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  1. Exactly. Pretty sure he's considered a player of no small renown in the league
  2. Cool site - thanks In case anyone is interested, we currently have (in their meta view): 1st round: 4 (both OTs, Ewers, bond Day 2: 2 Day 3: 3 Total of 9 against last year's 12
  3. Unless you meant from a recruiting perspective, but we're not really competing with either of them (fasusi?)
  4. Why? In a 12 team playoff we just need to handle business. I bet we could lose to GA and 1 other and still make it in.
  5. Not saying we're in this, but when has Sark ever done to make you think he cares if someone is committed?
  6. He has to look no further than Kielan Robinson. That guy had only a handful of carries and still got drafted
  7. Our new conference seems ... not so great. Every bit as top heavy as we rationalized it was when we were in the big12.
  8. I don't guess I've ever seen this, not do I know who this is, but I'd be embarrassed to admit how many times in a row I've watched this loop.
  9. Don't know how you could see anything. Zoom in please
  10. You REALLY think a title is being vacated? Sounds extremely unlikely
  11. Remember it well. Freshman year we all listened to it on the radio in Simpkins Hall. Entire 1st floor collectively spilled into the hallway in celebration
  12. Actually I have (travel quite a bit). Here's where a study by US News and World Report has us: 32 out of 50 (2 places above Mississippi). Sorry if reality impacts you're "yeehaw Texas" worldview https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/infrastructure/transportation/road-quality
  13. Bad roads = failed state? Do you live in Texas? Our roads suck. Not as bad as Louisiana, but they're really bad (compared to other states)
  14. I don't generally see (or care about) the "bias" you guys frequently report. I like that they are informative, don't blow out my ear drums with over the top exuberance (looking at you Gus and Fowler), or try to shoehorn 13 "words I just looked up in the dictionary" into every sentence (Mark Jones)
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