards. And so, the struggle is real and it continues. https://adadsjourneywitheatingdisorders.home.blog/2024/06/20/palliative-cares-ultimate-loss/
Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Dallas
Lidig8r replied to Longhorn94's topic in Can You Help Me With This?
Vanita Parker is pretty strong. https://www.texasdefensefirm.com/attorneys/vanita-budhrani-parker/ Terri Daniel has a pretty good reputation as well. https://www.terridaniellaw.com/about/ -
NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND! https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10122404-ncaa-power-5-conferences-to-allow-schools-to-pay-players-directly-after-settlement
Fuckin A. You are a man. You are a great, big man. And maybe you tell the therapist you want to focus on those issues. When you find a rock, solid place to keep her in your heart, when you find that place where you have the freedom and joy of honoring her... I believe you will find that everything else will fall into place. Be strong! Be resilient! And I hope you find that one person, that therapist with whom you can give yourself the grace and courage to be vulnerable.
Doc, when you are first introduced to a therapist, look upon it as their audition to you. Why should you automatically trust them? Why should you be expected to immediately open up to a stranger? That is crap. Ask any question you want. The therapist should be willing to answer anything. You are trusting your heart, your soul, your anguish to this person. And like any relationship, it will take time. Take a look at this website for possible questions to ask. https://mindwellnyc.com/questions-to-ask-a-therapist/ Trust is a 2 way street. THEY have to establish credibility with you.
Time for another ‘my dog is awesome’ thread
Lidig8r replied to Patricio Swayze's topic in Daily Texan
Are you getting him/her from a breeder in Livingston? If so, I can give you the breeder's phone number. She has been breeding and showing them in competitions for 17 years. They are high energy, loyal, smart, stubborn, learn fast, beautiful, great with kids and very much own the name, "Velcro Dog." Here is what the AKC says about them: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/vizsla/ -
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Amazon Prime
Lidig8r replied to Michael Knight's topic in Movies and TV
There is a fuck ton of great material in this gem. (I still have a First Edition. It was released in September 1977. Four months after I graduated from Lake Highlands). This book could supply a generation of outstanding flicks. -
Time for another ‘my dog is awesome’ thread
Lidig8r replied to Patricio Swayze's topic in Daily Texan
Beauregarde has discovered that squirrels are his mortal enemy and geese probably taste good! (4 months old on May 4)- 9809 replies
- 12
About $300 from Home Depot. Warms the seat, cleanses, warm air blower to dry. Minimal use of Tp just to make sure. No walking around with small bits of fecal matter in Tp on your ass. Greatness.
Time for another ‘my dog is awesome’ thread
Lidig8r replied to Patricio Swayze's topic in Daily Texan
So, introducing 14 week old.... Beauregarde! My third Vizsla. Beauregarde is smart ... really smart. And the perfect shade of burnt orange. He sends his regards.- 9809 replies
- 29
Let's see ... If Kentucky had fired Calipari they would have owed him about $35 million. Calipari is going to sign a 5 year contract with the Toothless Hillbillies for about $8 million annually. An amount below what he would be paid at Kentucky. 3 weeks ago, Kentucky announced the start up of a new NIL fund in which Calipari was involved, La Familia. https://www.si.com/fannation/name-image-likeness/news/kentucky-basketball-john-calipari-launching-new-nil-fund-jon9 Gentlemen... there appears to be a polecat in the woodpile regarding this move.
With regard to the Irate 8/Whatever Conference ... and our new Conference mates in the SECSECSEC... "I will think about them with that stupid look on their faces ... I'll finish my coffee, leave the paper for Sid to wrap fish in, and never think of them again." When you hate someone or something, that occupies space in your head... rent free space. They don't deserve it. The opposite of love is NOT hate but apathy. When they think of us, they can hate or fear us. As for us ... why think of them at all?
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