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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Well, I went to the new lease with CHIEF Jr. It sure is nice being an hour away than four hours away. It's brushy as shit, but, by God, it is relatively flat with no saltwater to cross daily. We trimmed mesquite hanging over the roads so nobody gets any "Texas Pinstripes". My biggest problem is there are very few places you can get your feeder more than 100 yards from the stand. Our last feeder was 176 yards, so TVs, phone calls, non-whispering voices didn't even have deer raising their head. Apparently there are a few mad folks that have been trying to lease the place for years. But our buddy roped, and hauled cattle with him for decades and just popped the question. The owner is approaching 80, and has prime horseflesh that is probably worth ten times more than his house. Here is his house (you aren't gonna believe this shit): Check out the glass on the dormer window. Thats a blue piece of ski rope that my buddy gave him, years ago, to hold his gate shut so the dog wouldn't get out. CHIEF
  2. Hopefully he is a poor man's Jordan Shipley, and not a rich man's Kia Money. CHIEF
  3. Why? If someone kills someone in a slow, miserable, and painful way, why do they deserve an effortless, painful, and pleasant death? CHIEF
  4. Going cliff jumping sans wingsuit would accomplish the same thing. Probably can even do it in the Lower 48 relatively cheap. CHIEF
  5. They could just put a couple of guys in scuba gear, have them fire it up and get it on plane. Pull the plugs and it will drain right out. CHIEF
  6. Either a B&C bobcat with a longer tail (I have seen this), or a mountain lion with his tail turned away from the camera. With the lack of spots, gonna say option two. Mountain lion population has been exploding and sightings are becoming more commonplace. CHIEF
  7. Well, looks like we pulled the trigger on 600+ acres between Strawn and Breckinridge. Fucking $20/acre, I can't believe it. But it has three wheat fields, a ton of water, and hasn't been hunted in three years. Apparently has some massive bucks with drop tines that either escaped high fence game ranches, or their offspring. It's 20 minutes from my buddies house, at PK, that got off of the Lambshead Ranch to hunt it. It's gonna be four guns, so a little tight. But the owner has 12K acres, in total that we can "earn" extra pastures, if you're not an idoit. I was at the game, so this is CHIEF Jr.'s first attempt at leasing, so I guess we will see how he does. No more four hour trips, and fucked up roads. Also, about 20 minutes from Mary's in Strawn. We are gonna be some fat fucks at the end of the season. This the latest I have ever leased a place in my life. I'm gonna gave to go out this week and get the feeders up and running, I hate to be rushed but IWIS. CHIEF
  8. CHIEF

    Getting old sucks

    So the proverbial banana in the tailpipe? CHIEF
  9. That sounds very hopeful. I pray it is true. Who is the moderate voice for the Palestinians? Is it a new organization? And not the shitheels of Hamas or Hezbolla? CHIEF
  10. My point isn't really IF they should be reinforced, but who is responsible for paying for it. And who was there first should get the benefit of the doubt. When the city, and the residential developers decided to construct roads and houses adjacent they should have had their engineers come up with a design to protect the pigging station and got permission from the pipeline owner to install it and the city/developers pay for it. Not being privy to the contract, I'm not sure who is responsible for added reinforcement due to the suburbanization of the pipeline ROW boundaries. But all future contracts should have those responsibilities clearly defined. Like if a road is built within a certain distance, or housing. CHIEF
  11. It's like what was said up above, if you build things that can withstand every possible scenario that can fuck it up, planes would be too heavy to fly, and cars would be too expensive to buy. Making everything idoit proof is a very expensive and wasteful endeavor. Ultimately it comes down to risks people are willing to accept, like people living close to pipelines to save money on their housing location. People living close to petrochemical plants because they work there, and want to be 10 minutes from work. The Polly Anna-ish take that any and all hazards must be eliminated or mitigated in all aspects of everyone's daily lives is asinine. I know most on here accept that, but not all. CHIEF
  12. Again, who "skimped"? The pigging valve has been there for a lot longer than the suburban growth around it. Fingers can be pointed at any number of entities. But, I can guarantee you that the cost will ultimately be passed to the consumers. As much as you hate it, earnings goals will still be met. CHIEF
  13. Who should bear the cost? The pipeline company? A pigging station that had been way out in the boonies when it was built? There are several idoits, on this thread that would buy a new house built by a fifty year old airport, and then bitch that the airport needs to spend millions on sound abatement. CHIEF
  14. Mirrors on the ceiling, and just slightly out of the picture is the "pink champagne on ice." The strike is just a "visitor here, of its own devise." CHIEF
  15. This one happened about three miles from where I was washing my boat: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/live-video-explosion-rocks-north-texas/1871302/ They hit a 36" major transmission line. It made the explosions on the Ukraine thread look rather mild. It was a pants shitting moment. CHIEF
  16. Wasn't me. Also I was wrong about her death year, it was probably about 1999-2000. She was born about 1905, and I know it was after 1998 when she died, as I have a picture of her holding CHIEF Jr. as a baby. A picture of her, holding her granddaughter's grandson (daughter's daughter's son's son) when she still lived in her own home. I'm gonna post it when I find it, housecoat and all. CHIEF
  17. I often think about the things my great grandmother saw in her lifetime, she lived to be 94, and died in 1996. Her dad drove the mail by horse and freight wagon from Waco to Dallas, she lost a new shoe on the ride, one time, after her dad told her not to put them on. She was afraid to tell him, so had to wear her old shoes for another year. She didn't see automobiles and planes until adolescence. Wired B-24s at Lockheed as a middle aged woman in WWII. Saw Sputnik, the launch of Vger 1, and men on the Moon. Saw the invention of automatic milkers on their dairy. She was in awe of the first cellphones. All of that happened in less than 90 years. CHIEF
  18. Quinn faked the injury so Arch could get enough playing time to keep him from transferring (Swedish Stopwatch). CHIEF
  19. Fuck, I went to the store, to pick up a couple of steaks at halftime. When I got back, the game was no longer on. I thought Florida refused to come out of the locker room for the second half. CHIEF
  20. I’m not sure which one he will have, a stroke, or a heart attack. I’m thinking stroke. I bet his blood pressure is about 220/180 every game he coaches. I would bet good money that he dies on the sideline one day. CHIEF
  21. One of CHIEF Jr.'s roommates his freshman year at UTD, was a homebody, and a recluse. You could see his house from the dorm room. His parents told him, when they dropped him off, that in no certain terms he was not to show back up at home unless it was for Thanksgiving and Christmas. CHIEF
  22. They obviously got Out-Whataburgered. CHIEF
  23. I wish Walter Mathis' first name was Johnny or Curtis. CHIEF
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