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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Please finish this so we won’t have to see Marsh’s nasty-ass wet hair for the next five months.
  2. Due to my natural baseball loyalties, this would normally be a meteor series for me. But I’m finding it difficult to hate these Mets.
  3. I bought tickets for our game in Fayette-nam, so I now get marketing shit from Arky football. Got an email today where they are trying to sell 6 in. sections of the goalpost from this game for $500. Guess they are trying to raise money for the fine.
  4. That $31M for Abreu and Montero comes off the books after '25, and '25 is the only vesting year Pressly's contract, so his $14M comes off as well. There's room for both Bregs and Tucker to get paid.
  5. Drone shows look like pure magic. You almost expect Gandalf to be out front conducting it. 150 years ago, if people saw that in the sky, they would start worshiping it.
  6. Clearing the way for the A's new digs:
  7. Shhhh…Dodgers. It’ll all be over soon.
  8. He’s been with the team for nine seasons. He already extended once. He did a deal to buy out his arbitration years and extend for two seasons. If Bregs wants to acknowledge reality as a player who will be 31 before opening day, there’s a chance the Astros can make a deal. If he chooses to live in Boras fantasy land and believe that someone is going to guarantee a contract until after he turns 40, then he’s welcome to float that on the market. Good luck.
  9. Will be there on Friday, then headed to see Garth at Caesar's on Saturday - that is if he isn't completely cancelled by then. Will find a good spot to watch the game Saturday afternoon. Should be a fun weekend.
  10. If I'm being really honest, her character could probably talk me into leaving everything and living on the lam.
  11. Fucking uncanny. I can usually push through a borderline shitty show, but I bailed on this after four episodes.
  12. I didn't hate it, but I didn't walk out of the theater wanting to see it again. Took me a while to reflect on "what the hell did I just watch"? I found it interesting, but not engaging.
  13. Somebody let the Tigers get hot!
  14. Ooooohhh... he dropped an F-bomb in his opening statement. He's a "real one."
  15. They are in first place in the by God SEC, ya stoopid sip.
  16. Today is Penny’s 10th birthday. A few days after her 6th birthday, she started having seizures and was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. It took us a while, but we finally got her meds regulated, and she is now thriving and seizure-free for almost two years. Every day with her since that first seizure has been cherished. She is utterly spoiled but still a really, really good girl.
  17. Brent Venables uses the handicap stall in public restrooms because he likes the extra room to take his pants off when he sits to pee.
  18. This is me with a free October:
  19. We should have used cinnamon. Tigers hate cinnamon.
  20. LOL at Higgy going yard.
  21. Fried nearly got a cowhide enema.
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