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Everything posted by VonZipper

  1. Well it looks like we're spending about three days in Edinburgh. We do like to hike and plan to visit some of the distilleries, at trip to the highlands is a definite possibility. We're not big museum fans and would rather see some of the landscape. We'll make our way to Aberdeen for a couple of days and then back to Glasgow for three more days before heading back to LHR. We're certainly not the Ritz type, but the Mrs is not interested in sharing her bathroom sink with a stranger. Damnit, the monster was definitely on our radar.
  2. The Mrs and I are headed to London for a couple of weeks in June. The first week is scheduled as my wife is singing a concert in Cambridge and that part of the trip is already scheduled, all the activities and lodging and such. The second week we plan to spend in Scotland and most of that time is our time with nothing scheduled at this point. We plan to purchase a Britrail pass and travel from Cambridge to Edinburgh. I'm just looking for any insight or information we might need for this part of our trip. Neither of us have traveled to the UK, so we're trying to get our bearings. TIA
  3. Spending a week on St. John January 20 -27. Looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the spoils of this beautiful island. We have visited the island while on cruises, but our first time for an extended stay. Flying into STT and ferrying over.
  4. I'm more concerned with the officiating than I am with Tech. We saw them take 14 points off the board in Ames on Saturday. Sweat and Murphy will be tackled if they get close to the QB without a holding call. Their DB's will not be called for any DPI's, so watch for bogus penalties should X or Mitchell get open. This game will be a battle, IMO.
  5. Check out - https://furniturecareoftexas.com I'm not certain about buying it for resale, but they did some really nice work for me.
  6. Looking at a week long trip to BBNP in mid October with the wife. Wondering about the temps and the crowds. We're both early 60s and are in relatively good shape, but not looking to hike everyday the entire week. Our limit would probably be 15 miles for a single hike. Thoughts and comments on where we should concentrate our efforts. Probably looking at a VRBO as we're not much into camping. I've read most of this thread and have looked at the site: https://bigbendchat.com Lots of information to digest. TIA
  7. VonZipper

    Getting old sucks

    As a 62 year old, I'd throw in some weight training as well. You don't have to lift a bunch of weight, but keeping what you got is important.
  8. We spent 10 days in Maui in May and are headed back at the end of August for another week. Free lodging this time.
  9. I'm this guy when my wife brings home the peanut butter pretzels...
  10. VonZipper

    Tennis Thread

    I been fighting elbow problems for years and this is what I landed on... except I use the 18 gauge. I used to be a string breaker, but now I'm old and not so much anymore.
  11. What is the line at Truth gonna be like on a Saturday? They open at 11, do I need to be in line at 9, 10 or ??? TIA
  12. Went to Bolens, very satisfied with their work and their prices.
  13. I need to have the CV joints on my car replaced and the dealer is out of his mind... any suggestions for an independent garage in or near Benbrook would be greatly appreciated.
  14. A most excellent week in Carrillo, Guanacaste last week!
  15. VonZipper

    Getting old sucks

    I have an issue with my big toe. The Dr tells me the cartilage is gone and that my best option is a fusion. Has anyone had this procedure? He tells me a month on a knee scooter as I am not to put any weight on that foot while it is healing. I am 61 and still play tennis 3-4 times a week and the wife and I still like to hike. He tells me that I will continue to be able to do these things. I would like to hear from someone who has had this done. TIA
  16. I'm actually in Georgetown, so Liberty Hill is easy... what's the address?
  17. Sweet, I'm looking to upgrade my seats... 2018 EZGO RXV. I'd like to see them before I buy them. Any chance either one of these places in Austin have something on their showroom floor? Also interested in converting to Lithium Ion... battery prices, Wow! TIA
  18. We arrived about 9:15am and were served around Noon. I visited with most everyone in front of us, the earliest arrivers were there at 6am.
  19. Goldees on Saturday... so good!
  20. Fenced off with a LEO guard. You can see some of the signage they put up for the show and there's a street that has been covered with dirty. Interesting, but not worth a special trip. YMMV...
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