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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. My late FIL always received a copy of Jerry Scarborough’s newsletter. He was in constant amazement that I already knew much of the information. It took him a few years to realize that there was this website, Hornfans, where a bunch of us were acquiring this supposed insider knowledge that he had to pay for. CHIEF
  2. Was blind, but now I see 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved Might have to write a "contemporary" new verse to Amazing Grace. CHIEF
  3. I'm not up to snuff on 1950's Russian rock bands, or any Russian musicians from the 1950s for that matter. CHIEF
  4. I should have used the Smothers Brothers after watching that Ukrainian tank push those Ruskie's shit in by dragging their tank balls and burying them in their trenches. CHIEF
  5. DLR for sure. Earliest Van Halen is best Van Halen. CHIEF
  6. So it's like putting up our Van Halens against their Buddy Hollies? To use an analogy. CHIEF
  7. I remember several hundred pages back, when Russia was doing some nuclear saber rattling, it was mentioned that OSINT wasn't too concerned as they had not seen Russia pulling nuclear warheads from their storage facility. Do the Russians actually keep their nuclear warheads in centralized facilities and dole them out when put on high alert? NATO OSINT knows where these facilities are? Would it be possible to eliminate the threat of these facilities using non-NATO sabotage groups, like from Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, and some of the Stans. That would leave the Russians with just a maritime threat with their subs. CHIEF
  8. Let's look at Mexico. The requirements to apply for a firearm license don't sound too stringent: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexicans-have-the-right-to-own-guns-but-few-do/ At least six separate documents are required to buy a gun: a birth certificate, a letter confirming employment, proof of a clean criminal record from the attorney general’s office in the applicant’s home state, a utility bill with current address, a copy of a government-issued ID and a federal social security number. Like some are advocating here, a national registry, and no CCL: Gun owners must register every weapon they have, and people say it’s nearly impossible to secure a concealed carry permit, something that’s allowed in the majority of U.S. states. You send in your paperwork, but the Mexican Government knows what is best for you: “If I put my papers in ... they’re going to take about three to four, even six months, and then send me a letter telling me that it’s the obligation of the state to provide security for all people in Mexico, so your permit is denied,” said Segurajauregui, who is a professor of design at Mexico’s Metropolitan Autonomous University. He called that idiotic. “You can’t assign a soldier to preserve the security of each and every one of the people,” he said. The Mexican Government doesn't really want you to have them anyway: “It’s preferred not to have a gun, even at home, because there could be accidents or worse, accidents within families due to the mishandling of weapons. It’s like having a match close to a fire,” Tellez said. “It’s an obligation of the state to provide security to the people who live in the country, not for you to take justice into your own hands.” But why would Mexican citizens want a firearm? Some people aren’t confident about authorities’ ability to provide security. On a recent day, Mexico City resident Alejandro Lozano came to pick up a hunting rifle after waiting about a week while his documents were processed. He said he keeps a handgun at home, but wishes he could legally carry it to protect himself from violent robberies targeting bus passengers, motorists at stoplights and customers emerging from banks and ATMs. Do Mexican citizens have a valid concern? Yet, while Mexico has a homicide rate more than five times higher than in the U.S., such sentiments have brought no widespread debate about gun rights, and there is no political push to ease firearm restrictions. Firearm protection is mostly limited to police, the drug cartels, the military, and the financial elites that can afford security details. This is on our southern border. If the US government instituted the same restrictions in the US, do the gun control advocates think that in the next 50 or so years, we wouldn't have the same situation? My friends that live here, and also have homes in Mexico say that when they go back to see family, they make sure to take bribe money, don't drive a car that they can't afford to loose, pray for safety, and a bit of luck. They keep their head down and try to look as inconspicuous as possible. Again, I am not saying something can't be done. BC's ideas are palpable. But Mexico shows us that tight restrictions don't necessarily mean a drop in homicides. It has emboldened criminals, and the cartels that don't adhere to the laws anyway. CHIEF
  9. Here is a link to the scuba board forums. Great place to ask questions, and probably some good reads before you go: https://scubaboard.com/community/forums/belize.439/ CHIEF
  10. I talked to my son about scholarships and grants for vocational training/ apprenticeships vs. college funds available. He is about to graduate college with an ME. He is adamant that there is a ton more money available for vocational training than for college, and it isn't even close. I asked him to show his work, but good luck with that. He said his buddies that went that route had jobs already lined up when they started their training, and that there are a shitload of companies that will pick up the tab, if the trainees are willing to sign some kind of contract. These are good jobs that pay high five figure and low six figure salaries, and they won't ding you for footing the bill on the education. One of my best friends from college dropped out of ME and went to TSTC in Waco to get an associate in automation engineering. He has been working for Chemlime for 35 years, automating their lime plants. He has worked at the Schertz plant, and the Clifton plant, when he wanted to move back home. He has been making six figures for, at least, 30 of those years. It's mainly been an office job, with occasional field work for the install. When you look at the cost analysis, it is easy to see why it is the better route for a lot of young men. CHIEF
  11. Be on the lookout for one Chad Briscoe, and a Rudy rubbing his bird. CHIEF
  12. Everything already owned would have to be Grandfathered. Nothing that is presently, and legally owned can be considered illegal and confiscated. If so, it will never get past "they are coming for your guns" crowd. No gun registry for legal weapons already owned through purchase, gifted, or inherited. All new purchases from the day the new laws are enacted are subject to the new restrictions. I believe any new purchases are entered into a registry, anyway for at least 24 months (that's what an LEO buddy told me, Handcruser can correct me if I am wrong). Bozo's ideas are pretty well thought out. CHIEF
  13. Are you sure? We live on the Brazos, the riverbed is public because the Brazos is considered a "navigable" river. I remember, when we lived in Austin, people were being hassled if they stood up in the Blanco river, down by Wimberly. The landowners always argued that the Blanco was not considered "navigable" therefore the riverbed belonged to the landowner. You were okay floating, but you couldn't touch the bottom. At least that is the argument the landowners used. https://www.kut.org/texas/2017-03-31/want-to-visit-the-blanco-river-private-land-ownership-makes-this-texas-waterway-elusive-to-most CHIEF
  14. I was in a Dodge 3/4 ton. They came up throwing beer bottles at the truck, got in front of us trying to stop us. I wasn't going to stop after that. It was a 120 mph chase all the way to Throckmorton. This was 2006, there wasn't any cell service two miles out of town, and it was spotty in town. You couldn't get a 911 call out. My priority was to get my son into a crowded restaurant, for protection. It was Friday Night ribeye night at this restaurant, there was at least 60 people there. You would think that would have deterred them from pulling in and getting in a fight where someone would know them. You would have thought wrong. When they hit the ditch to come back into the parking lot, I had about 8-10 seconds to come up with a plan. My truck was fine, tweaked the trailer hitch when it was pulled off their hood. CHIEF
  15. I guess it is just the noble gesture being able to do things manually. It would come in handy if we had an EMP strike. CHIEF
  16. No, they made it abundantly clear what they were up to. My priority was my child, and getting him to safety. I wrecked their car so they couldn't leave. They were planing a quick assault, robbery, and fleeing the scene, or they wouldn't have followed me. I had my son run into the restaurant and call LEO. I am just repeating what I was told by the LEOs, including time and distance from the scene. Throckmorton does not have a police department, they have a sheriff's department responsible for the whole county, there was one officer on duty nowhere to be found.. Might want to get your facts straight. CHIEF
  17. What's crazy, is this isn't the first time something like that has happened in my family. Back in the early 80's, we had some wells in Brown county. After a completion, one day, my old man was coming home, and had a flat between Zypher and Priddy. An old truck pulls up behind him, he thinks the two guys are coming to help, or talk. He overhears one of them say, "I'll square off and then you take his wallet." Dad waited till he got close and hit him as hard as he could, in the nuts, with a tire iron before a word was even said. He said he doesn't remember anything else until he was at a traffic light in Hamilton. BUT, he still had his wallet. CHIEF
  18. Kind of a long story: Normal small town thugs, apparently. Everyone in Throckmorton was scared of them. They had gotten off work and stopped at the beer store at the Stephens/Throckmorton county line. Didn't have enough money for the amount of beer they wanted to buy. Tried to get me to pull over to rob me on the side of the road. Had my eight year old in the truck. I was meeting uncles in town to eat. Both were already CCL holders. Tried to call them multiple times but no signal. I arrived about 15 minutes before they did. Throckmorton has no LEOs. Had the truck in reverse and the turbo spoiled when they slid in behind me in the parking lot, so I parked it on top of their Olds Aurora. I opened the driver door and backed into the A-pillar to keep them from getting behind me. They attacked me with full beer bottles, I had one of the new boxcutter pocketknives that had just come out. It had a fresh blade. They started swinging and I went to town on them, cutting biceps, kidneys, hands, legs, and feet. It took them a little while to figure out what was happening to them. The hospital was across the street, so they all ran over there to the emergency room. The streets were so bloody they had to wash it down with a firetruck. They ran out of sutures after about 1000 stitches on these fools, and was trying to get them careflighted out, but we hunted with a careflight commander, and he had all flights coming to Throckmorton grounded. These fuckers had called their family, so about another 10-15 of them was about to show up. Thats when the first LEO, a game warden, showed up about 18 minutes after the fight started. He cuffed me and threw me in his truck and guarded it with his AR-15 drawn on them. The next closest LEO was nearly an hour away. I got a scolding that night from both the game warden and state trooper. This was something that occurred on desolate rural highways a couple of times a year, and that only idiots aren't carrying on these roads. Said if I would have been armed I could have done the town a great service. I only had a cut on my scalp from a beer bottle, got cleaned up and went hunting the next morning. The thugs got assault with a deadly weapon, child endangerment charges, scars, and some pretty permanent damage. After that, one uncle gave me his 1911 to carry until I bought a P365 a couple of years ago. So even after that, I don't have a CCL, and only have gotten serious about having one in the truck now that I'm too old to participate in such shenanigans. I still regret that night, those thugs were someone's son, father, brother, and husband. You can't count on the dregs of society to feel the same way. That is what is puzzling to me when I see people advocating that no-one be armed at all, that you can just "reason" your way out of the situation. The perps objective is to not spend time in prison. The easiest way to do it, is to leave no witnesses. Those that live in their little affluent neighborhoods with overlapping LEO departments, are ignorant, and oblivious to what true desolation, and no LEO presence can mean once you get 100+ miles away from the city. I will say that CCL and open carry have not been the biggest preventative obstacles to crime, but the iPhone camera, and more cell towers I told CHIEF Jr. before the fight started that Dad probably wasn't going to live through this, and to take care of his Mom. But, when fists, bottles, and knives started flying it was like everything was in slow motion. Then, that glimmer of hope, and the realization that you are gonna live through this takes place. CHIEF
  19. I have seen one or two open carries that I definitely knew were Qnon crackpot types. Seen a lot more dressed nice, open carry, no badge, but look the part type of folks (men and women). One would assume that in Houston, you would see that much more often. CHIEF
  20. I carry one in the center console of my truck. I was unarmed, and got into an altercation with three ex-cons and their cousin in Throckmorton in 2006. Apparently they were the town bullies, had shot some folks. Just generally bad people. My truck wasn't recognized, so I was a sure mark.I fucked them up and lived through it at 38, not sure I would live through it at 55. I had CHIEF Jr. with me, he was eight at the time. If I would have stopped way out of town, where it all started, if they would have killed me, they would have killed him on the side of the road. CHIEF
  21. I don't really have a problem with STEM students using it as an aid to write code in a timely manner, or working out physics, calculus, and equations associated with those subjects. They still have to know how to plug the numbers in, and they still need to know the equation for exams. CHIEF Jr. and his fellow engineering students just uses it for the mundane shit, stuff they already know, but takes a while to put down on lab reports. AI will become increasingly important in engineering, maybe the most important. Currently, there is so much spent on R&D, trial and error, basically human mistakes. The lead engineer on the F-22 said there were over three million change orders. That was the reason for the huge cost. He said each F-22 is basically a prototype, no two are exactly alike, due to human error. The efficiency upgrade in the defense industry, and O&G, alone, should have university STEM departments pivoting towards ChatGPT and AI to eliminate human error and eliminate the millions of change orders due to that human error. Liberal Arts students are a whole different ball of wax. Will we see a decay in journalistic integrity? Sure. Graduates that really don't have a grasp of the knowledge needed to be an expert in their field of study? Yep. Take home assignments just need to be weighted less, and the bulk of their grade should be determined by Blue Books and Scantrons. I say this with a Liberal Arts minor. CHIEF
  22. Resin, it’s a stoner question. There are six letters don’t use the k. CHIEF
  23. Immigration attorneys, family, staffers, and their families. CHIEF
  24. Of course not. She loathes this board and how much time I spend on it. She calls y’all that bunch of cocksuckers on the internet. CHIEF
  25. Got my first big boil coming up this weekend. 200 lbs. (six sacks). The guy is picking them up in Louisiana today, I pick them up in Weatherford tomorrow for $3.25/lb. Gonna be more work than fun. CHIEF
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