Well, looks like we pulled the trigger on 600+ acres between Strawn and Breckinridge. Fucking $20/acre, I can't believe it. But it has three wheat fields, a ton of water, and hasn't been hunted in three years. Apparently has some massive bucks with drop tines that either escaped high fence game ranches, or their offspring. It's 20 minutes from my buddies house, at PK, that got off of the Lambshead Ranch to hunt it. It's gonna be four guns, so a little tight. But the owner has 12K acres, in total that we can "earn" extra pastures, if you're not an idoit.
I was at the game, so this is CHIEF Jr.'s first attempt at leasing, so I guess we will see how he does. No more four hour trips, and fucked up roads. Also, about 20 minutes from Mary's in Strawn. We are gonna be some fat fucks at the end of the season. This the latest I have ever leased a place in my life. I'm gonna gave to go out this week and get the feeders up and running, I hate to be rushed but IWIS.