I'm 54, and an only child, CHIEF Jr. is 24, and an only child. I was kinda on the fence for a while, but finally decided to have a child when I realized that if I didn't there would be no one to inherit my parent's and my wife and I's shit. I got lucky, healthy kid with no health problems, never has been in real trouble, loved my hobbies, and took them up (wrenching, hunting, fishing, etc.) at a young age. He is the glue that has held my marriage of 29 years together. Things got a little "rocky" in my late 30's, when I moved to Granbury for work. At that time, without him, I think Mrs. CHIEF would have stayed in Austin, and we would have split up.
After my father passed in 2019, I did not realize how much my Mother needed me. Not financially, but spiritually, and emotionally. She has no interest in dating or getting remarried. The last thing I would want to happen, is for her to have to do it out of necessity. I am essentially "the non-romantic Man of her house." I take care of her property, run errands, put out real estate signs, and lock boxes. Stayed with her when she had COVID. Help with financial advice. She will never go to a nursing home, I will see to that. If she becomes physically unable to take care of herself, I will move her in with me. I love her dearly. She and my wife are the two most important women in my life. CHIEF Jr. feels the same about his mother, and I love her enough to want her to be able to make the same choices my mother is able to make.
You can have, or not have children, and both could be considered selfish. You don't want them because you don't want to have to spend the time and effort on them when they are dependent on you. Or, you have them so you can depend on them in your later years for their love, care, and companionship. My mother is only 71, she has a good 20-25 years left. It would certainly be lonely for her to be doing it all by herself.
For us, having only one, was a choice. We didn't even have enough to replace ourselves, my parents didn't either. My son will get the accumulated wealth of both my parents, my wife, and myself. How many he has is completely up to him and his spouse. Or, he may never get married if he don't hurry up and get his ass out of school, and quits being so picky.