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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Back in early college, there was no way I would have drank one. Was at a buddy's parents house, and that was his dad's specialty drink. He convinced me to drink one because it was "just like drinking a steak." It definitely didn't taste like tomato juice, not really "just like a steak" either. I will still have the tomatoes held on my hamburger occasionally. It was a good drink, and I started drinking them afterwards. CHIEF
  2. I make these almost every saturday morning, before we take county roads over to a great place for menudo. The secret to a great Bloody Mary is to not make it too strong, you don't want to taste the vapors coming off the Vodka. Mine is: Usually Zing Zang, but will use other small batch mixes that I see at HEB to mix things up Wine & Pepper Worcestershire sauce Pickle brine from okra Vodka Coarse horseradish Crystal hot sauce Black pepper a shake of garlic pepper a shake of lime pepper 1/4 of a squeezed lime shake it all up and poor it in a rimmed glass (One World Market makes a specialty rimmer for Bloody Marys) with ice Add pickled okra, some pepperocinis, a couple of the grilled pickled asparagus spears they sell at HEB. CHIEF
  3. We have had 51.92" over the last 365 days. 24.82" since the beginning of the year. 17.94" since March 1st. Been a wet sonuvabitch, in Hood County. CHIEF
  4. It’s shit that we and others have constant need of right now. Generators, chainsaw, leaf blower, and an ice chest. I got tired of running back and forth, to my shop to pick them up. CHIEF
  5. Not a stupid thing on her part, but she told me that everything that was on the front porch needed to be moved. So I just picked them up and moved them onto the back porch while she is away. CHIEF
  6. I think they are positioning themselves for when that all stops with an invasion of Taiwan. Get anything you can get right now before they are stuck with the debt because of sanctions. CHIEF
  7. I don't think he is talking about the US doing it, but Taiwan issuing the threat. I have no idea if Taiwan owns ballistic missiles with the range to get there. Someone else, here, may know. CHIEF
  8. He hit it out of the park, to be honest. CHIEF
  9. No another friend got into it with the idoit dad that left the 3 year old. There were probably 75 kids at the pool, there were two lifeguards on duty, so the stupid fucker figured it would be ok to leave his son. The friend told the dad that she was calling CPS. It was a huge ordeal. So bad, that the guy will probably need to sell his house and move away. Being a realtor, I gave him my card. CHIEF
  10. Right after he scores an 18 again on his daily round of golf. CHIEF
  11. I was gonna say since he was in diapers, but he was probably 13-15. He is just a little older than my Dad was. My old man was born in January of 1945. CHIEF
  12. Our subdivision had our Memorial Day street dance tonight. A couple left their three year old at the pool unsupervised because he had a red wristband that means he can swim. He almost drown. Ambulance called, he is at the local hospital. They are absolute idoits. Friend was livid, words were exchanged in the 19th Hole. Told Mrs. CHIEF about it. About 45 minutes later, she says “I would have done the same thing,” no context, no reference, just a statement. I had no idea what we were even talking about. Please lay out the scenerio. I just looked at her and said, “you know what they say?” Then I walked away. CHIEF
  13. I don’t know how there is enough room on the island for 300k vehicles, imagine the line to fill up at the Allsups, they will be out of burritos in less than 5 minutes. An army marches on it’s stomach. CHIEF
  14. It’s 300k vehicles, not 300k boats. How many do you think they have that can unload vehicles straight onto the beach? If it happens it will be the biggest clusterfuck that the World has ever seen. Taiwan has been doing combat exercises for the last 75 years, since Armybrat was a kid. CHIEF
  15. I misquoted the amount of US debt that China has sold off. They had three trillion worth and sold off all but $700 billion. They are using that $2.3 trillion to buy up all the precious metals they can. CHIEF
  16. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say China will never be able to perform an amphibious assault. Every ship will be sunk before they can get there. They will be able to pound the hell out of Taiwan with ballistic missiles from the mainland, and may get a few paratroopers there. But a rag-tag group of commercial vessels with a handful of warships protecting them isn't getting within sight of the island. CHIEF
  17. Hamas just keeps poking the bear. They shot rockets into Israel yesterday. They don't give a shit about gaining sympathy, but they keep getting it in spades. CHIEF
  18. This guy is a good listen. I started listening to him before I purchased precious metals. He lays out what he thinks will happen. The big one is he believes OPEC and the Saudis will start taking payment in other currencies besides the US dollar before eventually moving completely out of dollars. No currency has been the World's reserve currency for much more than a hundred years or so. CHIEF
  19. True. But there is a problem with the BRICS nations and ASEAN nations trying de-dollarization. Russia, Iran, and North Korea have been sanctioned off for a couple of years to decades. China and India have bought up enough gold and silver that COMEX and the LBM no longer control the precious metals market. The Bank of Shanghi has the majority of the World's gold, currently, and China is going to use it to back the BRICS currency, after they start a situation that gets them sanctioned by the Western nations. We are dangerously close to loosing half of the nations, in the East, using US dollars as a reserve currency. The bond market is shit. Central banks are using printed dollars to buy up as much gold as they can, but foreign governments are reluctant to buy US debt. China liquidated from three billion dollars down to about 700 billion. I'm not sure who will eventually get left holding the bag, but someone is. The US has, by far, had the longest standing fiat currency, even though it has truly been a fiat currency since 1971. We have been printing money with nothing to back it for decades. The federal government just prints money to buy its own bonds. I have heard people say we will just inflate the debt away, others that say the trap has been laid. We may have some hyperinflation, followed by austerity measures. No one will like it, but something has to be "reset". CHIEF
  20. I bet it was a bitch trying to keep sunglasses from sliding off that nose. CHIEF
  21. Why didn't The Elk get one? I thought this was the birth of a new turdition. Every aggy coaching hire should get one. CHIEF
  22. Their last national championship was closer to the date that these were printed than it is to present day. CHIEF
  23. CHIEF Jr.'s old boat fixin' boss is having a boil this Saturday. Eight sacks, two kegs. His oldest is graduating HS, so this is the party. CHIEF Jr. is orchestrating the whole ordeal, getting paid, and all the mudbugs we can eat. I plan on doing the least amount of work possible, time to pass the torch and act puzzled. Shells are gonna be thick, and peeling will be a bitch. CHIEF
  24. Both of my a/c units have the variable speed compressors. They hardly ever shut completely off. I loved how my a/c guy explained the concept. Regular a/c units are like a teenage driver. They either have the accelerator matted, or they are standing on the brake. Variable speed compressors are like the old man that gives it just enough gas to line up the traffic lights and never has to come to a complete stop. Starting and stopping the units is about 80% of the power consumption. I keep our 3000 sqft. house at 66 degrees, my electric bill runs about $200-250 per month. CHIEF
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