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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by CHIEF

  1. The athletic side needs to pay back their loan from aggy academic funds. The athletic side needs to match The University of Texas in funding the academic side of their university, before even being in consideration for additional funding from the Texas Legislature. That's not even fair considering their lowering of academic requirements and bloated enrollment, but it's where they need to start. 



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  2. When you live in Aspermont, Jayton, or Paducah, and it's nearly 100 miles to Abilene, Lubbock, or Wichita Falls, you live off of whatever you can get at Dollar General or Alsups. You stupid fucks that have never been 20 miles outside of big cities have no idea. Those folks live on a very limited income, no money for the gas, and shitty cars that probably wouldn't survive the round trip. Healthcare is even worse. The median age is probably 55. These are old ranch hands and their spouses that live on nothing but a social security check and subsidized housing because they can't afford to live anywhere else.



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  3. Apparently not the first time. My old man told me about a similar story that happened in Johnson County, Texas in the 1950's when he was a kid. Old bachelor hadn't been seen for a week or so, someone went to do a well fair check, couldn't find him. Investigators came out and stayed for quite a while, and eventually found the toes from his steel toed boots in the hog pen. Told  me never to trust hogs.



  4. We have quite a few mountain lions, here in the Granbury area. The subdivision I live in is the first place that has low water below Lake Granbury, so its deep water for about 30-40 miles upstream. We have a sighting about every two months. Last sighting was someone on the golf course seeing a big mountain lion, lying in the shade on one of my buddy's back porches.

    I sold a friend's home about a year ago that was river front, it was one of the first houses open to the river. It  was at the end of the BRA high fence, behind the dam on Lake Granbury. She doesn't smoke in her house, and was sitting on her back porch, when a female and two smaller cubs came strolling by, about 8-10 foot away. The mountain line and cubs looked at her and just kept walking. That evening, it had kinda freaked her out a bit, she went to the other side of her house to smoke. Her comes that same female with two larger cubs. Apparently she had stashed the young ones and picked up her yearlings.

    We definitely have a breeding population, we see females with cubs quite a bit. There seem to be a lot more of them in Texas and in suburban areas than what people think.



  5. Both my big oven and my countertop toaster oven have the convection feature. I have use the countertop about twice a day for the last 15 years. Melting cheese on nachos, toasting bread for sandwiches, broiling oysters, it's great. It's just three of us, a lot quicker and and doesn't use a lot of power to heat up. If I were single, I bet I would not have turned my oven on since new. If  it's just one or two of you, you are doing yourself a disservice not having a countertop toaster oven. I hate microwaves.



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  6. The sweet shrimp head and the shell of the tail that you get at Musachino. That tail is like a crispy,  fried, seafoodie Munchos potato crisp. The texture is exquisite. The next time I peel shrimp that have soft and thin shrimp shells, I'm gonna dust them with corn starch and flash fry them to see if I can catch some of that magic.

    Also Drago's as well.


  7. I'd have to go with:

    Forest Gump


    Apocalypse Now

    The Deer Hunter

    Shawshank Redemption

    The Green Mile

    It's a Wonderful Life

    The Bucket List

    The Longest Day or 30 Seconds over Tokyo...can't decide between those two

    Saving Private Ryan



  8. I'm so bad about keeping shit. That I bought a house to flip in our neighborhood, and the old man that died had a bunch of unopened and slightly used yard chemicals, medical supplies, and cleaning supplies. Mrs. CHIEF told me I couldn't bring any of it home, we had plenty already and no place to store it. On the day they were coming to pick up the dumpster, I probably threw away $1000+ of supplies, and at least $500 worth of perfume and cologne. 

    I grew up always being told to be thrifty, resourceful, and to not be wasteful. I advertised it all for free, and still had only one taker, and he took only the stuff that he could use. I think it is a curse. I will never buy another house that I have to throw away perfectly good items. I don't care how much money I can make on the house, the misery that it caused cannot be measured monetarily.



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  9. I grew up in dancing country. We had a Border Collie that would ride on the roof of the truck when you were pulling a gooseneck. Also had a buddy with a horse that would jump into the bed of his pickup, and lay down to be transported. He never had to pull a trailer for him. Ol' Buck would stick his head around the driver's side of the cab to enjoy the view. 



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