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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. You have a point. This kinda started with the rising interest rates, and $200/yd. concrete. CHIEF
  2. Subdivision is single dwelling units. He would make a shitty landlord, he is too soft hearted. He would fall for every sob story. It really is to provide some kind of tax shelter in which he could grow a down payment to put towards the house. I just don't want him to strap himself with a minimum down payment and a huge payment. He can take the mortgage interest off, but a $3500-4500 a month payment is a really big nut for a single person. Just wondering if there is a way for him to grow it at a lower tax bracket. Liquidity is not really an issue until he has to make the down payment. He could put it away for 3-4 years and not touch it. CHIEF
  3. CHIEF Jr. has an engineering job, he is able to live at home and rathole money. He has no room and board, vehicle payment, just his lunch and fuel each day. He already has a lot in our subdivision that backs up to six acres we own. Uncle Sam is going to fuck him with no lube. The idea is for him to build a house in 3-4 years. He should be able to sock away $50-75k per year. His big problem is no write offs. We have been trying to come up with ways to use pre-tax money to save up for the house. 401k loan is about all we have come up with, and apparently that isn't really ideal. Is there an avenue we haven't pursued? Looking at trying to put down at least 20% on a $375-400k home. CHIEF
  4. Both of my mom's younger brothers went on annual elk hunts when I was in college. So I got every bit of their elk meat from the year before, usually 400-500 lbs. We lived on the end apartment and had a barrel pit pulled up beside our exterior wall. We would get a keg of "Natty" and cook about two dozen "elk burgers" every Friday after class. Wonderful poor, poor times. We fed half the apartment complex. CHIEF
  5. Anyone that would actively participate in the planned Jihad called for this coming Friday. Ones willing to rush the barriers in Gaza and either take one for the team or give one. CHIEF
  6. How many terrorists/fighters/support personnel does Hamas have in Gaza? With a population of 2.3 million, if one out of every 23 people were a member, that would be 100k. I would imagine it is more than that. 1 out of 10 would be 230k. CHIEF
  7. I love close games. The toilets, bedrooms, kitchen, and baseboards are clean. CHIEF
  8. Mrs. CHIEF moved from her recliner to a bar stool. She came back to her her recliner. I told her to get her ass back to that barstool. CHIEF
  9. Leaderat. Got to add that to the Surly lexicon. CHIEF
  10. If only there were a giant, talking, cowboy statue or something. It’s always the fountain in front of the Old Mill. Only place you can buy wax cup beers with cash. CHIEF
  11. You can't take in the fair maiden's ample bosoms from a fucking book. CHIEF
  12. It is a 500 mile round trip, I'm in the same boat. I'm set up to only fill up feeders once a year. Especially after putting coon hoods on my protein feeder. CHIEF
  13. Well, bow season starts this weekend. Get a crossbow and shoot him in the spine right between the front shoulders, should drop like a rock. He looks like at least 6.5. CHIEF
  14. As parents, most of us went to a university when it was cheap, and the "experience" wasn't cost prohibitive. That has all changed today. For STEM, any in-state ABET certified engineering program will do, if the student maintains a high GPA. I got my kid out with no student debt. He has been on the slow boat to Lockheed (security clearances, new fiscal year) and is on target for three positions. He already owns property in our subdivision, wants to build a house and stay close. He really hasn't put in a lot of applications, but has been interviewed for all of the ones he has put in, and turned down a couple of positions. He is interviewing for a design engineering position, this morning, here in Granbury. Design is what he wants to do, and if the compensation is the same, he will probably take it over Lockheed. People that want to let their kids go out of state or private for a degree in teaching, social work, marine biology, and the like are insane. Save that money to help your kid get something worthwhile, like a badass honeymoon, or a down payment on a house. Send them to Texas State, SFA, Tarleton, UNT, etc. As far as resumes and cover letters? Companies don't want to hear about your personal goals and aspirations. They want to see your experience, that you are wanting to learn, and you will put the companies interest before your own as a new grad. CHIEF
  15. I have about a half dozen friends that I have hugged and told them "I love them" for decades. I was always lucky in that my parents and extended family always hugged, and told each other "I love you." Mrs. CHIEF's family were stodgy old Germans, they even shook hands with their own children, parents, and siblings. I was the one that came in and upset the apple cart. Before she passed, my MIL would get upset if I didn't tell her I loved her, and gave her a hug. I don't know, maybe this is the reason I never feel lonely, I have people that I love, and I know they love me back even when I'm not with them. CHIEF
  16. Yep, Mrs. CHIEF carries that five shot .38 S&W Airweight. She can hit a pie plate all five times at 5-10 feet, that is really all women need to be proficient. Bad guys are trying to rape, assault, rob women, not immediately kill them. Mrs. CHIEF is in a pretty rough part of Houston for work, occasionally. She keeps the pistol in her purse and her finger close to the trigger while walking into the hotel. She has enough nerve to let someone get within a couple of feet, and calm enough to make sure she is going to hit her target and shoot through the front of her purse. A close family friend that teaches CCL classes said the statistics bear this scenario out an overwhelming amount of the times of crimes against women. He recommended a revolver, as it is easier to operate, load, and unload more safely without causing an unintentional discharge. CHIEF
  17. The last place Big 12 team would boat race Auburn. Worst offense I’ve seen in 40 years of watching CFB. CHIEF
  18. That first picture reminds me of David Allan Coe: This will only hurt for a little while I'll only stick the head of it in CHIEF
  19. My Pros and Cons as a WFH real estate agent since 2019, living about 20 minutes from town: Pros: Hit the fridge anytime you want. Minimum clothing expense. Have a beer with lunch. Thermostat set where I want it. Have only put 8,000 miles on my truck. Can fuck around on Surly all day. Mrs. CHIEF works from home a couple of days per week, afternoon breaks are nice. My own toilet with bidet. Cons: I needed to go to HEB on Thursday, last Thursday. Always watching out the window for my daily Amazon delivery. Hiding in the house from the yardman so he thinks I'm too busy to mow my own yard, rather than just too lazy. Creates separation anxiety in my dog, cause I'm always supposed to be here. Low patience with people when I do go to town (get your fucking buggy out of the middle of the aisle, get off your phone and go, the light has been green for six seconds, etc.) CHIEF
  20. I was thinking about this thread last night. We have a Wednesday night Bible study, afterwards I go to the 19th Hole for drinks, each week, ironically. You can tell who the lonely people are. After reading about 4-5 scriptures, the widows and the single people have to stop the reading to go down a rabbit hole about how the scripture relates to a certain thing or situation that happened in their life. You know what? The 19th Hole was the same way. They are so eager to tell their story. Their loneliness has obliterated their social and conversation skills. No one knows how to be good listeners. Whats worse is that no one really has empathy, they are too caught up in their own situations. So I spent last night concentrating on being a good listener. I sat there in silence as six people tried talking over each other and realized it was just nerve wracking. A buddy, Marcus and some guys at the next table were playing 42, you know who was having a good conversation? Those guys. My solution is that everyone should have a box of dominoes on them at all times, so they have to stop talking long enough to think. I've also learned that it is best to greet someone with "its nice to see you," never "how are you?" CHIEF
  21. That sounds like socialism. Explains a lot. CHIEF
  22. I was born in 1968. My Little League team was just like The Bad News Bears without the winning. We all sucked except Mario Rodriguez. That kid could ball. He never dissed the rest of us six year olds and had every right to. Was one of my true first best friends. CHIEF
  23. It’s not complaining, I couldn’t give a single shit. I take it as a badge of honor. My grandparents were the Greatest Generation. We are the “Just Keep Your Trap Shut” generation. Social media became a thing after we were grown, and out of college. We are too busy raising families with kids in college to give a fuck. CHIEF
  24. Because we don't bitch much, don't give a shit about polls, and are keeping our nose to the grindstone during our best earning years. CHIEF-Gen X
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