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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. If you shut off your hvac, and don’t run the washer/dryer, dishwasher, and turn off the water heaters, 3500 watts to 6500 watts should do it. Those units are pretty inexpensive, small, and be kept in a storage shed, or garage. Anything with a direct short to generate heat are the biggest power draw. That will keep you from losing fridge and freezer items. CHIEF
  2. I had Farmers for a while. They always paid like a slot machine, and covered pretty much any and all supplemental payments, same with Farm Bureau. It is mainly State Farm and Allstate giving everyone around here grief. If the panels are okay, but the roof needs to be replaced, they are pushing, or trying to push the homeowners with, "the solar panels are fine, and not considered part of the claim, but you must pay to remove and reinstall them so we can make the repairs to your roof." I mean, insurance companies deny legitimate claims and sometimes pay on bogus claims. I'v e seen it go both ways. CHIEF
  3. I'm sure she asked to speak to the ranch manager. CHIEF
  4. I always wondered what the 72 virgins did that was so bad, that they had to share one smelly ass goat herder for eternity. CHIEF
  5. My son never had good enough vision for baseball, was too slow for football, or track. We pivoted to hunting, fishing, restoring cars, and scuba diving. Those are still his passions and what he loves to do to this day. His new passion is learning to make World-class bbq and boil crawfish for people's parties on the weekend. We never tried to pigeonhole him into any particular sport or activity. Just present activities that he was free to choose to enjoy, or he can take it or leave it. The decision was always his on what he wanted to do with his spare time. CHIEF
  6. I am very pro-solar. We do not have natural gas in my subdivision. I have enough roof area facing south to run my whole house, and possibly run the meter backwards. I have had two real estate clients, and have a couple of friends that have them. They told me they are great until you have a storm tear everything up. Then, the insurance nightmare starts. One was out $14k to have the panels removed and reinstalled. The panels were still good but the remainder of his roof was trashed. This was from a hailstorm we had about 3 years ago. CHIEF
  7. We have several homes in my subdivision with heavily damaged roofs and solar panels. Insurance companies are balking at paying to replace the solar panels. A couple of the homeowners have the panels insured through a third party insurer recommended by the solar installer. BUT, if your roof is damaged, the insurers will not pay for the labor to remove and reinstall the new panels. Many insurance companies are refusing to underwrite the homes with solar panels at all. CHIEF
  8. A/C is at 66 when it is 66 or warmer, heater is at 62 when it is 62 or colder. CHIEF
  9. I always tell people, when it's cold, I can always put on enough clothing to stay warm. I can't take off enough clothing, in the summer, to stay outta jail. CHIEF
  10. Looks more like a "splat" than a hard landing. CHIEF
  11. My niece has mold growing in the lawn at her new house. Mrs. CHIEF told her what her grandmother used to use. Lysol concentrate. It will kill mold, mildew, fungus, pretty much anything that this much moisture produces. It is a helluva lot cheaper than fungicide. It will also kill tree boring insects or grubs. Lots of sage advice comes out of Johnson City. CHIEF
  12. Yes, the split in price is why I bought silver. Silver normally trades at about 50/1 to gold. It was over 80/1 when I bought. Gold and silver guys have been saying that would correct itself. Not by gold dropping, but by silver going up to its historic trading ratio. At gold's current price, silver should be sitting above $48/oz. CHIEF
  13. For sure. If I make out like a bandit, it will be "our" investment, although she will give me credit for it. If we loose money it will be totally "my stupid decision." CHIEF
  14. Silver up a dollar an ounce. Told the wife we are up $500. I've gone from inconsiderate asshole to financial genius in less than 18 hours. CHIEF
  15. One of the great things about Mrs. CHIEF is she will see the drop in the savings account, and she will completely disregard that the money is just sitting in the safe. She will cease to spend on anything but necessities until that savings account has the same amount it had in it before this purchase. So I've 2-3 months. CHIEF
  16. She just got home, she was mad for about 10 seconds, and this is exactly what I told her. It isn't like I'm going to Vegas and betting it all on black It's just a speculation based on market research I have been following for a while. It's just taking money that would be sitting in savings at 2-3% and taking the chance that you can have it grow at 20-30% in a short amount of time. It will be sitting in my safe, I can get rid of it at anytime. CHIEF
  17. I begged Mrs. CHIEF to agree to buy five hundred 1 oz. silver Maple Leafs back in March, when silver was around $21ish an ounce. I just bought them today priced about $3k more total. I don't ever know why I ask for permission or agreement before I do shit like this. It's just easier to never tell her until she freaks out after looking at the savings account. She will be furious for about ten minutes, and then, she will be on her computer monitoring silver prices constantly. CHIEF
  18. I bet we have had 3" since 9 am, up here SW of Ft. Worth. Probably 5-6" in the last week. In a flash flood watch currently. CHIEF
  19. Bama gets the night game against their cupcake opener while the team that beat them last year (and higher ranked pre-season) gets to pan sear in the August afternoon sun? Help it make sense.. First game post-Saban. CHIEF
  20. This is a pretty good read: https://www.usmcu.edu/Outreach/Marine-Corps-University-Press/Expeditions-with-MCUP-digital-journal/Escaping-Atonement-in-Sunni-Islam/ The Palestinians are Sunni. It's sad to say, but this looks exactly what the Palestinians prefer. Death by Jihad gets you to the front of the line for Paradise and your 72 virgins. The Quran states: "And if you are killed in the cause of Allah or you die, the forgiveness and mercy of Allah are better than all that you amass."18 "Surely those who believe and those who leave their homes and fight in the way of Allah, may hope for his benevolence for Allah is forgiving and kind."19 "Do you think that you will get away before Allah knows who among you fought and did not take anyone but Allah, His Apostle and the faithful as their friends? Allah is cognizant of all that you do."20 "But (to) those who were victimized and left their homes and then fought and endured patiently, your Lord will surely be forgiving and kind."21 "He who strives (jihad) does so for himself. Verily Allah is independent of the creatures of the world."22 "Those who fear Allah and follow the straight path will surely be in gardens and in bliss, Rejoicing at what their Lord has given them; and their Lord will preserve them from the torment of Hell. 'Eat and drink with relish,' (they will be told), (as recompense) for what you have done."23 "Reclining there on carpets lined with brocade, fruits of the garden hanging low within reach. How many favors of your Lord will then both of you deny? In them maidens with averted glances, undeflowered by man or by jinn before them."24 "If you give alms openly, it is well, and if you hide it and give it to the poor, it is better for you; and this will do away with some of your evil deeds; and Allah is aware of what you do."25 "And keep up prayer in the two parts of the day and in the first hours of the night; surely good deeds take away evil deeds."26 Palestinians will gladly go to their deaths for Allah, just as the early Christians were happily martyred in the Roman Colosseum. This is a religious war that can only end with genocide, one way or the other, or the Palestinians are going to have to be disobedient to Quaranic verses, which would obviously be a serious sin, possibly leading to eternal damnation. Hamas and the Palestinians started this, and are the only ones that can stop it. You cannot look at this through secular eyes, but through religious understanding. If you have no faith, no religion, no understanding of their fear of hell, it's all just platitudes based in ignorance of Islamic doctrine. This is the view they have of themselves, every man, woman, and child, and with their beliefs, who could blame them: CHIEF
  21. Mack vs. RC all over again. Eat the CFS, and let Elko have the crumbs from the floor, and a drop of gravy. CHIEF
  22. The last house we financed in Cedar Park our rate was 6% and that was considered a killer deal in 2003. It was a $163k new tract home in Deer Creek. That house would cost almost $400k to build today. Lower interest loans allowed construction suppliers to go nuts, on pricing, with the demand. I'm not sure we are gonna see concrete, lumber, plumbing, and electrical supply prices revert to pricing that it once was with the higher interest rates, but that is going to be what is needed for starter homes to become affordable again. CHIEF
  23. I always tell CHIEF Jr. "always remember, you were born on third base, you didn't hit a triple." Our family has been blessed with making some good decisions, and that includes decisions that you have made. That doesn't mean you haven't had struggles along the way, as we have. But we have been helped financially from parents, friends, and relatives over the years, now we are in a position to be that help. My niece is in the opposite boat. She can't really count on her parents to help, or her in-laws. Not because they don't want to, but are not in a position financially. My son is part of their safety net. He has helped with utility deposits, diapers, formula, a garage door opener. These were never asked of him, he just bought them and took them over on his own. You have to raise them unselfishly, and to be unselfish and help others. After the Big Freeze of 2021, we had the Big Thaw. College courses were all online at the time. He and 2-3 friends pulled carpet, sheetrock, and furniture for about two weeks on over 20 houses for free. I was proud of him. It let me know I raised him right. CHIEF
  24. Yep. Those mushrooms have a funny taste, and make you yak in about 4 minutes. CHIEF
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