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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. What weight is your freshwater setup, and how big are their bonefish? CHIEF
  2. A hammerless .38 is what Mrs. CHIEF has. No safety, all she has to remember is point the end with the hole towards the bad guy. CHIEF
  3. Same here, even Granbury is too big. Give me Guthrie, Benjamin, or Aspermont. I'm creative enough to make my own entertainment. CHIEF
  4. Just got back from Cozumel, and loaded up on Cubans for the deer lease: CHIEF
  5. Here are some on Ebay. A good used high quality would probably be better in that price range: https://thea.com/-/11/795/413/g17Spotting Scope'e1254'1g19BestMatch'h23e13'31715e16'1/182/ CHIEF
  6. I was gonna say Leupold Green Ring. My wife paid $300 for mine about 10 years ago, but they are $479 now on Midway. But it is a great scope. CHIEF
  7. Texan (Steaks, CenTex BBQ) Japanese/Vietnamese Mexican Seafood Tex-Mex Cajun/Creole CHIEF
  8. I've always been there is "no replacement for displacement" kinda guys. I never bought a 1/2 ton with the 5.4 Triton, or a 5.3 Chevy. They just don't have the rotating mass to pull the trailers I pulled under 2500 rpms. They were always 3000-3500 and in a lower gear. I know its ok to pull at those rpms, but it always sounded like you were gutting the engine. A 1/2 ton with the 6.0 or 6.2 was a different story, but getting those in a 1/2 ton costs more than a base 3/4 ton. CHIEF
  9. At that age, you will want to have your V-drive looked at every 300 hours or so. Best design built (Walther), but they occasionally go out. CHIEF Jr. is typically $800 on the water, serviced in your slip. Should be cheaper if it's on a trailer. CHIEF
  10. Here is a quote that I got for a 20x21 to keep from getting hail damage at the lease. It's pretty inexpensive. Not sure how nice, or what your deed restrictions are, but the website is www.americansteelinc.com You can build out one on the site and get a quote. CHIEF
  11. I'd go 14' per slot on a budget, 16' for a Surly 1%er. 14' is still a common length. CHIEF
  12. The Balcony was one of my favorite places as a teen. About as highbrow as my family got. The first time we went, my Mom had won a gift certificate off of Channel 11, WBAP, or something like that. I can still remember eating at the Spanish Galleon that used to sit where Pappadeaux's and Pappacito's sit now. There use to be a steakhouse beside there that had ice cream cones and dispensers. Great for all you can waste. For my birthday each year, the folks would take me to Bill Martin's 4th Addition across from the Miller Brewery and I got to channel my inner Jameis Winston and eat all the King Crab legs I could eat. All of these places have been gone for decades. Besides The Balcony, all of the others could have been pretty shitty, been too long ago to remember. But Bill Martin's hushpuppies were like crack. My old man would order extra baskets to lower the amount of crab legs he had to buy. CHIEF
  13. Their virgin Pina Colada is awesome, as were the shrimp quesadillas and beef quesadillas. CHIEF
  14. Troph, if you have enough people to fill a boat, we had five, and had a boat to ourselves, Aldora will do a twilight dive any night of the week at Paradise Reef. It's shallow, little to no current, really easy. We saw probably 8-10 octopus, a school of squid, crabs and lobster out in the open, a lot of stuff that is holed up during the day. Aldora's flashlights suck though, two out of the six lights in our group quit working during the dive. CHIEF
  15. Momma say, "If it's a boom, you're servicing new clients. if it's a bust you're appraising foreclosures." Both ends covered. CHIEF
  16. Mt mother has been on to me about getting an appraiser's license. All the ones around here are so busy they don't want to take an apprentice on. I'm not gonna drive an hour each way just to follow someone around. CHIEF
  17. This was the issue we had. Mrs. CHIEF uses six pounds, he only put two pounds in her BC. She is not one to mix words, he got the message. It was embarrassing, I had to calm her down. We went ahead and finished the week with him, they sent an "intern" that was new to the company, Arturo, and he was killer. He was with us for the last four days. 15 years experience as a divemaster, interesting, educated, Mexican upper class from what we could tell, spoke perfect English. He will be a real asset. We met up with our old divemaster Dario a couple of times, apparently some of the older employees had a parting of ways during COVID shutdown. He runs his own boat now, and just dives with friends. CHIEF Jr. has an "in" with Centurion boats. Dario wants him to design a dive boat with ballast tanks to sink a stern swim platform to make it easier to get elderly and weaker divers into and out of the water. He has people that have dove with him for 35 years, some of them want to keep diving. CHIEF
  18. Saw him yesterday at the beach club. We took today off to fuck around on the island, and day drink. The kids stayed out late and are sleeping in a bit. At least they can walk to and from the bar. CHIEF
  19. We are done with him today. He had a couple of significant mistakes. CHIEF
  20. Got the first day under the belt in Cozumel. Hit up Rage last night. We dove with Mario, which he told me is who Troph dove with. Hasn’t been bad so far. We pick our spot, pick our weights, and he pretty much stays out of the way. He is ok, if you already know what to do. Rage isn’t a fan at all. I can see him sucking for new divers. Chief
  21. Yes, Ike built the Interstate system through the Department of Defense. It's designed to take the load of a fully loaded B-52. The Russians would nuke every airforce base meaning strategic bombers would have to use the Interstates to land. CHIEF
  22. Ours doesn't. You have to have a mobile notary, or have a distant buyer go to a local title company to close. CHIEF
  23. Had a fellow hunter's son do the same thing. His nickname was "Stinky" the rest of the time we hunted with them. 10 years later, if I see him, he is still referenced as "Stinky". The worst ever was CHIEF Jr. was about 9-10 years old, and we were moving stands and feeders from Throckmorton to Aspermont. We shut a gate and he climbs out needing to shit. So he is doing the Pole Dancer off the front of the gooseneck. He has laid up a pile that looks like a whale rope. I get the bright idea to joke about all of the other hunters and their kids pulling up while he is shitting. He gets antsy and ends up stepping right in the middle. I bet you can guess who got to clean his boots. CHIEF
  24. The sex tent must be incredible. CHIEF
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