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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Winners make their own luck. aggy wouldn't know anything about that. CHIEF
  2. I didn’t count it. Was told later she handed me $40. Probably to make her feel superior to my $30. You know how women are. CHIEF
  3. It's funny you mentioned Eagle Peak. Use to hang out there when I lived in Cedar Park. It's where I taught CHIEF Jr. to shoot. I cleaned out all of the old business cards, and expired health insurance cards out of my wallet yesterday. Still had my Eagle Peak membership card, figured I would probably never be going back, so I threw it in the trash. CHIEF
  4. Yes, and tragically many of them jump off the cliffs into the ocean to commit suicide. CHIEF
  5. I’m sure he needed the cash for gas. I hardly carry cash, usually just use my debit card. I had $30 that has probably been in my wallet for six months, I gave that, and husseled the wife for another &40, that was all the cash she was carrying. We were in CHIEF Jr.’s truck, we had to go pick up some tables and chairs for the birthday party. Mrs. CHIEF brought up that we should have checked the console, he always has cash in there. Sure enough, she opened it up and there was $200 sitting right there. I would have given him that as well if I would have thought to check it. I don’t mind at all helping a guy that works a sixty hour week to try and take care of his family. CHIEF
  6. My niece's son's second birthday is tomorrow. We have a Dollar General right outside our front gate, Mrs. CHIEF decided to go there to get wrapping paper, some dishwasher pods, and a few other odds and ends that weren't worth driving all the way into town for. Saw a young guy drive up in a worn out ol' Chevy. He got out and stood at the front of his truck for a minute. Eventually, he came over to my window. I rolled the window down, and he told me, "sir, I am in a pickle. I've been framing houses and don't get paid until Friday. The weather is going to be bad, and I need to get home to Alvarado to wrap pipes and make sure my family is ready for the cold weather. I have a new ladder I paid $100 for (it was still in the box and he had the receipt) I will sell it to you for $60." If there is anything I am an expert on Surly about (other thread) it is being a sucker. I gave him $60, and told him to keep the ladder. I guess I consider myself embarrassingly gullible. I don't know if I have "Sucker" tattooed in invisible ink across my forehead, but it always seems as though I am the person that people, in need, approach. CHIEF
  7. Mrs. CHIEF's boss has been taking classes on motivational techniques, cutting costs, and business efficiency. He decided to have a mandatory meeting, in Houston, scheduled for this Tuesday. He, of course, scheduled it about three weeks ago. In his newfound exuberance, he has decided not to cancel it. Mrs. CHIEF, in her passive aggressive manner, decided she wasn't driving, along with my niece that works for the company. Instead, they would fly roundtrip from DFW into Hobby and back. So, she is spending over $1000 to go to Houston for a one hour meeting on motivation, cutting costs, and business efficiency. She is booking a five star hotel for the one night as well, in the middle of a snowstorm that could knock power out. CHIEF
  8. The second worst hit ever put on Tech. The hit Nathan Vasher put on Carlos Francis, on that punt return is the most vicious hit I've seen in real life. That includes Blain Irby. That hit wasn't extremely violent, you just knew the result in about the remaining 0.20/second of the catch. I was heartbroken for him. CHIEF
  9. They had to go out of their way to find such poorly fitting outfits. CHIEF
  10. Sounds about right. Their president was paid over $800k for the year according to this: https://paddockpost.com/2024/03/24/executive-compensation-at-the-american-red-cross-2022/ and they have quite a few other executives making over $500k. I've heard the same about March of Dimes, American (body part/disease) Societies having the same issue. CHIEF
  11. My granddad hated them. Said they had a monopoly on coffee and cigarettes during WWII, and charged out the ass for both. CHIEF
  12. Yep. It would be foolish to come back with that high of a draft grade. CHIEF
  13. It's on the eastern shore of Lake Whitney, in White Bluff, north end of the subdivision. You can see the cliff front sticking up out of the water on Google Earth, and that house about 30 feet from the new cliff face. CHIEF
  14. I love close games. Mrs. CHIEF will have the house so clean I can lick the waterline on the toilet. Floors are mopped, carpets vacuumed, dishes put up, stainless steel all polished. CHIEF
  15. Reminds me of a joke my Old Man used to tell about a farmer that bought a high dollar filly to breed with a neighbors high dollar stud. The old farmer had a horny old donkey. The farmer decided he would tie a sheet over the filly to ward off the donkey. The next day he went out to the barn to check on her, and her stall gate was kicked in, and she was gone. So he started knocking on all of his neighbors doors asking if they had seen a horse running around with a sheet tied over it. After several conversations, one other old farmer told him, "I haven't seen a horse with a sheet tied over it, but I saw a really nice looking young filly run by with a cloth napkin hanging out of her twat." CHIEF
  16. Speaking of, will there be snowmobile parking available at the Surly tailgate? CHIEF
  17. Shit, I wish I had an uncle like that, mine just took me fishing and water skiing. CHIEF
  18. So, Duke is coached by Cam Skattabo’s dad? CHIEF
  19. Not really this, but I wonder if Sark ever allows Quinn free rein to call plays that work for him other than audibles. OT, today, looked like Sark just said "fuck it" go do what you want, and Quinn did just that. Get rid of the play action, let him use that time to sit back and survey the field. If given enough time, Quinn will make the right choice and put the ball on the money. CHIEF
  20. Was that the dude that looked like the overweight Ted Cruz guy in the stands? I must have missed the introduction. CHIEF
  21. To be honest, I would probably fly my ISIS flag upside down as well, I don't know shit about reading Sandskrit. CHIEF
  22. 6’5” and 260 lbs. Should be a spin down candidate. We can bitch about Mack Brown till the cows come home, but that fucker won a lot of games utilizing that philosophy. If he could gain 30 lbs. the required strength and keep his athleticism, I would have to think he might be a home run. CHIEF
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