I get so tired of daily texts, people trying to sell health insurance, grocery stores wanting you to spend time to input what you buy so they can push you ads, as a realtor, companies asking for your listings that are fixer uppers. I've gotten so sick of it, I actually started fucking with them.
Today: Brookshire Brothers wants the location you shop at most to get tailored offers.
Me: I don't shop at your ghetto ass, price gouging piece of shit store, I go to HEB like most true blooded Texans.
Another: Hi CHIEF, it is John at Dallas Metro Holdings, your fixer-upper buyer, do you have any listings that need a cash offer and quick close.
Me: I send them any pristine listing over $1 million that we have listed.
Flock Chicken Snacks: We have a new flavor out for you to try.
Me: Is it gonna be $25 for a two ounce pack like all the rest. Seriously, you need to fire whoever is over your pricing.
Healthcare person: CHIEF, would you like some pricing on a healthcare program for you and your family.
Me: Sure, it is me, my wife, and our eight kids. Currently we pay about $400/month, and our prescriptions are free.
I know people have to make a living, but I had ADT calling me after every house sale, trying to get me to go back and sell the new buyers an alarm system. Finally, I told them, you have a job, and I have a job. I sell houses, you sell alarm systems. It is not worth my time to go spend an hour trying to sell an item with a $10 commission.
ADT no longer contacts me, and the healthcare texts have dropped to almost nothing. Anyone else get these texts and fire back some shitty responses?