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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. It says that a Permanent Resident must "obey all laws of the US and localities." Does that include lawful orders? Like to disperse from the college premises? We know that order was given multiple times, and ignored. Normal shit that would get a US citizen possibly arrested, but gives grounds to deport a non-US citizen. Permanent Residence does not guarantee the same rights as a US citizen. It says right in your post that they cannot vote in federal, state, and local elections. CHIEF
  2. But are they though? I don't know. I am not versed in Immigration law, rules, and regulations. Laxtonto seems to be an expert in this field simply due to his work environment. I would think that his status as a legal permanent resident would help. As a US citizen I can proudly support Hamas in my own country, according to Laxtonto's post, on the last page, a green card holder can, but he better keep his opinion to him or herself. CHIEF
  3. Shit, I've been on mine for almost two decades. CHIEF
  4. I guess I look at this too simplistically. As a visa, or green card holder, you are a guest in this country. As long as you remain a pleasant guest, and abide by immigration rules and regulations, America will remain a gracious host. Laxtonto is wise to tell the international students, he works with to stay out of protests. As a US citizen, I can shit in my own floor, as I have to clean it up. As a guest, you simply do not have that right. Especially, if, as a guest you are harassing US citizens. It is a very entitled stance that has enveloped some of our elite universities. My threshold is do what you want, but when property is destroyed, or US citizens get harassed, you have crossed that line, and all bets are off. Someone was bound to be made an example of, and unfortunately for this dude, he is it. CHIEF
  5. Same. I don’t go apeshit over them. But I buy probably six boxes , a month, when they have a table set out in front of the liquor store (they are shooting fish in a barrel). Samoas are my favorite, Thin Mints for Mrs. CHIEF. We don’t have a daughter, but I will do what I can to support my friends and neighbor’s daughters. What’s a little heavy metal amongst friends. CHIEF
  6. CHIEF


    I have a cousin that gets "bit" parts when they film in Hood County. He had a bit part as a cowboy in 1883, and apparently was on the episode of 1923 one of the last few nights. I don't really watch until there are enough episodes built up to binge a season. But it is pretty cool to see a familiar relative, up on the the screen. CHIEF
  7. He looked quite dapper in the knee high boots, and the newsboy cap. High style. He would be disappointed seeing you in black socks with Crocs. CHIEF
  8. Hamas was listed as a terrorist organization by the US DNI all the way back in 1997. The Rules and Regulations that Laxtonto posted (all the way back from 2005) make it pretty clear in Article VII, that even support for a terrorist organization can get your green card revoked and get you deported. How hard do you think it would be to find video coverage of this guy supporting Hamas, or have witnesses come forward and say that he voiced support for Hamas? Is shouting "From the River to the Sea" showing support for Hamas? I would imagine there is footage of him shouting it. If a university campus wasn't vandalized, and Jewish students weren't verbally attacked, and regular students weren't inconvenienced on their way between classes, and it was a true "peaceful protest" I don't think there would be much made of the situation. But, where would be the fun in that. Those actions galvanized what little sympathy they had, against them. Those actions are going to lead to FAFO. CHIEF
  9. This model works for big tract home builders such as the DR Horton's of the World. They get the profit from selling a house for more than they have in it, and are willing to finance that house at substantially lower interest rates, I think they are currently offering about 4.5% financing on their own homes, in our area. Like you, I am wondering how this is going to work out. CHIEF
  10. The Chili Lime Shrimp flavored ones are pretty solid. CHIEF
  11. Yep. So far their are only two: The Lord loves a working man Don't Trust Whitey I'm saving up for my Yosemite Sam "Back Off" mudflaps, so any additional paint will have to be put on lay away. CHIEF
  12. Overalls and Red Wings are still my attire for working outside. Especially in the summer. No tight waistband to keep air from circulating all the way up the pants legs, so you stay cooler, a jillion pockets to carry fencing pliers, screwdrivers, nails, etc. They are very practical. I would never paint stupid shit on them though. CHIEF
  13. Yep, forget Elon. Coulda just fired everyone and replaced all of the bureaucracy with ten Chick-Fil-a employees. CHIEF
  14. If you find a buyer, and hammer out an agreed upon price, I am 100% positive you can get a realtor to draw up a contract for a flat fee. We have done that for a few friends, our family members selling to other family members at an agreed upon price. CHIEF
  15. Holy shit. We have some friends, probably best friends as a couple, that moved to Oklahoma to take care of an ailing parent, and are now moving back. He is an estimator for a car dealership, his wife is a pothead, so we are looking at the shittiest little houses in Granbury. The first one, on the list, was the one his wife drove down from Oklahoma to see. We walk in and start looking around, I open the garage door and this is sitting there: 1965, convertible, small block, numbers matching, four speed manual, factory knockoffs, and side pipes. We walk out, and this guy walks up, and he is the actual owner of the house. I told him we have to options, right now. I'll give you a full price offer, right now, if it comes with car. Or I will trade you that Lexus with only 2400 miles, straight up.....and you will get to witness the first fist fight my wife and I have ever been in. CHIEF
  16. I swear half you motherfuckers don't have jobs. The only two I know personally is Immamac, and Brisket. Brisket has so many posts, that I figured out he just surfs Surly all day, and lets the interns, and paralegals get shit ready for trial. He works about as much as a placekicker. I'll fess up, I work maybe 4-5 hours per week, my wife gets shitty with me because she has always worked a non-sales job. I'm a placekicker as well. CHIEF
  17. If it were were me? I would say no on some of these listings. But my mom is my broker. There have been very few listings that she is willing to refuse. We have a riverfront listing on a vacant property that has been an absolute thorn in my side. It's kinda the frustration that made me make the above post. This dude started at $650k, it is an older, oddly laid out home with a really small garage (20x20). I don't know if I would take it if he just gave it to me. I hate to say it, but we have listed this home, off and on, since before the freeze of 2021. The guy moved to Monroe, LA, and the house has been vacant ever since. He didn't have the heat on in 2021, and the upstairs toilet tank froze and busted. It was against an outside wall. It flooded the house, how he got the insurance company to pay for it, I have no idea. The bathroom floor collapsed and I had to tiptoe out on the joists to turn the water off, $160k and a year later and we relisted it. Fast forward to this week, and he gets a "lowball" offer. The dude has property taxes, HOA dues, utilities, and insurance payments every year. It probably totals about $20k. Is the offer still more than he paid for it? Yes. After the sunk cost of $60k in three years, I don't know. But the motherfucker needs to take the offer. I have to go turn the water on and off during freezes. I left the water off for a long time, but then agents would let their clients use the restroom. It would get mentioned in feedback. I would have to drive the 20 minutes there, turn on the water and flush the toilets. We are pretty selective when it comes to location, we will list things out to about 15-20 miles from home, but don't really do DFW. Code of Ethics says to stay in your area of expertise. But some of this shit that we, and others list, can really be undesirable to a lot of people, but for those struggling to buy any home at all, would be an absolute Godsend. They ain't picky. CHIEF
  18. I would have told him it would be another grand to not post his search history to all of his friends and family on Facebook. CHIEF
  19. Same. I have to put my face up against the little top screened section, to see out, of the Port-A-Potty when taking a piss at our tailgate. CHIEF
  20. From the folks that can't qualify to purchase a home at the current prices (first timers, middle class, young people). When the market corrects, and that $450k house has been on the market for 22 months, and has had a dozen price drops is suddenly back to a realistic value of $295k. The owner only paid $225k, so he is still making a profit. Sellers are going to have to accept a declining market, or they will have that millstone for a lot longer than they want. Some sellers are receptive, some aren't. We have a house at $760k, that is the most valuable property in a mediocre subdivision, he wants $760k, it won't bring more than $650k. Put it on the market two weeks ago, hasn't had a single call or showing. People are going to have to get realistic. That takes time, but it is coming. The people that bought in 2020-2021 are going to get taken to the cleaners, they shouldn't move unless it is absolutely necessary. CHIEF
  21. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/housing-contract-activity-sinks-to-all-time-low-in-january-amid-high-rates-cold-weather-150240405.html We started calling our seller listings this morning. A few of the listings are vacant, or in estates. A lot of these folks want 2020-2021 prices for these homes, so basically the same price as when interest rates were 3%. It ain't gonna happen. They want to cut a fat hog, and get double, or triple what they initially paid for the property. Priced right, the homes will have a contract within a week. I think we are about to see a market correction on homes that were bought over ten years ago. The greed is finally going to be bled out of people. Forget $300k worth of profit, take your $100k and be content. Housing prices doubled in 2020-2021, and interest rates have now doubled. It isn't sustainable. This is finally going to give first time home buyers, middle income, and the youngs some relief. I can see this adversely effecting new home sales though. Building costs, in my neighborhood have now reached $225/sqft., not including land cost. 2300 sqft. homes are about $500k. CHIEF
  22. Living in NOLA, and making over a million a year would drive me to a gout ridden early grave. CHIEF
  23. Maybe not nuking. But there needs to be some accountability. CHIEF
  24. If a politician ran on nuking countries that hosted scammers, he would win 100% of the vote. People hate them with a vengeance. Studies show it is the third biggest industry in our country. Think about that, it is a multi-billion dollar industry, stealing money from our citizens. CHIEF
  25. Disloyalty is highly not tolerated in the organization? I mean, do they make you eat all of your vegetables to show loyalty? I'm out. CHIEF
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