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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. This is the view of the Big L fire from the west side of our subdivision. I texted my cousin, he is a Weatherford firefighter, and in the direct path. Told him I had a pressure washer, 270 gallon tote, and a full bladder. CHIEF
  2. With the Russians now taking defensive positions, this is the opportunity for the Ukrainians to starve them out. I would have armed civilians covering every convenient store, farm, bombed out market, and grain bin I could find. Have the Ukrainians haul off what tiny amount remains, and stash it, then, ambush every foraging Russian they see. A Russian soldier that hasn't eaten in 4-5 days is already going to be pretty weak, and obviously will take chances to get some food in his belly that he normally wouldn't take. CHIEF
  3. Good to hear. I heard it fourth hand, kinda like playing telephone. When CHIEF Jr. told me, I kinda thought that a situation like that would be "bigger news". Haven't even heard about anything on that. CHIEF
  4. One of CHIEF Jr.'s classmates is from Gorman, he said Carbon and Gorman are pretty much gone. My old roommate from De Leon is probably gonna loose his parent's house. I can see the smoke, here in Granbury, 50-60 miles away. CHIEF
  5. That's a fucking "cat lover", if I've ever seen one. CHIEF
  6. Tell him he can go find the aisle for candy and load up on black licorice, nobody eats that shit. CHIEF
  7. Replacing 1000 of your personal staff after invading a sovereign nation under false pretenses is a bold move. It's like a triple dog dare, like he wants to be poisoned. CHIEF
  8. It's even scarier than we think. This is from 2017, and has warning at the end stating all of the technology already exists. FIVE YEARS ago. CHIEF
  9. Love ours. It's "cadillac'ed" out with gunracks, insulation, and a shooting table aka the buffet table. CHIEF
  10. Dyess AFB in Abilene, and Carswell/Lockheed plant in Ft. Worth would probably be 1b. and 1c. to Ft. Hood. Would probably be on the same warhead just different MIRVs. CHIEF
  11. Even better, it would probably be the truth. CHIEF
  12. Well its been there a few million years. Maybe we can get some Roquefort, Gorgonzola, and Stilton. A pasty, sharp, and germy blue is right up my alley. CHIEF
  13. We all know the moon is made of cheese. So if gravity pulls it to Earth, do we get delicious cheese? Or will it all become queso from the heat of reentry? I would hope for a bit of both. Get cheese from countries where the cheese fell at night, then, queso from the countries where it was daytime. CHIEF
  14. That's what I'm thinking as well. If Ukraine wins this, or eventually causes the Russians to abandon the campaign and go home. Putin will be neutered for the rest of his life. He will never live long enough to see war production ramped up enough to try this bullshit again. Russia will never again have international supply lines that will send military components. Their ability to wage conventional warfare will go the way of the dinosaur. He will be in power, but this will be the end of the saber rattling. CHIEF
  15. I've been thinking about this. Pretty much any Russian in a tank, APC, or fuel truck taking an RPG or Javelin is KIA. In an aircraft, getting hit by a Stinger, KIA. There has been very little infantry, which would tend to be wounded. The Russians don't really have the logistics to remove their dead, or injured. So the injured my end up KIA sitting right where they were WIA, and bled out. The number might only be 1.5x, or 2x, possibly. CHIEF
  16. Bronco Comfortably Numb (wish I liked Thunderstruck more). CHIEF
  17. If Russia objects over the MIGs being sent. The argument should be that humanitarian corridors are being attacked even though a ceasefire has been enacted. The MIGs have been sent to help enforce the ceasefires agreed upon by both parties. We are sure that Russian forces are acting on their own, and not under direction from Moscow. Surely their Superiors in Moscow would want these corridors "enforced" at "all costs" to prevent humanitarian catastrophes. The Ukrainians flying these aircraft have been instructed to only enforce humanitarian corridors, but we have no say in what missions are conducted, if any, between agreed upon ceasefires. CHIEF
  18. AB, I'll trade ya five $500 cats for your $2500 dog. CHIEF
  19. Sweet and Bread and Butter only, those Russian bastards aren't good enough for Dills. CHIEF
  20. It was from his first solo album Dream of the Blue Turtles. First time I heard it was sitting in front of a Four-plex I lived in, with my parents, after oil went from $30/bbl to $9/bbl in 1985. Powerful song, and pre-wall crumblin'. CHIEF
  21. Putin's only flawed belief was how willing the Ukrainian people were to fight to remain under Ukrainian rule, no matter how shitty or corrupt it was. The highly irrational political decisions have all come after that. He is a gambler. He tried to make a run to Kyiv and topple the government, and install his puppet regime, but did not have the logistics to get it done. Now, here we are. CHIEF
  22. When you are gonna go off the reservation, don't make up elaborate stories. LEO is always going to be skeptical. Would have been better just turning up at a psychiatric facility at the end of the three weeks and say she had a nervous breakdown. What a tangled web, and what not. CHIEF
  23. Embarrassing enough, my tractor is a Kubota, and my skid steer is a New Holland. My saving grace is my John Deere lawnmower. If a motorcycle can boost a 120mm mortar, I could too. Just give me a 45 minute headstart to get out of sight. CHIEF
  24. I used the 800kt model shown to be in the Russian arsenal. Using that, I am just far away from Lockhead in West Ft. Worth to not have any damage. If, for some reason, they hit Comanche Peak nuclear plant, It might blow my windows out. I guess putting in tempered glass on the side of the house that faces the golf course has other benefits. What was the least depressing thing I saw was the casualty counts. Only 3100 in West Ft. Worth and only 656 at Comanche Peak. I have a cousin that is a big wig at Comanche Peak, might go sit with him in the reactor building. I worked over there the summer after I graduated high school. The walls are 40 ft. thick and more rebar than concrete. If the plant was hit, it won't do anything to it. Being built in the 70's, having it hit with a nuke was a real possibility, so it was designed to withstand being hit. CHIEF
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