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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Heading to the City Easter weekend staying at the Algonquin. Have tickets to Sondheim's Old Friends (we saw it in London in 2023... was phenomenal) and Death Becomes Her. Not going to be a big foodie trip, but would take some Easter Sunday recs? Brunch or activities. Have read about the Easter Hat Parade -- sounds up our alley. Any nightlife for us will be Christopher St if that helps clarify brunch recs. Not interested in big buffets.
  2. Eastside


    Cuchara (on Fairview) is excellent
  3. Admire your bravery and openness. Thanks for posting, and hope to be following this thread for years. Best of luck Wu!
  4. Eastside


    Threw this exact party for my mom at Carrabba's on Kirby. Great private room off the bar.
  5. Indian night? At HLSR? Are you trying to make the rodeo lose money? The goal of the lineup is about asses in the seats and buying beers and riding rides after with more beers, that's it. If a woman could sell out NRG, she'd be there. They won't add another Tejano/Norteno day either, it's already the most dreaded day for every committeemen to work. Shit show. I actually like the line up this year, glad I moved my seats up from 100s to the club this year.
  6. PM Sent
  7. lower bowl or low row in upper deck preferred. Thanks!
  8. @PenelopeWitherspoon We really enjoyed Studio 151. I wouldn't go though unless you get omikase reservations (we weren't able to). Just wasn't the same, I think. The vibe was great and while I've had better sushi it was very very good. Good cocktails, too. Line at Buvette was too long for brunch (i'm impatient, and just don't do lines..). We ended up at Boucherie just up the street. Very pleased with the back up. Keen's was a classic hit. Thanks again for recs!
  9. Since Company closed (it was the first impetus for the trip...), we're seeing our back up, A Strange Loop. Buvette looks interesting, will run it by the hubs. Thanks!
  10. Heading to the city in a couple of weeks. Food-wise, currently have Keens, Balthazar, Joe Allen (post-theater), and Sushi 151 for dinners. Still deciding on an Italian dinner and Sunday brunch (gay-centric, but no drag plz).. if anyone has any can't miss. Staying ESB-area, Hotel Hendricks.
  11. Dairy Cone in Columbus is always a stop when driving Houston to Austin
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  13. Eastside


    Chiloso's on 20th
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