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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. Poooooor aggy
  2. I served as Executive Officer on a destroyer in Hawaii many moons ago. One of the junior officers on our ship had a bad habit of getting very drunk out at the local bars and running his mouth. He got into multiple scrapes with locals, and after a particularly rough one, he showed up on the ship with two black eyes and badly split lips. After that, his nickname on the ship was Hawaiian Punch.
  3. Rushing TDs of 44 and 62 yds so far for the Eagles. Maybe work on that run D, Rams.
  4. Pretty casual NFL fan here. I’ve enjoyed watching Mahomes over the past several years and become a bit of a fan, but the straight up preferential treatment he gets from the refs makes him much less enjoyable to watch. The pattern has been established and now he plays to it, which diminishes his game and the overall game.
  5. QFT. Hook'em forever, QE3.
  6. I’m a QE fan and always will be. 49-0, Bama, 4th & 13. Thanks for three fun years of Longhorn football.
  7. He would have found a way to take over games from that position, too.
  8. tOSU's bellies are full of rat poison and their lungs are filled with their own farts. They are ripe for the slaughter.
  9. Never pass an opportunity to share Townes with those who might not get that reference.
  10. Your mom's pumper is getting a workout.
  11. It stung for sure, but I don't know that it really "did a number" on us. To me it always felt like the universe was temporarily out of balance and that the natural order would eventually be restored. It was a brief trip to Bizarro world that never felt like reality. Somehow, deep in my plums, I never doubted that a) aggy was cheating, and that b) they would revert to sucking once caught.
  12. I see two cones. Funny story (ok maybe not) but on USS FIRSTSHIP, we had an Interior Communications Technician Second Class whose last name was Konz. Not a day went by on the ship without someone passing the word for "IC2 Konz" over the ship's announcing system.
  13. You need to take notes from aggy on how to cherry pick better time frames. '05-'09 was one of the more dominant periods of Texas football. We are also 2-1 vs you guys and undefeated against your main rival, with all meetings happening in the last 20 years.
  14. It’s a pretty awkward set-up to shake with the left when someone reaches across your body with their right - but I’m not here to defend the guy. In my estimation, he’s gotten exactly what he wanted. He gets to privately tell his MAGA buddies that he owned the VP by snubbing her handshake while publicly claiming that he couldn’t shake her hand. It’s the same cowardly bullshit as yelling “Let’s go, Brandon” while they wink at each other.
  15. He is walking with a cane that is in his right hand and still has the Bible in his left hand when VP Harris reaches to shake his hand. That said... he still conducted himself like an ass in this scenario by refusing to show the slightest bit of common courtesy throughout the interaction. Wouldn't surprise me if he rarely uses the cane and chose to use it today to have an excuse to avoid the handshake.
  16. As a Gen Xer on campus from 90-94, I say...
  17. I've watched it 20 times and find something new to enjoy on each watch. Supremely confident South Carolina slays me.
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