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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. I'd put Pascale's Manale in there as well. It has bit more cream and a little less tomatoes. CHIEF
  2. Myanmar has the highest density of scam call centers in the World, all ran by Chinese gangs. This probably is due to Karma more than coincidence. CHIEF
  3. The State of Texas needs to step in and require all service dogs to be verified, and the owner issued a "this is a legit service dog" card for identification, complete with a picture and description of the dog. Make it cheap or free. It sucks that owners of true service dogs would have to take the time to go through the verification process, but this is the very definition of why we can't have nice things. CHIEF
  4. Around DFW they are buying in some of the bigger rural towns that are a 30-45 minute commute to DFW. DR Horton is building in Granbury, Crandall, Cleburne. The land is still sold by the acre, and not by the square foot, and it has water and sewer available. The homes are more affordable, if you are willing to make the commute. A lot of the people that are buying tract homes, in Granbury, don't have to go into the office, except for 1-2 days per week. That seems to be a pretty big demographic around here. CHIEF
  5. The big guys also own their own mortgage companies and are offering mortgage rates at below prime rates. Tough for the small guys to compete. CHIEF
  6. I believe it is also a health violation as well. They are not supposed to be in areas with unprepared food. That is why restaurants have their dog approved areas designated away from the kitchen. I don’t think it matters, even if it is a service dog. CHIEF
  7. I imagine so. I was a a builder. I got out when prices went crazy during the pandemic. I can sell 2-3 houses and make the same amount of profit without the liability for the warranty on the home. You have to build enough to get your materials and labor discounted. CHIEF
  8. Ags probably still have to be able to convert a 4th down. CHIEF
  9. CHIEF


    I'm getting some great Oklahoma shit right now. One of my best friends is staying in an RV spot, that I pay for. His wife works at a dispensary. I'm getting shit that I would have to pay a lot of money for, and they are getting 2-4 times the value of what they pay for it. Win-win. CHIEF
  10. Worms you say? The perfect woman, cause I like to fish. CHIEF
  11. The only reason I can't say pens, is a have bought some nice Cross brand as graduation gifts, but my wife's company buys probably 1000-2000 of those really good MIMA pens for advertisement every month.and brings about 50 home. Medium point, nice grip, love them. CHIEF
  12. Yep. He is a cool dude, I've seen his full name, I can't imagine having to spell that in kindergarten. I've known him since about 1996, when he was still on Hancock. He comes up to Cresson and runs on their track quite a bit. I heard the magic number on I-35 was 176 mph. I love the picture he has on the wall of him going through a corner at 202 mph during the Silver State Classic, the right front wheel is off the ground, and that picture is from the early 90's, which was ridiculously fast at the time. CHIEF
  13. There are plenty of attractive single mothers out there who aren't looking for love, they are looking for help. They will throw that pussy down at the drop of a hat. There are plenty of young guys that will bang them silly, but they ain't gonna sign up to be a step parent, they just want to fuck. I guess you could say that both parties have ulterior motives. That is kinda what goes on around here. All the young men, I know, I tell them to be sure and wear a condom, no matter if she says she is on birth control. only take it off in the bathroom, by yourself, and throw it in the toilet and flush it three times. Cause "baby trappin' " is a thing around here as well. CHIEF
  14. Sure as shit would hate to be the repo man. CHIEF
  15. SW, that owns the exotic car dealership out at Cypress Mill and 620, is another guy like that. He is a very dark skinned Sri Lankan. The first time you meet him and he has an absolutely perfect Texas accent will make you do a double take. CHIEF
  16. I think this is more of an urban problem. Out here in the sticks, where people have plenty of opportunity to fish, hunt, camp, play golf for relatively low green fees, grow a garden, etc. People are pretty damn happy. They aren't crowded up, like in cities. The only ones that seem to be unhappy, out here, are the social media addicted Karens on Nextdoor. CHIEF
  17. This is the issue with concrete. The EPA went after Portland cement mines heavily to reduce industrial pollution. Most portland mines have been around for about 100 years and retrofitting can't be done overnight. All of the current stock has to be shipped, by rail, out of Mexico. The transportation costs are what drove concrete prices through the roof. CHIEF
  18. Either interest rates need to drop back down, or building costs will need to come down, that is the only two ways to make homes affordable for young buyers again. Starter homes, in my area, are around $250k. The difference in mortgage payment between 6% and 3.5% is a little over $300/month. That payment eliminates quite a few potential buyers. Labor and materials are outrageous right now. I'm not sure labor prices will ever go back down. I have no problem with labor being paid what they should, it lets the construction worker have discretionary income that gets churned back into the local economy. But material costs? Those guys have been around long enough that they are still profitable with prices dropping back into 2010-2018 prices. One of the guys that owns part of our small, local, concrete plants is a friend of mine. He lives in a $2 million house on the river, has about two or three $100k trucks, wife has a $120k car. He bought those when concrete was about $110/yard. Concrete went over $200/yard in our area, and is back down to about $175/yard. When construction nearly slows to a halt, concrete, lumber, and roofing materials will have the room to drop prices drastically and still remain profitable. One of the suppliers is going to have to feel enough pressure to break ranks. Personally, I would like to see both a drop in interest rates and material costs come down as well. CHIEF
  19. This was before there were any Dollar Trees built. CHIEF
  20. Pecans for me. When I was a kid, my family would find all the pecan trees on our deer lease and pick them all up for candy, pies, and cakes. I have nine pecan trees now, and get at least a couple of hundred pounds off of them each year. Mrs. CHIEF shells out a couple of gallon bags and sends them to a work colleague, that is probably her best work friend, that lives in New Jersey. CHIEF
  21. The only way researchers and scientists should be allowed to be in that situation for 13 months, should be the ones that are coupled up with another researcher or scientist going. Send them off with a smile and a 55 gallon barrel of Astroglide. CHIEF
  22. Our local guy, Josh Weathers, just put out a new album. I've only heard the title track, it has a very early 90's Brooks and Dunn type feel to it. Not al lot of artists putting that out right now. CHIEF
  23. We are headed down to Punta Cana for a wedding the second week in April. Like OJ, I will be out on the golf course looking for the real killers. CHIEF
  24. No. CHIEF
  25. I was just refuting the claim that legal residents have the same rights as a full-blown US-citizen. I think it is obviously not the case. CHIEF
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