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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Both my Great Grandmother's wedding ring and my grandmother's were made of platinum. It was illegal to own gold when they got married. Both just look like white gold. Back in the 1980's platinum got really expensive. The country with the most platinum was Russia. They had whole pitchers and wash basins made out of it, like the Old West John Wayne Westerns. But instead of porcelain they were made of Platinum. They were worth, at the time, about $160k to $250k. CHIEF
  2. I told Mrs. CHIEF, she always loved Akina, and is ecstatic. I'm gonna go pull her panties off. Even if he shits the bed, I'll have tonight. CHIEF
  3. Got one today. The best was some dude that called and said my wife had a warrant in Bexar county. I asked him the date, he said it was in 2017. I informed him that she hasn't been to San Antonio since 2004, and she was with me, and she doesn't step out. CHIEF
  4. Back when my Dad passed and I was running his mobile deer blind business, I had a guy with an obvious Nigerian accent give me a call and raved about how he wanted one to hunt out of. He told me to go to a particular website, I think it was Google related, and upload a picture of one of the units (it was so he could list it at a too good to be true price, but still several thousand dollars, and I knew he was going to use it to scam people on Craig's List when that was still a thing). He said it is going to give you a password, and whatever you do, don't give the password out. So I did just that. I downloaded the picture and told him I had the picture loaded. What does he do? He wants me to give him the password. I told him, but you said not to give out the password. I was dragging my heels, so I tied him up for about 30 minutes. When I didn't give him the password, I had never heard such a beautiful profanity laced tirade as he unleashed on me. Finally, I told him I knew he was a scammer since I had picked up the phone, and that he was a complete idoit for thinking a decade old scam wasn't easily recognizable, and that my 90 year old grandfather wouldn't have even fell for it. I told him if he was this bad at scamming, I'm sure he was just as bad with the women, so he had to resort to getting fucked in the ass by his buddies to get any sexual action at all. I'm telling you, the worst insult you can give them is to question their sexuality and insinuate that they engage in a same sex interaction. I heard his cell phone leave his hand, then it hit something and immediately went dead. Mission accomplished. CHIEF
  5. Oh Trixie. Poco, you absolutely own this thread. CHIEF
  6. I get so tired of daily texts, people trying to sell health insurance, grocery stores wanting you to spend time to input what you buy so they can push you ads, as a realtor, companies asking for your listings that are fixer uppers. I've gotten so sick of it, I actually started fucking with them. Today: Brookshire Brothers wants the location you shop at most to get tailored offers. Me: I don't shop at your ghetto ass, price gouging piece of shit store, I go to HEB like most true blooded Texans. Another: Hi CHIEF, it is John at Dallas Metro Holdings, your fixer-upper buyer, do you have any listings that need a cash offer and quick close. Me: I send them any pristine listing over $1 million that we have listed. Flock Chicken Snacks: We have a new flavor out for you to try. Me: Is it gonna be $25 for a two ounce pack like all the rest. Seriously, you need to fire whoever is over your pricing. Healthcare person: CHIEF, would you like some pricing on a healthcare program for you and your family. Me: Sure, it is me, my wife, and our eight kids. Currently we pay about $400/month, and our prescriptions are free. I know people have to make a living, but I had ADT calling me after every house sale, trying to get me to go back and sell the new buyers an alarm system. Finally, I told them, you have a job, and I have a job. I sell houses, you sell alarm systems. It is not worth my time to go spend an hour trying to sell an item with a $10 commission. ADT no longer contacts me, and the healthcare texts have dropped to almost nothing. Anyone else get these texts and fire back some shitty responses? CHIEF
  7. He did, I had met him, at a campus function just one time for a brief second or two. The next time I saw him was at the Alamo Bowl in the early 2000's, when the Horns played in the Final Four. I walked up to him, and he greeted me by name. I was absolutely flabbergasted. CHIEF
  8. Staying out of WWII was our foreign policy stance until Dec. 7, 1941. Sure, we had a lend/lease deal with Great Britain. But I'm not sure what our stance would have been had we not been attacked by the Japanese. Our Declaration of War on the Japanese meant that Germany and Italy declared war on the US, being their allies. We didn't start it, but we damned sure finished it. Our wartime defense manufacturing complex was the only one left standing, and it pulled the US out of The Great Depression. Am I glad the US stepped in, absolutely. If the war had dragged on a few years longer, Germany would not have only had the best operational jet fighters, and the V2, it would also have had the atomic bomb, and thus would have been the first and only nuclear super power. If that would have happened, I would argue that there wouldn't have been less loss of life but more. Instead it ended up being the US, as that lone super power, and what we wanted was for the war to end. Luckily, our German engineers were better than the Russian's engineers until 1949.
  9. This is kinda where I am at. As was discussed earlier, the whole loss of life has been very tragic for both sides. I’m very anti-Russian from having nuclear attack drills, in school as a kid. CHIEF
  10. Here is RFK Jr. from about a year ago. He gives a good explanation of why he thinks the war was over security not territory. Russia has always had a stipulation that Ukraine could never join NATO, he explains why. If Ukraine is full of foreign workers, and foreign owned mining operations, rebuilding infrastructure, and are heavily invested in Ukraine, it would be very unwise for Russia to do something that would endanger, or kill, those workers. I'm not saying a agree with RFK Jr., it is just a different point of view that I can't really remember if it has been discussed, and I'm not going to check all 1750+ pages. CHIEF
  11. Really a 1,1. But I’ll do it 1,2 and 1,2 based on facial features. CHIEF
  12. We have an embarrassment of riches. The amount of guys that would be “Home Runs” during the Strong/Herman era don’t see a way to get on the field. Especially when you have high four star and a five star with 1-2 years more experience in front of you. I can see this in the secondary, and at WR. CHIEF
  13. I hunt and fish in them as well. So yeah, four pair of it is a long fishing trip. And your other pairs get fishy. They can be worn for something other than trekking. CHIEF
  14. Who is the RB coach at Arizona State, and is he a good friend of Nansen's. CHIEF
  15. Sounds like someone hasn't discovered the wonderful world of fleece lined technical pants. I get the Eddie Bauer First Assents for less than $50 on Amazon Prime. Got four pairs. CHIEF
  16. When Mrs. CHIEF and I were dating, we had a friend that was really high as fuck one night. He asked if we could boil him up some "Roman Numerals" they are still called Roman Numerals at my house. CHIEF
  17. I know the year, 1993. The date is somewhere between August 3rd, and August 7th. CHIEF
  18. We went and saw Marty Haggard, here, in Granbury last night. He plays his dad's songs, but the best part is he tells the stories behind the song. He said he gets creeped out by certain songs like "My Favorite Memory". He was about 15 or 16, and the line "we made love in the hall and slept on the floor" was true. Apparently Merle and his third wife, Leona, (he married two different women named Leona) really did that, and Marty had to step over their naked bodies to get to the kitchen. He sang the "Whole World Is Going to Pot". The story behind that was Willie called his dad and was playing at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe and wanted him to come over. They drove the 123 miles from their home , near Redding, to Tahoe. He said they went to the house that Harrah's had for the big name celebrities to stay in, and Willie had a silver platter with what must have been 1-2 pounds of some of the finest Weed known to man. He rolled a joint that was about like a Churchill cigar. He lit it and took a puff, and passed it to Merle, who passed it to Marty. Marty said that Willie immediately started rolling another one. Eventually they had three joints going around between them. He said the last thing he remembered was asking Willie why didn't he just roll three joints and let everyone have their own. He said it was the first and last time he ever smoked. He remembered sitting in Willie's living room, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in his bed, back in Redding. CHIEF
  19. I had Sunny side up, Sunny side down, I had Sunny side all the way around. CHIEF
  20. I swear Mrs. CHIEF has to be a man trapped in a female body. I asked her what she wanted to do for Valentines. She said we will take care of that tonight. It is just another holiday that Hallmark made up to sell cards. She is way too practical and level headed. I guess that’s why we are going on 32 years of marriage. CHIEF
  21. I asked the lady at the Allsup's on the north end of Graham, one time, if she would sell me a case of burritos. She said "yes". I asked her how much? It was basically the full retail price, plus, I would have to cook them, and they didn't even come with the "burrito sleeve". The guy that owns Yes Way lives in Graham, I met him and leased his place for oil and gas. From what I remember, he didn't have a lot of stores and wasn't overly wealthy back in 2014. But he did build us a nice new Allsup's that has been open about six months outside our west gate. I can get a burrito in about 10 minutes anytime I want. All of the new stores are spotless, ours, the two new ones in Mineral Wells, so he has that going for him, which is nice. CHIEF
  22. I asked CHIEF Jr. if he wanted a class ring, he said he didn’t want anything that reminded him of commuting two hours a day for four years. CHIEF
  23. I usually buy about five. I get one or two that are perfectly ripe and ready to eat that day. A couple that will be ripe in the next couple of days. A third that is still about four days out. CHIEF
  24. At least it hit a mall, so minimal ground casualties. Just burnt up cobwebs, cardboard boxes, and cellphone cases. CHIEF
  25. Yep, I remember bitching about all of the rain from my hotel room, on Hornfans, while waiting for VY to do his thang against USC in the Rose Bowl. CHIEF
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