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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. I'm getting my G-Grandmother's on Thursday, I'll post it. It will probably look a lot like Mo Horn's. CHIEF
  2. Thanks TC, that's exactly what I'm looking for. CHIEF
  3. Son...son....please take the chicken outta your mouth. I ain't got time for this shit. Whoa...whoa...whoa, I didn't say I didn't have time for YOU. Just...please...put the chicken down....please. CHIEF
  4. I don't keep up with this thread. But what would y'all suggest for a dress/dive watch for Mrs. CHIEF? Apparently Rolex doesn't make a "woman specific" Submariner. Looking for something dressy enough to wear daily, definitely not a sports watch. Stainless, or white gold. Under $10k, not because of me, but because of her? CHIEF
  5. That’s what I’m doing. CHIEF Jr. wraps up finals on Tuesday. Nieces college graduation is Saturday. Leaving for the lease and will stay until Christmas, come back, return, and stay till New Years. CHIEF
  6. Grump’s takes cards. 1890 Grill on the square is nice for upscale. Monte’s at Davis Rd. and 377 has killer Tacos al Pastor. Garcia’s out on the loop has ribeye tacos that are good. CHIEF
  7. Guys at the lease yesterday and today are seeing a lot of movement and new bucks. CHIEF Jr. is taking his Heat Transfer final and should be home about 5:45-6:00. I named this photographic masterpiece "Loaded and Fucking Waiting": CHIEF
  8. Mrs. CHIEF's modular company is one of the three finalists for building the office space. She is on her second night of designing the proposals, she does 100% of them for the whole company, that is her jam. I will be in bed long before she is. CHIEF
  9. Haven't taken one in 30 years. Guy I hunt with owns a pharmaceutical manufacturing company. He said Tylenol would probably not make it through the first set of trials in this day and age. CHIEF
  10. From the article in the second post of this thread: Gary Patterson, one of these innovators and likely the inspiration for Coach K's Boise defenses, was among the earliest adopters of the Nickel as a base defense. As has been stated in several threads, make PK and Fat Pat Co-DCs, PK runs the front, Fat Pat the secondary.....show me a loss. A Bumpas/Patterson situation. Watching #6 TCU drill #9 Ole Miss (from the "By God" SEC) 42 to 3 in 2014 was incredible. The way they played in that game, just kept getting better towards the end of the season, it looked like there wasn't anyone in the country that could beat them. CHIEF
  11. CHIEF Jr. will go to the Golden Chick, in Granbury, they sell their "Lotta Zing" spice in a shaker container. He will then walk next door to Chicken Express to buy gizzards. He says their "Serendipity" spice is too salty. We have a couple of shakers of "Lotta Zing" in the truck to use on the gizzards we pick up in Graham or Seymour at Chicken E, and then sprinkle them with Golden Chick spice. I have to say, he is correct on this combo. CHIEF
  12. I have my maternal great grandmother's recipe. After she passed, it was always my father that made them. Now that he has passed, I guess I'm gonna have to take up that mantel. I absolutely love them. My Dad would alter the recipe to have a little more of the candied red cherries than other candied fruits. He would make about $2500 or so around Christmas time baking a bunch and selling them. CHIEF
  13. The LJSilver closed down about 5 years ago, here in Granbury. Myself, CHIEF Jr., and our buddy, Billy were absolutely crushed. We would go every other Saturday Get the chicken plank platter, add two more planks, six shrimp, and a boat of extra crumbs for each of us. When I have to go to or through Weatherford I stop at theirs every time. It's my favorite fast food of all time. We have a Cotton Patch, and their Shiner beer battered cod is about as close to LJS as you get around here. Chicken Express is the "go to" in all the small towns around here. Every weekend, when we go to the deer lease, we either hit the one in Graham, or the one in Seymour. 18 gizzards, and a sweet tea. They are great to eat while driving. One of us drives and keeps the dog out of their gizzards, then switch out and the other eats. CHIEF
  14. All the $9.95ers should go to $19.95, show their books, and distribute half to the NIL. Their's not one idiot on any site that can say they don't get $20 worth of enjoyment, insight, and something to do in their free time. The price hasn't gone up since they were created. I bet that would create $200k+ per month on all the Texas sites, and run off the tightwads. CHIEF
  15. Just threw a hunert in the pot. Didn't see the one for RoJo, just split it to get the funding kicked off. CHIEF
  16. Yep. Your snot rockets are just balls of clay. We got a trace of rain, and we were the only ones who could get around. It's like ice with any amount of moisture. CHIEF
  17. Tell me about it. I have to keep reminding him that he is taller, and bigger than me. If I order clothing he always tells me to get the next size down for him, which I have to do for the waist line, but his shoulders are broader, hands and feet are bigger. It looks like he has a mustache, but that is sand. The sand is just brutal on this place, you have to wear goggles to see. That fucker is a killer tracker. He can track for a mile easily. He is the camp mascot, and if someone has something down and can't find it, we put Woody on the trail. There are hunters that get mad if we don't bring him. All he does is sleep and recoup between weekends. CHIEF
  18. CHIEF Jr. told me he really wanted my Book Auodad more than a 170+ WT. So yesterday morning we saw the biggest one (Number One) with the herd. Number two might be a little bit longer, but doesn't have as much mass. So we made a trade. I get to shoot whatever trophy whitetail we see, this year. The big bastard was still behind a mesquite tree when CHIEF Jr. let it rip. I wasn't ready, didn't see which way it went. He was pretty confident on the shot, he had aimed for the heart between an 8 inch fork in the tree. We went down, he climbed into the pen to look for blood. I immediately put down our weiner dog and followed him straight behind the pen about 30 yards, where this sonuvabitch laid dead, with a heart and double lung shot. CHIEF
  19. CHIEF


    I use to joke that the entrance and exiting city limit signs were hung on the same pole. CHIEF
  20. CHIEF


    Stolen Valor. His dad was a cardiologist in Ft. Worth. His "rural upbringing" was on weekends and summers. There were numerous kids of his ilk, around Cranfills Gap, when land was cheap. CHIEF
  21. CHIEF


    He did not grow up in Cranfills Gap, I grew up in Cranfills Gap, and he would have been a Sophomore when I graduated. No one knows him. Apparently he lived in Ft. Worth, and they had a weekend place somewhere close, but no one has ever seen him. There are only about 200 people in town, and I am friends with anyone that would have known him. Gary Finstad, my old ag teacher was also a farrier, and put shoes on every horse in a 20 mile radius, and he don't know him. CHIEF
  22. Does this mean Ann Margret is not coming. CHIEF
  23. CHIEF Jr. is texting some chick in Vernon that lives in Seymour. He has about 3-4 lined up out here. I asked him what is the first question you ask them? His answer? “How Much land you got in your family?” I raised him right. A thousand acres raises a girl’s value a full point. A seven with 3000 acres is a ten. The gal from Seymour, he says, is a “butterface” but they have several thousand acres. CHIEF
  24. Definitely a banana in the tailpipe. Geez. CHIEF
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