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Everything posted by Borachio

  1. https://www.bartoncreekfittingstudio.com/ I had an iron fitting back in the fall. I hit the clubs for a few months and they were just not forgiving enough for me. I went back last month and he gave me way more money back on a trade-in than I would have gotten at a retail store for those clubs and ordered me a new set, which are great! (Callaway Apex) Really good dude. Gonna go back soon for wedges and a 3 wood fitting. I'm left handed and he had tons of new clubs for me to hit, which was surprising. He uses a trackman and the best part is you hit on the actual range at Barton Creek, not on a mat into a net. Highly recommend.
  2. I was up in Detroit for a week a couple of weeks ago and people were masked up everywhere, even outside in most cases, especially in a couple of the college towns where they were required on campus. Lots of the museums were doing temperature checks and each restaurant I ate in required patrons to fill out a form with name and phone number for contact tracing. I felt like they had their shit together. Something ain't working.
  3. Yes, first week in February.
  4. I thought you guys would be interested in this. I am in the Moderna trial and had my second dose the 3rd week of September. Two weeks after my second dose I had a spike protein antibody test done at the lab I work at. (Euroimmun ELISA test for the qualitative determination of IgG antibodies to the S1 domain of the spike protein, for you medical types.) A result value greater than 1.09 is positive, below is the reference range. Back in Oct., two weeks after my second dose, my result value was 8.99, which was flagged as high. I had the same test done 2 days ago, 6 months after being "fully vaccinated" and my result value is now 6.88, which is still being flagged as high. It only dropped 2 points in 6 months! Is that good? That seems good. I'm a 43 year old male for reference. That doesn't even include the T Cells waiting inside the castle to kick some butt if needed. Yay science! Interpretation: Ratio <0.8 Negative Ratio 0.8-1.09 Borderline Ratio >1.09 Positive
  5. I'm playing the Stadium course, Dye's Valley course and the King and Bear in mid April. Then Torrey Pines South in May. That's all I got.
  6. I had my 6 month blood draw today for the Moderna trial. The trial Dr. hinted that those of us in the trial would be offered the variant boosters within the next couple of months. I will definitely get them if offered.
  7. Icicles starting to form on the trees here in Round Rock near La Frontera.
  8. This has been discussed before, but I want to make sure I have it right. I want to get rid of my Chase Sapphire Reserve card and get the Sapphire Preferred. My annual renewal fee on the Reserve card is due on March 1st, so I want to close it out before the fee is charged. So that I won't lose my "age of credit history" with the Reserve, should I call Chase and ask to have it downgraded to the Freedom Flex card? (I already have the Freedom Unlimited.) My other two cards I have only had about 1 year each (Freedom Unlimited and Chase United Explorer card.) My credit score is about 800 if that matters. March 1st is also my 4 year anniversary with the Reserve card, therefore, once I downgrade that one, I want to apply for the Preferred card to get the bonus points. Before I do anything with the Reserve card I understand that I need to transfer the points to my Freedom Unlimited card, then I can transfer all the points to the Preferred card once approved. This will give me 4 credit cards: Chase United Explorer, Preferred, Freedom Unlimited and Freedom Flex. I don't really need that many cards and would like to only have one of the Freedom cards, but I would like to avoid losing my age of credit history with the Reserve card, unless that really is not that big of a deal. Appreciate any advice.
  9. CPL here in Austin offers the spike protein antibody test as well. Test code 3609 https://www.cpllabs.com/test-directory/ It's the one I took back in Oct. after my second injection.
  10. I got confirmation from Moderna this morning. First dose, Aug. 18th and my second dose was Sept. 17th.
  11. I definitely think I got the vaccine. I had several of the documented symptoms after the second dose. Light fever, chills, muscle soreness, fatigue. Back to normal after 24 hours. Yeah my arm was very sore for a few days after each shot.
  12. I have my Moderna unblinding appt. here in Austin on Monday. One caveat though, I have to do another nasal swab. Bastards! And a blood draw. I hope I get a vaccine card. Or a free t-shirt.
  13. I checked the vaccine GIS map, https://tdem.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3700a84845c5470cb0dc3ddace5c376b And noticed that the rural Brookshire Bros. I have been following had their total shipped doses doubled from 100 to 200 in the last day or two. I am hoping this means that theses small providers are getting their 2nd doses in this week because my mom is waiting to hear back from Brookshire Bros. to schedule her second dose appt. The 30th will be 4 weeks for her. I believe the weekly vaccine allocation PDF is for first doses only. If that is the case, then I have to assume the jump in total doses shipped would be for people needing their 2nd doses at these rural pharmacies. Lets hope so.
  14. My mom and dad are both 1b. Mom got her first shot Saturday at Brookshire Bros. Dad gets his there on Thursday.
  15. Took my mom yesterday to get her first shot at the Brookshire Bros. in Somerville (dad is scheduled for Thursday at the one in Giddings.) They did not schedule my mom's 2nd shot and said they should be getting more from the state soon and will schedule her second shot then. Looks like they gave out all 100 doses they had for first injections. Not sure if this is Brookshire Bros. policy or just this particular location. This makes me a little nervous, but I guess we have 4 weeks to figure it out.
  16. The Brookshire Bros. in Giddings called my dad back this evening. He goes in next Thursday to get his vaccine. I put his name on their list yesterday morning. They do have a message now when you call that they no longer are adding new people to their list as they have enough folks for their current allotment. Good to know that these small pharmacies are actually calling people back on their list. I think the key is to keep pestering and get a little lucky as well.
  17. Once the Moderna vaccine started shipping out to the rural areas I called every HEB and Brookshire Bros. in a 30 mile radius of her house and put her on the waiting list. When the news broke yesterday about vaccinations opening up to group 1b. I started calling those same pharmacies when they opened this morning and was able to get that appt in Giddings. I think persistence is the key here.
  18. I was able to make an appt. for my mom this coming Monday to get the Moderna vaccine at the Giddings Brookshire Bros. She is 76. Very pleased!
  19. I just assumed it was because the NIH and Moderna worked together on the vaccine.
  20. I'd be interested in knowing how your appt. went. I called one of the employee health locations that had appts. available tomorrow and the lady I spoke with didn't know anything about it.
  21. Moderna will apply today for FDA authorization. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/30/health/moderna-vaccine-fda-eua-application/index.html
  22. Tootsie was on her game this morning! I got there at 5:35am and was #36 in line, by the time they opened at 8 there were well over 100 people behind me. The brisket was very good, but man, there is just something extra special about those ribs and pork steak.
  23. You're right, I misread that. The 5% back is only on travel purchased through Chase ultimate rewards. So I guess travel/lodging and groceries go to the Reserve card then. Freedom Unlimited for everything else.
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