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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Wish I would have known this last Friday. Some MFer threw out a lit cigarette butt at the intersection of Hwy 4 and 377, here in Granbury, before turning into the QT for fuel. Had me contemplating chambering a round and following him to the pump. I hate feeling that way, but it put my HEB (when it's open) at risk. CHIEF
  2. Don't forget to have someone erase your browser history. CHIEF
  3. I asked my Lockheed engineer buddy why equipment is so incredibly expensive. It's all the design, mock up, and redesigning parts that fuck up during testing. He said it is not uncommon for a new generation of fighter jet to have close to a half million redesigns. I asked him, "so if one component has been redesigned 5000 times and the design still isn't working, what happens next?" He said, "well, you start working on redesign 5001." It's all trial and error, and still needs to meet government requirements. CHIEF
  4. The sage advice that my late father taught me was momentum always makes up for a lack of traction. BUT, that logic doesn't hold up in tanks or tractors. CHIEF
  5. We are right on the line at dry and critically dry at the deer lease, in King county. Gonna go pick up the blind and travel trailer this weekend. I don't think it's a mater of if the lease is gonna burn, but when. CHIEF
  6. The engineer that hires all of the other engineers, at the Ft. Worth Lockheed, was at my crawfish boil this weekend. He gave the hard sell to CHIEF Jr. (again) this weekend and told him to pick out his classmates that have true mechanical aptitude, and can turn wrenches to come apply. F-35 and F-16 orders are going through the roof. This has scared the hell out of Europe, Japan, Turkey, and the Baltics. He said Lockheed is about to be building "balls to the wall". If any of you have a kid that is about to graduate with an engineering degree, feel free to DM me. It's a great job, with great benefits. CHIEF
  7. See how much, and apply the "it was on my ranch, and already written off the books discount". Under 100k miles, it's a $60k truck. My 2018 F350, that looks just like that, other than being a Ford, is worth $17k more than I paid for it. CHIEF
  8. I would take solace in not knowing when I was going to hit the ground, as it would be impossible to see through the fecal matter covering every inch of the windscreen of the entire cockpit. CHIEF
  9. We had our first big boil (6 sacks) and about 25 people: Sorry its sideways, too lazy to turn it. Of course, we didn't want anyone driving home drunk: We have one sack left for lunch. CHIEF
  10. Exactly. But imagine if someone had killed your wife (that wasn't one from the divorce thread in IPIHB), and held onto one of your children (Donbas), and then said he was done fighting, what would you do? The Ukes want their pound of flesh, and it's coming. Let them run the Russians completely out of what the Ukes consider Ukranian territory, and let them become a NATO member that day. Keep sanctioning Russia, and never let them have the funds to rebuild their military again. CHIEF
  11. Looks like he has slimmed down a little. He must have ran out of his neighbor's pets. CHIEF
  12. Here is CHIEF Jr. sleeping in ours, behind the office chairs. There is plenty of room. He is 6' and 220 lbs. CHIEF
  13. Get called a psycho for entertaining an idea to keep Belarus out of the conflict and see where that gets ya'. CHIEF
  14. It will buff right out. No problemo. CHIEFO
  15. Used to be a pretty good BBQ stop in Rice's Crossing, but that was 25 years ago. If it is still there, I hope it made it. With the wildfires, I was worried about Mary's in Strawn, the tornado in Jacksboro, earlier today, I was worried about Herd's, in Elgin, I was worried about Southside Market. I should I be ashamed, but I always lead with my stomach. CHIEF
  16. If the tornado hits College Station it will do about $5mm in improvements. CHIEF
  17. Sure. I bought it from www.AmericanGreenhouseCompany.com. I am assembling it myself, with CHIEF Jr.'s help. It was only $8677.00 with no assembly. It can be assembled in about a day, but assembly runs about $3k. It has a lifetime frame warranty, and a 15 year panel warranty. The sheets are supposed to flex enough to be 250x as resilient as glass. The day I bought it, the owner/installer was assembling one in my neighborhood. They are about 8-10 weeks out, but only if you pay for all of it up front. They do have financing available as well. Not sure where you live, but if you are close to me, I get a 10% referral fee, which I would be glad to split. I'm in the DFW area. If you go wider than 12', the price goes up considerably, since everything has to be double braced. It's much better to go longer than wider. CHIEF
  18. Was watching the Jacksboro tornado, worried Herd’s was going to take a hit. Told CHIEF Jr. it went west by a little over half a mile. It was past the turn to Antelope. That Jacksboro high school and the Dollar General took the direct hit. Hate to be right for once. CHIEF
  19. I always loved cruising at about 2000 feet to look at shit on the ground. This just goes to show that altitude gives you more time to get mentally prepared, and gives you options on where to go. Out by our lease, it's probably safe to be near FL 10k. It's easily 30-40 miles between useable runways. CHIEF
  20. Bought a 12x24 greenhouse this last week to put by my shop. Once I get my well on electricity, should be good to go. It will not be here till mid-June, but I should be able to grow year round.
  21. Don't think they will attack outside their borders, but would take as much territory in the Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine as they could possibly hold. NATO backed its welterweight against the heavyweight. We helped the welterweight put on a few "pounds" to make it a fair fight. I don't think that is unreasonable. Up to this point, NATO just wants this to be a fair fight, no hits under the belt. The heavyweight is hitting them in the balls, and asking their buddies to jump in. CHIEF
  22. Not glass in the real sense, but shoot down any flights that leave those countries headed towards Russia, lending mercenary or equipment support in the promise of commitment. Just enough to make the commitment not worth it. Is that better? That's really what I meant. CHIEF
  23. They aren't a part of NATO or even a former Warsaw Pact country. All of these countries that Pussy-assed Putin has to call upon to defeat Lil' Ol' Ukraine we should just turn to glass for even thinking about it. The old "let them duke it out, but if you jump in, we all jump in." This is a two way street. How humiliating that you have to plead with Belarus, Syria, and Libya to send troops to finish a job that you are too inept, and chickenshit to accomplish yourselves. Let Israel wipe out Libya, and Syria. Let Sweden and Finland take out Belarus. You still haven't attacked Russia. I would put this on the table, and make their country's leaders walk back their commitments. CHIEF
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