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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. I've never sold a gun. There are a few people in my trust tree that I would have no problem selling to, as I have known them for years, and have been around them while they had firearms. But someone that I don't really know? Forget it. We are meeting at the local gun store for a complete background check, and doing things the right way. CHIEF
  2. I forgot which movie that is, but want CHIEF Jr. to watch it. CHIEF
  3. Some of you apparently don't read anything on this thread since your last post. FF clearly said what he would accept on the last page. CHIEF
  4. See O'Rourke, Beto and his "your damn right I'm coming for your AR-15s and AK-47s" and what that did to him politically. Any "now illegal" is essentially "coming for your guns". You make fun of those people, but you are proving them right. Was it right to make alcohol illegal? We repealed the 21st amendment. What is your stance on legalizing drugs? CHIEF
  5. I don't know anyone that uses their 30 round mags on an AR, they are too unwieldy. All we carry are 10 round mags anyway. Anytime I see someone "hunting" with a 30 round mag I stay as far away from that idoit as possible. That will never pass, anything that makes "now illegal weapons" will never see the light of day. You can't just make millions of gun owners immediate felons, just because they have responsibly owned a piece of property that you don't like. CHIEF
  6. I'm not sure a buy back program would be worth the time and money it would take for the government to implement it. I say that as someone who has never sold a gun, or would sell any of the guns I own. I consider them family heirlooms, kind of like my wife's china. They will be left to my future generations, since they may eventually loose the right to purchase them. Everyone in my circle that owns guns feel the same way. I own a gun safe, so I can keep my guns locked away. I don't have small children, or have any that visit, so we have a few in closets and under beds. But "do you have anyone under the age of 16 that routinely stays in your home? should definitely be a red flag question. CHIEF
  7. All existing rifles and magazines are gonna have to be grandfathered in. The only way to get any concessions is no one is going to have to give up anything they already have, or be arrested for having it, or have it confiscated. Simply make it where manufacturers only make 10 round mags from here out. Raise the age to 25 and a Universal background check, and a waiting period for purchase of semi-auto rifles. Close gun show loopholes, and be done. CHIEF
  8. CHIEF

    Getting old sucks

    My A1C has been 6.3-6.4 for about four years, it was finally at 8.6 this year. My blood sugar has been 100-114. This year it was 140. I loaded up on ice cream before the twelve hours started before the blood draw. My doctor tried putting me on Metformin. That shit absolutely sucked, back pain, and it felt like my kidneys were going to fall out. So far, I've just knocked out the carbs in my diet, but I am so damn sick of drinking water. I'm thinking of asking the bar down at the 19th Hole if the can get Glucerna on tap. With our demographics, it would be their best seller. Now to get my high blood pressure under control. CHIEF
  9. Wow, she can lick your scrote will you go to poundtown. CHIEF
  10. Nice to see there are additional members of the "Fuck Parasailing Club". It looks safe as hit watching them off the porch in Cozumel, but I know better. CHIEF
  11. Use to do that at the 360 bridge boat ramp, quite entertaining. People know their shit, and the ramp is protected from a south wind at our marina. But the boat ramp across the lake is angled real shallow across the lake and fills up with Rednecks and trashy people on holiday weekends. You can anchor up in the cove to one side and watch the shitshow. Usually two or three fights, and the sheriff gets called a couple of times. CHIEF
  12. Sorry, there were about 40 sales associates there. Out of eleven associates that flew in, eight ended up with COVID. Out of the 28 that drove to the convention, only four ended up catching it. Three that flew didn't catch it, but 24 that drove also didn't catch it. Hope that clears it up. CHIEF
  13. I know how it is gonna affect my family. CHIEF Jr. has made it through college by making the choice to get his hours by going to Junior College, working full time in the summer, and part-time in the winter. I am going to encourage him to take out all of the loans possible this coming year and park it in a money market account. Keep everything that gets forgiven, and pay back with what is left. CHIEF
  14. I would have paid good money to see this interaction last night. My charger can run 11 miles of hot wire, it only has about 100 feet on it. You have to keep the wire at least 3/4" away from panels or posts, or it will jump to the grounded item. will shoot a flame for 1/2": CHIEF
  15. You could buy one for what the diesel would cost. LOL. It would probably be worth checking to see if there is someone who rents them, they are life changing. CHIEF
  16. Isn't your place around Snyder? CHIEF
  17. I bought one of these last year: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073DBLL29/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 CHIEF Jr. gets paid to move the feeder pens and feeders on our lease. We pull down about four or five pens and move them per year. With the T-post puller from Tractor Supply, and this driver, we can move a pen and rebuild it in about 3 hours. It stays at the lease, and anyone can use it. It has already paid for itself twice. CHIEF
  18. My wife's company had a sales conference at the Gaylord Texan a couple of weeks ago. They had eleven sales associates fly in. Of those eleven, eight came down with COVID. Four other attendees, including the CEO, and former CEO apparently got it from those eight. It seems like the airlines are the major spreaders at this time. If you fly commercial, you have greater than a 50% chance of catching COVID on the plane, using those numbers above. CHIEF
  19. Exactly, if someone is driving faster than I am, they have their reasons. I'm not gonna keep someone from getting to the hospital before a loved one dies, or misses a "once in a lifetime" job interview. CHIEF
  20. I went one time, with a buddy, on Lake Travis back around 2000. It was the dude with the pink boat out of Point Venture that we used. I don't know if my buddy had to pay extra, but he let all 1500 feet out, and had to run wide open to keep me in the air. My buddy thought it was a funny joke, but it absolutely sucked. I could see the streets of downtown Austin from fuckin' Jonestown. I didn't spend time enjoying the sights, I was just looking for the clearest areas along 1431. All I could think about was the deck not being able to take the stress of having that much line out. So much thinking. The water is 160 feet deep, ok, so I will lose 160 feet of altitude almost immediately, do I have enough line left to land at Bar-K in Lago Vista. I'm a pilot, and was in full loss of power emergency landing mode. They started reeling me back in, so I was relieved, until the loose rolls would slip closer to the center of the reel. They would pull you in about 30 feet, then, the rope would slip, and you would shoot back up about 4-5 feet, and think the rope had snapped, or was unraveling. It was a nightmare. I told the boat owner, I was in legitimate in fear of death, and he should never do it to anyone again. Definitely in the top 5 near death, or thought you were gonna dies experiences of my life, I will never go again. CHIEF
  21. Saw Pierceson and Parker's maternal grandpa today, Sterling Randolph. He had on his UT cap, shirt, belt, and shoes. He lives on hole 15, and I live on 18, the next street over. He is on Cloud Nine. But always watches them by himself. CHIEF
  22. Like, when am I ever going back to Semester on the Sea? CHIEF
  23. Kinda what I was thinking. Obstinate, or just don't wanna jump. Quite the conundrum. CHIEF
  24. The tenants were all about inclusion and diversity, a real Green Peace vibe. This would be him when they got to Africa (it really is him), probably wouldn't go over too well. I'm sure his roommate would get sick of Merle Haggard. CHIEF
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