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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Leaps and bounds in the last couple of months alone. The last OTA update (12.6.4) now turns into my driveway and pulls into my garage to park without prompting. And I don't even get the full set of v13 features since my 21 Model 3 only has HW3.
  2. Nah... Just took my time looking at the video. I watched a couple of other analysis videos from yesterday, but they weren't all that compelling.
  3. I mean... y'all knew I wouldn't leave this one alone. It was just a matter of time before this catfish ate the stinkbait. I did take my time and watch the entire video and did multiple viewings of all of the actual tests. You'll all be shocked to hear that I think the video is a bit disingenuous and manipulated to give pre-determined results. Here are my observations that inform my skepticism: Rober doesn't use any FSD build and limits his testing to EAB and Autopilot. Yes, the sensor suite and hardware is the same, but the software is vastly different between autopilot and FSD 12+. Rober pits the latest version of Luminar's system against an older generation Tesla system. In each test where the screen is visible (except for the EAB test), there is an out-of-focus warning notification present prior to impacting the dummy or the wall. Anyone who uses the Tesla TACC, autopilot, or FSD system will tell you that if you have the accelerator pressed and are going above the set speed, you get the following warning: Even EAB will keep going when the accelerator is pressed, which is what appears to happen in the video. It won't give the visual warning notification, but it will give an audible alarm which you hear about two seconds prior to impact in the EAB test in the video. To my eye, it looks like Rober is pressing the accelerator and not actually allowing the driver assist systems to maintain speed on their own. In the raw footage that Rober released in response to criticism, rather than setting the autopilot early in the test which is easily doable, he waits until very late (<5 seconds) to attempt to engage FSD and fails on two attempts to engage before getting it to engage on a third attempt. There's no reason he couldn't have engaged autopilot much earlier. It's just really shady and looks like he is intentionally engaging late to confuse and cause errors in the system. https://x.com/MarkRober/status/1901449395327094898 The "fog" test was not fog, but smoke. LIDAR is significantly degraded in actual fog when water in the air scatters and absorbs the lasers. Credit to the LIDAR system for "seeing" through the smoke, but that is an extremely uncommon scenario for actual driving (no safe driver proceeds at full speed into an obscuring smoke cloud) that was engineered to give the LIDAR system an easy "win" in this comparison. In the "rain" test, which did not simulate a realistic rain scenario that one would actually drive in, the LIDAR system stopped because it read the significant water spray as a solid object, not because it saw the dummy. Judge's review does not award the point to LIDAR in this comparison. LIDAR is degraded in rain just like in fog due to attenuation. The CEO of Luminar (the LIDAR system featured in the video) is present in the video and is a previous collaborator and admitted friend of Rober. For posterity: Motherfuck Elmo for being a nazi asshole. You may now proceed with the knob-slobbing gifs.
  4. Pretty damn jarring to see Tuck taking swings for another team in the regular season this morning.
  5. In the movie "American Sniper" Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle gives a speech about how there are three types of people in the world: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. Sheepdogs protect the sheep from the wolves. I don't disagree with the aspiration to be a defender of those who are weaker, but a generation of military and faux-military meatheads latched on to this and made it their entire identity. They carry everywhere and brag about being constantly on alert, scoping out every room they enter. They make a big deal of never sitting with their back to a door and assessing the threat level of every person they encounter. It's bullshit posturing.
  6. I say this as a military veteran who retired after a 20-year career on active duty… I can’t stand Chris Kyle “sheepdog” bros. They are only slightly more annoying than “Mama Bears.”
  7. Waymo’s not going to fuck you, dude. J/K… good info. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Apparently they can recognize more than “STOP” to opt-out.
  9. Jamie will not be a regular due to scheduling issues. Coach Beard and Roy Kent are in as EPs for the show, but not confirmed as cast members. I'm all in on keeping Hannah Waddingham employed and on my TV screen.
  10. To be fair, it doesn’t say which way he bet.
  11. Feels like our normal supply of aggy misery has been spiked with some of that Chinese fentanyl over the past four months.
  12. Go for it. That shot of Rosie will only remind me of how hot Dana Delany was in that movie.
  13. The two fatality number comes from the Forbes article that Pig quoted above. Other sources report the same. 3 Billion + miles driven comes from Tesla letter to shareholders in January.
  14. It's piss.
  15. Auto-pilot ≠ FSD. Two fatalities have occurred with FSD engaged. Over three billion miles have been driven with FSD. Waymo has had nearly 700 accidents and one fatality with somewhere around 25 million miles driven.
  16. I stand corrected on the freeway issue. Waymo has been testing on freeways in Phoenix since January 2024 and just moved onto LA freeways this January. I'm curious as to the measure used to state that Waymo is "WAY ahead" of Tesla. For the bolded, this is continuously referenced as some horrible unchecked danger to the public. The data do not bear out this argument.
  17. Yes - minus the doom scrolling. The system still requires supervision, so the interior camera monitors the driver’s eyes to ensure they are watching the road. I no longer have to keep my hands on the wheel, though.
  18. You'll all be shocked to hear that I disagree slightly with Jeff's answer. The question is too general. Waymo and Tesla are taking two different approaches. At the moment, Waymo is focused on an approach that is trying to solve for autonomous driving limited to surface streets in urban areas. Their solution is only applicable in geo-fenced areas that have been meticulously mapped by LIDAR. Tesla is aiming to build a more generally applicable autonomous driving solution that is not limited to pre-mapped areas. Waymo is more advanced on the path towards a limited level 4/5 certification. It's arguable that Waymo is more advanced in its commercial application of its chosen solution. One could argue that from a revenue standpoint, Tesla is on par with their FSD package purchases and monthly subscriptions. It's also arguable that Waymo is more advanced in it's practical application. There are significantly more Tesla FSD vehicles on the road than Waymo vehicles. And finally, it's arguable that Waymo has a more advanced technical solution at this point. My FSD Tesla does low speed, non-highway driving right now. It can also drive on the highway, which Waymo does not. All that said... Musk is running the company into the ground and Tesla's FSD could likely be a casualty of this shitshow.
  19. WU is best now when they use Jost as a punching bag and Lord Gaga nailed it this week. Wickline may have a fanbase, but she has to pivot more to the mainstream to stick. Sarah Sherman has done this masterfully. She had a very narrow niche with her comedy prior to SNL, but she has adjusted to more conventional comedy while still working in her weird shit from time to time. And now she's my favorite cast member.
  20. Heavy metals in Samoas you say?
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