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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. I just listed a private home, built in 2017, by a retired AA pilot with a 40x40 hanger in our subdivision. These do not come up for sale very often. Concrete taxiways behind each house. Two golf courses. DM me if this has always been your dream. Had a guy fly in to look, but he had two bigger planes, one on turf tires, but there isn't a grass strip at this location, so he passed. Here is the info on the strip: https://www.airnav.com/airport/66TE CHIEF
  2. We have three state parks in my area, Cleburne State Park, Meridian State Park, and Dinosaur Valley State Park. Dinosaur Valley is the only one that gets steady traffic. The CCC built them all in the 1930's. My grandfather told me when they were first built, during Prohibition, that's where you went every Saturday night for dancing, and to buy moonshine. There would be hundreds of folks there. After Prohibition was repealed, the state parks just dried up. CHIEF
  3. Our State Parks are woefully underfunded. A decade or so ago, I read some article on their funding. There was a crazy quote that caught my eye. It said that at current funding, state parks could replace their work trucks every 700 years. Trucks are a lot more expensive now. CHIEF
  4. Well, monkey pox never really took off, so maybe we have a puncher’s chance. CHIEF
  5. CHIEF: Chief Jr., why aren't you going back to UT-D? CHIEF Jr.: Because it's full of ugly bitches, and there isn't a motherfucker there that likes Merle Haggard. CHIEF: Well then, I completely understand. CHIEF
  6. Fuck, that is a UT-D eight. When CHIEF Jr. was there, we would visit, not a group of homelier female coeds on the planet. CHIEF
  7. I remembered this thread from last year in CYHMWT. It was LTBear asking about having kids or not. Several of the posters in this thread, commented on that one too. Posters telling why they decided to have kids or not. I thought I would add a link, here, if anyone wants to see the mindset of people who wanted kids, and those that did not: CHIEF
  8. I’ve come to the conclusion that Olympic coverage, on TV, is about what is the easiest and cheapest sport to film. It isn’t about what sports people actually want to see. It’s all about profit margin. CHIEF
  9. CHIEF

    Arrowhead Hunting

    I dug some with my skid steer to see if anything showed up. So far it has been zilch. I'm thinking about building a stock tank on the draw and have the spring in the center. I imagine something may come up from down deep. CHIEF
  10. Mrs. CHIEF is on that shit. Being a tightwad, she checks every diamond on every piece of jewelry before she puts it on. There is always something at the jewelers getting its prongs fixed. CHIEF
  11. And the team that held them to the fewest points of the year wasn't an SEC team. Aggy puts way too much stock in kids wanting to play in the SEC. If it was as big of a deal as they make it out to be, the SEC would be ranked 1-14 in recruiting. Missouri ended up behind K-State. CHIEF
  12. Had a buddy that had a 289 in a '71 Datsun compact truck, could not keep rear tires on that thing. CHIEF
  13. I think it is to let them see our massive dong. Pull all the jets outta the hangers, tanks outta their bays, line the troops up in a big Dickbutt formation for the camera. Let them see all the hardware and troops. Make it where they would rather jackoff a grizzly bear with a handful of cockleburs than fuck with the US. CHIEF
  14. https://www.collegetuitioncompare.com/edu/228787/the-university-of-texas-at-dallas/tuition/ This shows a little over $132k. Does not include a vehicle, gas, or other activities. CHIEF
  15. Happened at Tech to my cousin, back in 2009, that was my warning. Cousin wasn't driving but his girlfriend's brother was. DWI with two counts of manslaughter after hitting a car with two girls and killing them both. It was a brand new crew cab F-150 with less than 10k miles on it with five kids in it. Completely totaled. My uncle bought him a used single cab after that. The girlfriend's Dad was a veterinarian, and owned a lot of property. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep him out of jail only to have his kid get busted for a bad urine sample during probation, so he ended up in prison for 11 years. CHIEF
  16. I have seen several entry level jobs that look like they fast track you into an SE job as an assistant, still pretty decent money. Low tech stuff, security, audio/video, dust and contaminant control positions, will let you be a SE after a short training period on what they offer. It just doesn't have the kind of travel he is wanting. I agree, he needs to get some industry experience in the field he is interested in. He came in a few minutes ago and we talked about it. He then went into a diatribe about maybe going back to get his Masters, I just shook my head. He needs to go to work, and let his company pay for it. CHIEF
  17. I will never not own a flatbed truck, I have decided. Things are so much better for my old ass if a forklift can just drop what I need on a pallet to be loaded. I got this 2018 Ford F-350 in 2019 with 76k miles for $43k. It has 101k, and I had a guy offer me $58k for it the other day. It is 24.5 feet long and is a bitch to park, but I can throw two tons of feed on the bed, and barely even squat it. I have a skid steer, tractor, 28 foot gooseneck that I pull behind it regularly, and a Polaris Ranger to drive around the neighborhood. It is still the primary vehicle I take to town, the huge back seat will hold several hundred dollars worth of groceries. CHIEF Jr. drives a 2014 Ram 1500 4x4 Hemi. We got it for him because it was so cheap. We bought it in 2016 with 20k miles for $22k, it is worth more than that now. We bought a single cab so he couldn't haul around a bunch of other college students and end up in lawsuits over a possible wreck. Pickup prices are just plain ridiculous right now. CHIEF
  18. My kid CLEPed out of English, but didn't do much dual credit in high school. They didn't have high school teachers, at his school to teach mid-level STEM college curriculum. Dual credit seems to be the most bang for the buck, followed by junior or community colleges for the first 76 hours, and finish out at a four year university. The tuition at Hill College wasn't really any more expensive than McLennan Community College was for me, almost 30 years ago. CHIEF
  19. UTD is expensive as fuck for a public university. More expensive than UT-Austin. I remember we paid for the full academic year, up front. It was over $33k. That was before books. They rape you on rent, and the half ass food plan. Only thing he ever ate was personal pan pizzas. The extra $4k or so was grabbing something different to eat, and entertainment. It's a big commuter campus, and they roll the sidewalks up at night. Indoor go-cart racing gets expensive. CHIEF
  20. I was surfing Hornfans in my underwear, at our house in Cedar Park, and heard the explosion from the Columbia. Watched the Challenger explode on TV in Government class in high school. So pretty much the same as JC. CHIEF
  21. CHIEF Jr. started out at UTD, my wife and I and my parents paid for that first academic year, it was about $40k for tuition, room, and board. We discussed loans after that. He decided to move back home and pay $800/semester to finish his first 76 hours at Hill College in Cleburne. Totally his decision. He was set to go back to UTD, he had been recruited hard by the Dean of Engineering at Tarleton (his best friend's uncle), but they didn't have an ABET certification at the time, as it was a new program. In his year at Hill College they received their certification. He decided to live at home and commute. The tuition is about $10k a year, we required him to go to college, so we are paying it. He will graduate with no student debt. All of this based on his decisions. The Tarleton Engineering school received a grant from FMC, in Stephenville, to have the engineer students work on automating their oilfield o-ring machining. They are working with big boy pressures (50-100k psi). Most of these are $200+ o-rings. They vary in size from 4" diameter to 48" in diameter. It is considered their "capstone" project. Per spec, they pump a 15% overage into their o-ring molds. They have one guy, been with them for 30 years, that trims the excess rubber from the o-rings. He is nearing retirement, and stupidly they have no one else ready to take over. So the engineering students have been tasked with automating his position. The first thing CHIEF Jr. does is go and buy a copper/pvc deburring pen for $8.97, it is dummy proof. His idea was to let the QC guys trim it while inspecting it. Problem solved. I guess the company gave too large of a grant to use this practical solution, they would rather spend $250k to have a machine do it, even though they are paying the QC folks to look it over. As DalTxHornFan said, "salesmen make the World go round." I have been searching ME jobs, and the highest projected income is from a Sales Engineering job. Figuring out customer's automation needs, and designing or using your companies existing products to create a solution. CHIEF Jr. can sell an eskimo an ice maker, he worked me over enough to buy a $30k Polaris Ranger (you can use it for hunting, showing property, putting out signs, etc.). I think that Sales Engineering will be his calling. He also wants to travel, a career in sales will offer that opportunity. CHIEF
  22. CHIEF Jr. graduates in May with an ME degree. We are close to Lockheed, one of his mentors works there. He told him that the ME degree will get him an interview, but his six years as a boat mechanic will get him hired. Shit has to be designed, so you can work on it. Especially warplanes. He said 95% of engineers being turned out have no practical experience working on projects that require ongoing maintenance, or replacement of a component that has been damaged, or destroyed. They have no idea that they need to add clearance for wrenches, sockets, and screwdrivers. Military equipment needs to be fixed in hours and days, not months. Apparently they turn over about 60% of their first year engineering hires. A degree is mandatory for the pay grade, and title. But his continued employment will probably hinge on being able to turn a wrench, or design components to be replaced, or maintained. Things he actually learned as a mechanic. He has great communication skills, and not really the personality of most engineers I know. He just happens to be good at math, physics, calculus, and programming. CHIEF
  23. Another small town guy here. Cranfills Gap didn't even have a police department, pasture parties never got busted. Our nemesis was our football coach. For those of us that needed to gain weight, he encouraged a beer or two a day. He made sure to mention that he better not catch us saving them all up and drinking them on the weekend. Well, one Saturday night, after a Friday night game everyone was at a pasture party, fucked up like soup sandwiches. Our coach lived in Clifton, which was 19 miles away, he never had a reason to come over except for school and games, somehow, he got wind of the party.. Everyone is standing around facing the fire and bullshitting, no one sees him pull up. His first loud words were, "what have we here? 100% of my football players saved all your beers for the weekend? I am running y'all till you puke every day of practice this week." And he did. When I got a drivers license, I was able to drive to Clifton. Around Cranfills Gap, you drove as soon as you could see over the steering wheel. My best friend lived in Clifton, they had a larger selection of womenz, so that was the new party spot. Another friend's older sister was our bootlegger, or sometimes my best friend's dad. That Dad was also close friends with half the police department, no one in our sphere of friends never got popped for MIPs, or DWIs. One day I was headed down Hwy 22 in Bosque County, I had the ol' Firebird cruising along about 130 when the radar detector went off. The DPS officer on the other side of the hill had just turned his radar unit on. I'm still over 100 when I come over the hill, trying to shut it down. Mrs. CHIEF starts going hysterical with "your probably going to end up in jail!!, this ticket is going to be four figures!! What a dumbass move!!" I look over at the officer and told her I wasn't even getting a ticket. I'm greeted with an eye roll. The officer pulls around behind us, gets out of the car. I had my window down already. As he gets beside me, I look up and say, "what's up Charlie?" He comes back with CHIEF, when did you get that car? We have a little discussion, I ask about his daughter, he asks where I'm headed, told him to my uncle's bday party. Of course, he knows the uncle. He, my uncles and Mom had all went to school from K-12 together. Tells me to keep it between the ditches, not even to slow down. So, I gave Mrs. CHIEF a shiteating grin, and do a small burnout with Charlie the DPS officer waving in the back mirror. I can't imagine how much trouble I would have gotten in where I didn't know or have family friends in law enforcement. Dropping the back windows on the bus and smoking pot was a given coming back from basketball games. The boys and girls rode the same bus, and the coach would turn the lights off. I'm pretty sure their were two pregnancies caused by those bus rides. Luckily, neither time was I the culprit. CHIEF
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