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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Silver up a dollar an ounce. Told the wife we are up $500. I've gone from inconsiderate asshole to financial genius in less than 18 hours. CHIEF
  2. One of the great things about Mrs. CHIEF is she will see the drop in the savings account, and she will completely disregard that the money is just sitting in the safe. She will cease to spend on anything but necessities until that savings account has the same amount it had in it before this purchase. So I've 2-3 months. CHIEF
  3. She just got home, she was mad for about 10 seconds, and this is exactly what I told her. It isn't like I'm going to Vegas and betting it all on black It's just a speculation based on market research I have been following for a while. It's just taking money that would be sitting in savings at 2-3% and taking the chance that you can have it grow at 20-30% in a short amount of time. It will be sitting in my safe, I can get rid of it at anytime. CHIEF
  4. I begged Mrs. CHIEF to agree to buy five hundred 1 oz. silver Maple Leafs back in March, when silver was around $21ish an ounce. I just bought them today priced about $3k more total. I don't ever know why I ask for permission or agreement before I do shit like this. It's just easier to never tell her until she freaks out after looking at the savings account. She will be furious for about ten minutes, and then, she will be on her computer monitoring silver prices constantly. CHIEF
  5. I bet we have had 3" since 9 am, up here SW of Ft. Worth. Probably 5-6" in the last week. In a flash flood watch currently. CHIEF
  6. Bama gets the night game against their cupcake opener while the team that beat them last year (and higher ranked pre-season) gets to pan sear in the August afternoon sun? Help it make sense.. First game post-Saban. CHIEF
  7. This is a pretty good read: https://www.usmcu.edu/Outreach/Marine-Corps-University-Press/Expeditions-with-MCUP-digital-journal/Escaping-Atonement-in-Sunni-Islam/ The Palestinians are Sunni. It's sad to say, but this looks exactly what the Palestinians prefer. Death by Jihad gets you to the front of the line for Paradise and your 72 virgins. The Quran states: "And if you are killed in the cause of Allah or you die, the forgiveness and mercy of Allah are better than all that you amass."18 "Surely those who believe and those who leave their homes and fight in the way of Allah, may hope for his benevolence for Allah is forgiving and kind."19 "Do you think that you will get away before Allah knows who among you fought and did not take anyone but Allah, His Apostle and the faithful as their friends? Allah is cognizant of all that you do."20 "But (to) those who were victimized and left their homes and then fought and endured patiently, your Lord will surely be forgiving and kind."21 "He who strives (jihad) does so for himself. Verily Allah is independent of the creatures of the world."22 "Those who fear Allah and follow the straight path will surely be in gardens and in bliss, Rejoicing at what their Lord has given them; and their Lord will preserve them from the torment of Hell. 'Eat and drink with relish,' (they will be told), (as recompense) for what you have done."23 "Reclining there on carpets lined with brocade, fruits of the garden hanging low within reach. How many favors of your Lord will then both of you deny? In them maidens with averted glances, undeflowered by man or by jinn before them."24 "If you give alms openly, it is well, and if you hide it and give it to the poor, it is better for you; and this will do away with some of your evil deeds; and Allah is aware of what you do."25 "And keep up prayer in the two parts of the day and in the first hours of the night; surely good deeds take away evil deeds."26 Palestinians will gladly go to their deaths for Allah, just as the early Christians were happily martyred in the Roman Colosseum. This is a religious war that can only end with genocide, one way or the other, or the Palestinians are going to have to be disobedient to Quaranic verses, which would obviously be a serious sin, possibly leading to eternal damnation. Hamas and the Palestinians started this, and are the only ones that can stop it. You cannot look at this through secular eyes, but through religious understanding. If you have no faith, no religion, no understanding of their fear of hell, it's all just platitudes based in ignorance of Islamic doctrine. This is the view they have of themselves, every man, woman, and child, and with their beliefs, who could blame them: CHIEF
  8. Mack vs. RC all over again. Eat the CFS, and let Elko have the crumbs from the floor, and a drop of gravy. CHIEF
  9. The last house we financed in Cedar Park our rate was 6% and that was considered a killer deal in 2003. It was a $163k new tract home in Deer Creek. That house would cost almost $400k to build today. Lower interest loans allowed construction suppliers to go nuts, on pricing, with the demand. I'm not sure we are gonna see concrete, lumber, plumbing, and electrical supply prices revert to pricing that it once was with the higher interest rates, but that is going to be what is needed for starter homes to become affordable again. CHIEF
  10. I always tell CHIEF Jr. "always remember, you were born on third base, you didn't hit a triple." Our family has been blessed with making some good decisions, and that includes decisions that you have made. That doesn't mean you haven't had struggles along the way, as we have. But we have been helped financially from parents, friends, and relatives over the years, now we are in a position to be that help. My niece is in the opposite boat. She can't really count on her parents to help, or her in-laws. Not because they don't want to, but are not in a position financially. My son is part of their safety net. He has helped with utility deposits, diapers, formula, a garage door opener. These were never asked of him, he just bought them and took them over on his own. You have to raise them unselfishly, and to be unselfish and help others. After the Big Freeze of 2021, we had the Big Thaw. College courses were all online at the time. He and 2-3 friends pulled carpet, sheetrock, and furniture for about two weeks on over 20 houses for free. I was proud of him. It let me know I raised him right. CHIEF
  11. Yep. Those mushrooms have a funny taste, and make you yak in about 4 minutes. CHIEF
  12. One of our hailstones in Pecan Plantation even made the news: CHIEF
  13. In our area we are overrun with chicken places. Mrs. CHIEF's is by far the best. We have Babe's, Golden Chick, a Chicken Express next to the Golden Chick (they share a parking lot), Cotton Patch, KFC, Chic-Fil-A, and a Canes. This is in a town of less than 10k people. Even the Brookshire's that I can drive my golf cart to has great chicken. For strips, its either Chick-Fil-A or Canes. For gizzards it is Chicken Express all the way. Babe's is for Sunday after church, but it is so loud, you can't have a conversation in there. We have a Chester's right outside both gates. I'm surprised we don't have people walking around with feathers growing out. CHIEF
  14. We just got some gorilla hail: Had a hook echo about 3 miles south. I've got a thick metal roof, but may need a new ridge row. We had everything under cover but my white dually, CHIEF Jr. was betting on the windows being broken, but I had parked it under a grove of big trees, not even a dent. CHIEF
  15. CHIEF Jr. took today off for Lasik surgery. I got up and he wasn't here. I asked him where he was, he is at Cast for Kids loading and unloading children, and then taking them fishing. He has done this since he was in high school. He said he would have taken the day off anyway for this opportunity to volunteer. So, I know of one really happy kid today. CHIEF
  16. Living on the prairie southwest of Ft. Worth, as a kid, we had several tornados. None never hit the house, but it tore up a bunch of fence and destroyed my new treehouse that I hadn't even stepped foot in. We had a big tornado in our subdivision about 7-8 years ago, it was past my folks house, but without the ability to verify the distance it was extremely scary until we heard from them. CHIEF
  17. Do you wear one to the bank, convenience store, or liquor store presently? CHIEF
  18. Yep, and fucked up the Simon David at the Arboretum. CHIEF
  19. Here is a breakdown by Mosab Yousef, the son of one of the founding members of Hamas, on the Hamas mindset. He is anti-Hamas, but understands their goals. The conflict isn't about politics but religion. CHIEF
  20. Yes, I wrote about it early in this thread. Toro is a great place. CHIEF
  21. Clothes don’t have to be expensive. Just nice golf shirt, pressed jeans, and proper footwear. Not shorts, a stained t-shirt, and flip flops which tends to be his attire when not working or going clubbing. CHIEF
  22. To be honest, I would have to give them 1967. CHIEF
  23. Exactly. CHIEF Jr., being an engineer, would probably have some intel tendencies if we let him. One rule we set after graduation is that he was not to work from home. He needed to be in an office setting, and go in daily to interact face to face with people. Sit across from people and solve problems. That is how the real world works. He is not a sharp dresser until he needs or wants to be. That shit had to stop. Go into the office dressed nice, properly groomed, and with a good attitude. That is the way young adults are supposed to learn to be on time, meet deadlines, build comradery and maturity. Working from home is for those old and mature enough to manage their time and stay on schedule. The office is also where you meet women, not necessarily one for a romantic relationship, but many want to hook up a friend, niece, daughter, or granddaughter with a successful young man that is sharp, educated, dresses nice, and is groomed properly. So far all of this has worked. One of my son's graduation presents was that we would pay for Lasik anytime he wanted it. He gets it next Thursday, along with an "old school" barbershop trip. He has a standing appointment every three weeks, his hair grows like crazy. We have a wedding reception for one of his friends, his wife is gorgeous, as are most of her friends. He wants to look good to "shoot his shot". CHIEF
  24. Why is it always the same lame chant at every Pro-Palestinian protest on every US campus. Not only are these kids irrational, they are also unoriginal. CHIEF
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