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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. CHIEF

    Vivid Dreams

    That's what I did for quite a while. But for those that consider themselves "spiritual", how can you maintain that lifestyle? This isn't "The Christ Followers" thread, but I wake up between 4am and 6am in the morning now. I pray several mornings for God to let me interact with my deceased Dad. How is he? Can I see him? Can I have a moment with him? God always delivers. If dreams are going awry, I can tell myself, "wake up, this is crazy, it is just a dream." I finally came to the conclusion, if you are terrified of your dreams, and can't subconsciously tell yourself it is a dream, you have cursed dreams. It is up to you, and you alone rectify that with what you consider your creator. Nightmares are no way to go through life, and doing what you must, to not remember dreams is no way to go through life. They are an integral part of life, learning experiences, a look into your future, an introspection into your past, a glimmer at the other side. Do I dream of my old girlfriend? Yes. Do I dream of deceased relatives.? Yes. We spend a 3rd of our lives in bed, sleeping. Make the most of it. CHIEF
  2. I wear mine out. I've been through 4-5. I have my new one, which has probably 15 rounds through it, so I can't see the BB yet. But when it does slow down so I can see it, it will be my ringer. I have two more, brand new, in their boxes in my closet. CHIEF
  3. Mims and Stewart. Both have to be saying, "fuck this." CHIEF
  4. I can hit a beer can at over 100 with a Daisy Red Rider multiple times. It's all about being able to calculate the drop. Won many cases of beer. That guy is good at math. CHIEF
  5. In the North I would move every one of the C-RAMS to the outskirts of Kyiv, put Claymores in between, break out the big shotgun shells, and put Claymores on cheap drones. The rivers would run red all the way to the Black Sea. C-Rams cover everything from ground level to 5K feet. CHIEF
  6. X needs to be drinking' two of the large banana cream pie milkshakes per day, they are about 1500 calories each. He might be playing at 200 lbs. next year. CHIEF
  7. CHIEF


    He is gonna have to fight Evan Stewart for that spot. I am pretty sure they are both wanting out. CHIEF
  8. CHIEF


    I had six of them with me at the game. Sour Cherry is awesome, tastes like cherry kool-aid. CHIEF
  9. The commercial breaks fucking suck. If I'm watching at home, I record the game, watching the clock till I assume it's the middle of the second quarter, then FFWD through the commercials until the end of the game. If I'm at the game, I'm not seeing the fucking commercial anyway, and only fantasize of ways to sneak a rifle in to shoot the peckerwood holding the commercial clock . I assume the majority of college football fans are the same. Commercials are ruining it, and most of us have worked around it to the detriment of the companies that pay all of the money for the advertisement. CHIEF
  10. Think of 2004-2005 without VY, but having Chance Mock as QB both years, then imagine not having Quinn but Card for the next two years. Texas would have never got past Mangino's Kansas, or tOSU in the Horseshoe, would have never played for a National Championship. Quinn is that important. Card isn't gonna put you in a NY6 Bowl. With a year under their belt, Quinn, the OL, and the defense will be in the CFP next year, with a good chance to win it all. He is a difference maker on the level of VY and Colt. If the defense struggles, he will just put up enough points to win. If the team keeps improving, I could see them going to the Conference Championship against a team we have yet to play and beat, with a good chance of beating them again in the Championship. CHIEF
  11. CHIEF


    You know how good that felt? Seeing those fuckers pay good money for tickets to watch that asswhupping. After sitting through 63-14, you can bet there was some smug satisfaction watching those bitches file out in the third quarter. CHIEF
  12. Nice. That should give him some confidence. CHIEF
  13. If I were Alabama, I would line up in a five receiver set, and run Milroe out of it every time. CHIEF
  14. Just left the fair. The best thing about today was never hearing motherfucking Boomer Sooner played one fucking time.
  15. Will they deliver to the front of the Old Mill Inn at about 8am? CHIEF
  16. She was pretty hot during the Reagan administration, you could tell that. Just a little long in the tooth. Retirees are the ones that can go to socials on a Friday morning. Or a realtor, surfing Surly. CHIEF
  17. The neighbor lady across the street is having a little "social gathering" this morning, which means some of these women ignore all of the vehicles in her driveway, and knock on my door and ask if this is the correct address. My doorbell just rang (my doorbell chimes the Eyes of Texas), so I answer the door in my Longhorn hat. It was a lady in her Sooner shirt, I just gave her a big smile and directions (insert aggy joke). She looked uncomfortable, and just left saying she was not looking forward to the asskicking tomorrow. CHIEF
  18. Yep, that is the loudest I have ever heard at DKR. The stands were shaking in Section 6. CHIEF
  19. Knew a lady that was killed by a cereal killer. He stuck a spoon down her throat and jammed a banana up her ass. CHIEF
  20. Are any of them stored in Europe? This whole thing may be over before any M1s could be delivered from the States. CHIEF
  21. I go full Steel Shank when it comes to macro brews. CHIEF
  22. Is there no Right of First Refusal in employment contracts? Pay Jimbo $4-5 million a year, and if someone comes along and offers him more, A&M would have the opportunity to match it, and obligate Jimbo to stay at A&M? I'm not an attorney, but I have read a contract or two. CHIEF
  23. From what I gathered, these bucks are in a 132 acre pen, not on 10k acres. I certainly have no problem with high fencing 10k acres of rough, brushy country. But 132 acres? I can shoot from one end to the other. CHIEF
  24. A neighbor is going hunting at a high fence place this weekend, the owner is looking to cull some bucks, and was offering up bucks up to 250 B&C for $4500, bucks from 250-400 B&C for $8500, which is dirt cheap for that class of bucks. He got his feathers ruffled when I told him CHIEF Jr. and I, don't really have an interest in shooting a prize "herd bull" in a pen while wearing an ear tag. CHIEF Jr. looked at me strange, I told him if you have the cash, you can go, knowing that he doesn't. CHIEF
  25. You know, I don't think there is a 100% chance that Bijan leaves. He has never played in a Texas offense that has been hitting on all cylinders. If Quinn comes back, lights it up, and Texas wins out, that's a conference championship, and next year Texas would be the favorite to repeat having a chance for the CFP. Points I would try to get him to consider: 1. Just like Ricky, he would almost certainly win the Doak Walker, and a pretty good probability of the Heisman, if he ran for over 2500 yards. 2. I am pretty certain he is making more with NIL, then he would ever make in his final year in the NFL. 3. Quinn will keep defenses from stacking the box, giving him more opportunities to break off explosive plays. The badasses on the OL, will have one more year of experience. 4. He would have one more year of fun, before having to treat football as a business. 5. Gets to be a huge celebrity in a cool city with no pro franchise. 6. Can purchase an insurance policy for injury. Steve Sarkisian needs to pray, and tell Bijan that God agrees. CHIEF
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