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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Yes... GOTW is subject to BO restrictions/
  2. NL: Padres over, Phillies under AL: Detroit over, A's under
  3. Aren't all bridge accidents essentially man-made?
  4. Started watching this last night. These shows were well after my time. I was barely plugged in for the early days of YCDTOT. There was definitely a lot of skeevy shit going on, but some of the stuff they highlighted was a stretch. Like saying that that big nose character had a cock and balls on the shoulders of his costume and that that the giant sneeze was a cumshot joke. It was a snot joke - something kids find hilarious. But I guess you don't earn any benefit of the doubt when you're a shit person. When you prove yourself to be a huge perv, everything you did gets interpreted through that perv lens. I did laugh at Ray Romano hungrily stroking a pickle that was passed through a glory hole. Probably shouldn't have been on a kids' show, though.
  5. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time.
  6. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time.
  7. She's the character that makes the least sense in the series adaptation. She's a partial analog for the main character in the first book, Wang Miao. The problem is that they split Wang Miao's story between two characters, Auggie and Jen. In the book, he is the materials scientist and he is the one who helps Da Shi investigate the scientist suicides and is also "Copernicus" in the 3 Body game who solves the game and is invited to the summit for Ye Wenjie's organization. In this series, Auggie only functions to give us a reveal of the countdown and to provide Chekov's nanofibers. They also saddled her with the overactive moral conscience for the group, which was pretty unnecessary and uninteresting considering the level of threat they are faced with. The good news is that Wang Miao completely disappears after the first book, so we are likely done with Auggie.
  8. Yes. Book one. About 90% of the way through. It led to the big reveal about sophons, etc. BTW... I like the change to "San-Ti" from "Trisolarans." I always felt that was a dumb name for them.
  9. Yes. The reasoning for that method of “attack” is more thoroughly fleshed out in the book
  10. Ghost Corps did Afterlife, too.
  11. Correa the younger with a Crawford Box special.
  12. OK... let me put it this way - It's like being at the beach, seeing a dolphin, and yelling "SHARK!"
  13. No... the logic is that all of those things I listed are much more common concerns on the road than another driver using FSD. There are only 400,000 cars in all of North America that have FSD. Your likelihood of being on the road with a Tesla driver using FSD is pretty damn low. It's analogous to being overly concerned about sharks at the beach while not caring much about rip currents.
  14. Based on my experience, FSD 12.3 would pass a standard driving test. I'd love to see someone do a Youtube video of that. Due to the camera placement, the vehicle has better visibility around corners than a human in the driver seat does. Not to mention that FSD is almost to a fault overly cautious of pedestrians. If a Tesla almost ran you over, it wasn't in FSD mode.
  15. And I'd prefer we not beta test teenage drivers on roads with people on or around them. Or beta test drivers over 75. Or beta test drivers with over 0.05 BAC. Or beta test driving while texting. There are much more significant and common risk factors on our roads than drivers using FSD.
  16. Playing pretty fast and loose with the term "expert" for that dude. There's a fair amount of bullshit and poor terminology used in his "expert" analysis. The ultimate conclusion, that this video is consistent with an onboard engineering casualty as the cause of the accident, is likely correct. But he does a shit job of explaining it.
  17. I don't disagree that humans use quite a bit more than vision only while operating a vehicle. There's some intuition and experience that contributes to the decision making of a human driver, but let's not pretend that we as humans drive with perfect information and understanding of what other drivers around us are doing, or that that information can't be synthesized from other data. Just this morning, the car reacted beautifully to a driver who quickly changed lanes in front of me. I saw what was happening, and before I could react, the car was already taking appropriate action. The current FSD version no longer relies on 300K+ lines of C++ code and is based on AI that has "learned to drive" by observing countless hours of safe human drivers. A lot of the intuition that we gained through years of individual driving experience has now been duplicated in the training of this AI model. Not only that, but the AI has orders of magnitude more driving "experience" to draw from than the average human. It also has constant 360 degree visual input to feed this model. A lot of things that we intuit based on experience might be able be replaced by actual visual data and better-than-human response times. I'm hedging a bit, because vision-only with AI could end up being a dead end, but my initial experience is very positive.
  18. Not in the theme of the thread, but I got upgraded to FSD 12.3 on Saturday. I have used it for six trips so far involving rural roads, highway driving, construction zones, city driving, and stop and go traffic. It performed extremely well and feels much smoother and more natural like a human driver. This version isn’t just an incremental improvement. It is a significant jump in performance, and IMHO lives up to the hype.
  19. Well I was wrong. Not sure why I didn’t recognize Saul as the Luo Ji character. Pretty obvious in hindsight. This ended up being an amazing adaptation of a really difficult book series to bring to life. Standing ovation from me.
  20. Bidet provides minimal relief. Better than paper for sure, but my experience was still pretty rough.
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