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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Holy shit, this takes me back. I wrote the CONOPS for escort operations in the BAM back in ‘03 with the Nimitz Strike Group. The Commodore put his name on it, but I wrote it. We decided that we needed to be running the same plays in the BAM that we ran in SOH. Coming up with code names for checkpoints was pretty fun. I did ballistic missile defense patrols on a DDG in the Northern Arabian Gulf in the first half of ‘09. Then in late ‘09 - ‘10 I was at the Pentagon writing the multi-national CONOPS for maritime anti-ballistic missile defense. Three years after that, I was in Jebel Ali and the Commodore tasked my command with running small craft escorts for the full length of the Red Sea. We wrote that CONOPS from scratch, except this time I put my name on the LT’s work. Not so fun fact - My command was the same one that had the guys get nabbed by the Iranians off of Farsi Island (happened during my successor’s tour in command). Was pretty fucking surreal to see guys I know in Iranian propaganda films in the media. All this to say that we know what the fuck we are doing here, and this is going to be hilarious if the Houthi actually try anything. This mission:
  2. I would have totally rocked that back in '92.
  3. That's Jimbo now that he lost the Lucchese endorsement. Except they still have his picks up:
  4. Bellagio is going to have to up its game.
  5. Two in a row for me, but playing it really safe with the guesses. I always try to get cute and blow it
  6. The resemblance of Garner's mustache to Jack Clark's unibrow is uncanny.
  7. Other than the $8000 flyer I took on FSD (which I do actually get some utility from), I have no financial stake in Tesla's success or failure. I guess I could have gotten creative with my taxes and called it a capital investment for "Guadaloopy's Robotaxi Fleet, LLC", but I'm pretty lazy (hence the self-driving car) and that would have required effort. Appreciate the effort to meet in the middle. I really am not an Elon fanboy, but I have had an exceptionally positive experience owning one of his company's vehicles.
  8. Hell. Yes. Kate and Billie make a great comic duo.
  9. "Y'all need Jesus" slayed. And then to be followed by the Black Widow joke. So, so good.
  10. Which one of y'all is this? (props on the username)
  11. Don't be disingenuous. Was there a problem with this at one time? Yes. Has it been addressed? Yes. Your linked article lumps all driver assist functions in with the FSD designation which is false equivalence. I'm sure a reporter could do an article on accidents that occurred in Fords that had cruise control or lane assist engaged, but there aren't any clicks in that. People are scared of the future. I get it. When someone pushes boundaries, folks pay closer attention. That's what has been happening with Tesla. Consumer safety groups consistently choose Tesla vehicles as some of the safest on the roads, yet Tesla's are a menace to our highways.
  12. I absolutely do. I want to see where the weaknesses in the system are. I'm seeing fewer and fewer all of the time.
  13. I know we hate Elon here and that none of his shit will ever work as ever advertised... except that yesterday my FSD beta Model 3 drove me 12.9 miles to Costco on neighborhood streets with 25 mph speed limit, rural roads with 45-50 mph speed limit with stop signs at intersections, turning onto a a state highway with 65 mph speed limit and cross-traffic, a city street with 45mph speed limits with multiple stoplights at major intersections and one stretch of road construction down to one lane... all with zero intervention from me, the driver. There may be other ways to skin this cat, but to say that Tesla's approach is doomed to failure just isn't supported by reality.
  14. I agree that approach #1 sounds like the winner, except that it is largely impractical for broad application at the level of detail required for LIDAR equipped vehicles. “General” was a poor choice of word by me. I should have said “more broadly applicable.”
  15. It is. Mine is updating as I post this. I question that Waymo is "light years" ahead of Tesla. Waymo vehicles only operate in limited geographic areas that are meticulously mapped with LIDAR so that the vehicles can compare the LIDAR map to what its LIDAR sees. That's why Waymo vehicles have seen limited release only in urban and suburban areas. They cannot operate outside of those limited areas. LIDAR maps not only need to be exceptionally thorough, they need to be constantly updated with roadway changes and construction impacts. Tesla's is a more general approach that aims to develop an AI Driver that can operate on any roads and use visual input and GPS to make it's driving decisions like human drivers currently do. It is a more adaptable approach than the LIDAR-mapped approach. Telsa's FSD beta vehicles are operating all over the country. I don't know which approach will win out. If we ever want to move to a fully autonomous transportation system on all of our roads, Tesla's approach seems to have the most potential. If we want to limit fully autonomous vehicles to higher population urban areas only, then Waymo surely has the jump there.
  16. It’s borked today. I had two correct guesses for pitched one game and born outside US that it counted wrong.
  17. Yep. Polk St FTW. My Dad worked there for 25+ years.
  18. I'll admit it. I'm getting a bit of old guy brain. A couple of years ago I left the house a few times but left my wallet at home. Never once left my phone behind. So I got the integrated wallet/phone case. Holds six cards (DL, Mil ID, debit card, Costco/credit card, grocery club card, shooting club card) and a few bills. Have never left home without it since.
  19. I worked the summer before college at Hughes Tool Co. as part of their internship program before starting at UT in the fall. Overall it was a great job for an 18 yr old heading off to school. Paid $9.25 an hour in 1990 and there was always OT if I wanted it. The downside - I was absolutely the low man in the hierarchy and everyone in the shop knew I was headed to college in a few months, so every single shitty job in the shop fell to me. The two worst: 1. We had an automated system for metal waste removal that ran through the floor of the entire shop. It was a chute with a conveyor and water jets along the sides that carried metal shavings out to a huge waste bin outside. It would get clogged several times a day, and yours truly always got the call to find the clog and work it out. They never turned the system off, so I had to avoid getting pulled into the conveyor mechanism while pulling and untangling razor-fucking sharp metal shavings to work out the clogs. Fucking sucked. 2. In the middle of July, the shop foreman decided that the waste incinerator that hadn't been cleaned in probably a decade need to be scraped clean from the inside. No clue what tools it would take, just go figure it out kid. I spent two days in that fucker scraping the walls with garden rakes and hoes that I found around the plant then shoveling and removing all of that built up ash. It was incredibly hot in there - July in Houston inside an enclosed metal structure. The dust mixing with my sweat covered me in black mud. I've never been that filthy in my entire life. They literally hosed me down at the end of my shift. No telling what had been burned in there and what I breathed in through the dust mask they gave me. I was farmer blowing black shit out my nose and hawking black loogies for a week after that. The really good thing about that job is that because of that experience, I never once considered dropping out of college. Fuck. That.
  20. Pretty sure you need a comma in here. But we are talking about worst jobs, so maybe not. No need to clarify. Let's all just move along.
  21. Towel boy for KU football, 2002-2009.
  22. Allbirds are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn, so yes. I have six pairs. Diablo is the color, but it is not a current color, so you have to go to their returns site (ReRun) and shop for them there. Make sure to choose "excellent" condition. https://www.rerun.allbirds.com/shop/search?q=diablo They are constantly rotating colors that are available, so a new run of diablo will come back someday.
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