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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Abreu in playoff form.
  2. Yeah… this Blanco/Arrighetti piggyback might work pretty well. Better bring your game tomorrow, JV.
  3. Was is great satire of the direction we seemed to be heading at the time? Sure. Was it actually prescient and a good representation of the actual future? Not even close.
  4. The numbers I proposed equate to a projection of ~20 WAR in first five years, 3 WAR in age 36 yr and 2.25 in age 37 yr. So far in his career, he has earned 39.4 WAR in the equivalent of 7 full seasons (accounting for partial rookie year, COVID year, and injury in 2021). Over his 9 years with the MLB team, he produced $264M of value. I know this isn't how this is calculated, but if the Astros offered a 7-year deal like I proposed, they are likely to still come out well ahead in the player value vs player contract calculation over the course of Bregman's career. One could make the case that he's already earned ~$160M ( $264M value - $100M contract - 4 years of league minimum) of that $170M contract. Again, no organization operates like this, but it's not an insane way to look at things. Since 2021, he has averaged nearly 4.6 WAR/season - not up to his 2018 and 2019 production, but steady production over the past four seasons. Outside of his two peak seasons, he has been remarkably consistent. His compact swing and body type will likely hold up well. I've always been a big Bregman fan and would love to keep him on the team, so I won't be one bit concerned if the Astros break tendency and pay him something like 7/170. If someone else wants to pay him more for longer, more power to them and go get yours, Bregs.
  5. Depends on the amount. 7/170 sounds reasonable. $27M yrs 1-5, $20M yr 6, $15M yr 7.
  6. That's delusional. He'll be 31 before the first year of that deal. He's not a 28 yr-old just getting out from under team control. That's the trade-off for getting paid during your arb years and extending early.
  7. Chapman's 6/151 is the floor for Bregman. Bregs is a year younger and compares favorably to Chapman across the board. Would be a huge shift in tendencies for Crane to go for a contract like that.
  8. Nice moment for possibly his last regular season home game as an Astro.
  9. Good lord. Could you try not to be such a miserable asshole when the team clinched the division less than 12 hours ago?
  10. Best case was a triple play of course but no fucking way that happens, right?
  11. Best case now is Ohtani hits with only a chance to tie.
  12. I was ok through early May, but when they brought Jose Abreu back my flame of hope flickered low. On May 28th, I said I was out until they finally cut bait with Abreu. On June 14th, he was gone and I was back on board. On June 18th, the Mariners went up 10 games in the division and the rest is history.
  13. Sparky’s gettin’ wet!
  14. We got great Hader tonight.
  15. Never a doubt for the game, never a doubt for the season!
  16. He has had some rough swings at bad pitches lately.
  17. Vintage Abreu - check Good pen work from here and we are done with Rodriguez and Raleigh for the night.
  18. Should be done with Gilbert. Need vintage Abreu, Press, and Hader. Add a few more runs off of their pen, and pop some bottles.
  19. That sucks, Big Jon, but your sacrifice of two fouls off the leg likely gets Gilbert out of this game after this inning.
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