As parents, most of us went to a university when it was cheap, and the "experience" wasn't cost prohibitive. That has all changed today. For STEM, any in-state ABET certified engineering program will do, if the student maintains a high GPA. I got my kid out with no student debt. He has been on the slow boat to Lockheed (security clearances, new fiscal year) and is on target for three positions. He already owns property in our subdivision, wants to build a house and stay close. He really hasn't put in a lot of applications, but has been interviewed for all of the ones he has put in, and turned down a couple of positions. He is interviewing for a design engineering position, this morning, here in Granbury. Design is what he wants to do, and if the compensation is the same, he will probably take it over Lockheed.
People that want to let their kids go out of state or private for a degree in teaching, social work, marine biology, and the like are insane. Save that money to help your kid get something worthwhile, like a badass honeymoon, or a down payment on a house. Send them to Texas State, SFA, Tarleton, UNT, etc.
As far as resumes and cover letters? Companies don't want to hear about your personal goals and aspirations. They want to see your experience, that you are wanting to learn, and you will put the companies interest before your own as a new grad.