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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. She is a tail twister. She deals with every department's "fuck ups" even before it gets to executive level. She has saved them dozens of clients, millions of dollars, and tons of embarrassment. When a vendor gets slow paid, they call her. She pays them immediately with her company Amex, then rattles the accounting department's cage. A building doesn't show up on time, she is on the field superintendent's ass. Human resources issues, she fixes them, phone issues, she fixes them, sales issues, she fixes them, delinquent accounts, she fixes them, logistic issues, she fixes them. The list goes on. She knows how to do every job in the company, what is expected of those employees, and knows where the problem lies. The CEO, and COO don't even know that. Now the niece on the other hand, might have to get a little bit more "dirty" to get the same treatment. Sorry to brag on her so much, but she is no nonsense, and gets shit done. I am very proud of her, and what she has become. When I married her, she didn't get a raise one year, while working at the State due to tardiness, she was mad. She was only 21, but I told her I agreed with her boss. Get the fuck to work on time. That changed her, she was never late again. CHIEF
  2. Mrs. CHIEF was the third person hired at her company. It was because she went above and beyond for those executives at her previous company. She wore many hats, and takes pride in her companies success. She was a peon at the first company, hired as the head account assistant at the new company, and now is the executive assistant to the CEO, and head of the CIS department. She is the "eye of the hourglass." There is nothing that goes through that company that she doesn't have a hand in. So doing favors is definitely a two way street. She is basically entrenched so far, that she can't be fired easily. She isn't a morning person, so no one contacts her before 9 am, she can take off anytime she wants, and for as long as she wants, with pay. Hair appointments, long lunches, mani/pedi, doctors, etc. I'm FIRE, but do real estate 2-10 hours a week, but she chooses not to be, and with the setup she has at work, why would she want to. I agree that the companies that take a "you're just lucky to be here" attitude are gonna loose out. But an employee that is willing to do what it takes to help their company succeed will be rewarded. She went from $12/hr., a HUGE decrease from her State job in Austin, to over six figures. But, she went from a cog to a very vital, and integral part of "her" company, as she calls it. She feels she has ownership, participates in profit bonuses, makes important decisions, guides company policy. Success in employment, is like success in the rest of your life, you get what you put into it. CHIEF
  3. No, Willie Mae. Her father thought she was going to be a boy, but surprise. They were the previous owners of the big dairy that my cousin now owns. During WWII, she had German POWs that did the milking while she went, each night, to wire B-24s at Convair in Ft. Worth. She and my great-grandfather actually sponsored some Ukrainians in the 1950's. They came over and worked for them for about three years, then, they were granted US citizenship. A majority of that family now lives in Salt Lake City. CHIEF
  4. If I would have suggested that, she would have taken her left hand and held her right forearm steady, and slapped the piss out of me. CHIEF
  5. Someone needs to give Vlad the same "bright side" analogy I gave my great-grandmother when she came down with Parkinson's. You can always get a job at Sherwin-Williams shaking paint. CHIEF
  6. The Roman Orgy at The Magic Time Machine was my first memory of Austin. Went to it the same day I saw Ralph the swimming pig at Aquarena Springs. Moved to Austin in 1991 and left in 2006. Pearl's Oyster Bar with 10 cent shrimp and 25 cent oysters was still a thing. First time Mrs. CHIEF and I went to Cancun, we flew out of Mueller. I feel old. The HEB at 620/183 was about where the Total Wine is at this time. 620/183 was a four way stop, even 6-7 years after we were married. CHIEF
  7. Or a Queen themed community for gay men. It could be called...."Somebody to Love." CHIEF
  8. They really need to open up a nursing home/hospice care facility at their locations, and actually call it "Wastin' Away Again in Margaritaville". You know some of the community members would find it humorous and ironic, and like to stay close to the friends they made. Medicare could pay for their Margaritas and Delta-8 vapes. CHIEF
  9. The only black mark on my credit right now, is a $6600ish Chase card I never received a bill for. They won't tell me what was charged, or where, so I told them to pound sand. It happened in the last year, and I have not applied for a credit card in over two years. CHIEF
  10. Yep. Imagine trying to impress all the gals with, "I'm the starting quarterback for Texas A&M" and still not getting any takers. CHIEF
  11. I'm 54, and an only child, CHIEF Jr. is 24, and an only child. I was kinda on the fence for a while, but finally decided to have a child when I realized that if I didn't there would be no one to inherit my parent's and my wife and I's shit. I got lucky, healthy kid with no health problems, never has been in real trouble, loved my hobbies, and took them up (wrenching, hunting, fishing, etc.) at a young age. He is the glue that has held my marriage of 29 years together. Things got a little "rocky" in my late 30's, when I moved to Granbury for work. At that time, without him, I think Mrs. CHIEF would have stayed in Austin, and we would have split up. After my father passed in 2019, I did not realize how much my Mother needed me. Not financially, but spiritually, and emotionally. She has no interest in dating or getting remarried. The last thing I would want to happen, is for her to have to do it out of necessity. I am essentially "the non-romantic Man of her house." I take care of her property, run errands, put out real estate signs, and lock boxes. Stayed with her when she had COVID. Help with financial advice. She will never go to a nursing home, I will see to that. If she becomes physically unable to take care of herself, I will move her in with me. I love her dearly. She and my wife are the two most important women in my life. CHIEF Jr. feels the same about his mother, and I love her enough to want her to be able to make the same choices my mother is able to make. You can have, or not have children, and both could be considered selfish. You don't want them because you don't want to have to spend the time and effort on them when they are dependent on you. Or, you have them so you can depend on them in your later years for their love, care, and companionship. My mother is only 71, she has a good 20-25 years left. It would certainly be lonely for her to be doing it all by herself. For us, having only one, was a choice. We didn't even have enough to replace ourselves, my parents didn't either. My son will get the accumulated wealth of both my parents, my wife, and myself. How many he has is completely up to him and his spouse. Or, he may never get married if he don't hurry up and get his ass out of school, and quits being so picky. CHIEF
  12. Call me crazy, but is it possible that even the main Russian TV pundits think that Kyiv hasn't been bombed, railways, and train stations? That so far this has been a surgical strike? Holy shit. I thought all of that came out on their state ran TV. Everything the guy is requesting has already been done. Talk about clueless. CHIEF
  13. We have a friend with a High Security clearance, he never says anything outright, but has alluded to there being close to 50 Russian subs sitting on the bottom of the World's oceans. CHIEF
  14. I watched all of his HUDL. Would like to have seen him go up against guys over 250 lbs. A couple of defenders looked close. He always did well with the elite in 7 on 7, but a lot of holding and jersey pulling is allowed. Definitely excited to see what he can do against DI talent. CHIEF
  15. Ours is kinda symbolic as well, kind of a "Communion/Last Supper" gesture. Jesus was the Lamb of God, slain for the sins of man. But lamb chops and good Merlot are definitely an upgrade over the communion crackers and Mogen David from church. CHIEF
  16. I'm glad this popped up on my notifications. I need to pull the lamb racks out of the freezer. CHIEF
  17. With commodity prices through the roof already, and a World possibly on the brink of a mass starvation event, ethanol production should be shelved. I know it's feeder corn, and not sweet corn, in the fields, at this moment, but whatever percentage of the acreage of corn that is put into ethanol, at this time, should be sown with food crops. Rainfall and yield would be impossible to calculate, but keeping people alive should trump shitty gas. CHIEF
  18. CHIEF Jr.'s pediatrician was William Halden, https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/austin-doctor-retires-after-59-years-as-pediatrician/269-260110653. He was also my wife's pediatrician, when she was little. He started fortifying CHIEF Jr.'s milk/formula from the day he was born with Gerber Rice cereal. He said formula is going to be extremely expensive and the cereal would help stretch it by filling him up. It worked, it also worked for a new couple that lived in our old Austin neighborhood. Their son couldn't sleep through the night, first child, and they were at their wits end. Take a dime size diameter pile, put it in the bottle with the formula/milk. Take the bottle nipple and cut a small "X" to enlarge the hole so the thicker formula can get through, shake it up, and you are set. Sorry to derail the thread a bit, but always looking to help. CHIEF
  19. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Charge an export tax that they can't afford.Do you think that companies that produce their products in China can just up and move their production facilities to Central America? China has already shown their hand. You make a deal with the Devil. Your means of production become property of the Chinese Communist Party, patents be damned. Once there, you can never go back. Price them out of the market, recoup some of the trade imbalance. This is the worst of times, and the best of times. It's time to take advantage. We are a net exporter of grain. Use that to our advantage. CHIEF
  20. America will not go hungry, but it sucks that so many people depending on us for grain exports are gonna get fucked. Let's see, "wars and rumors of wars." Check. Plague and disease. Check. Famine....check. Someone to erase browser history. CHECK. Plane lined up to go watch the light show over Carswell. Check. CHIEF
  21. I don't know why NATO countries have not given the Ukes some short/medium range cruise missiles. Right now would be a good time to lay waste to Belgorod. RU troops are regrouping, and retrofitting. NATO has plausible deniability (no troops on the ground, just sent what was requested), it's up to Ukraine to select the most advantageous targets, and be able to hit them. CHIEF
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