The only Lexus to get is the five liter. They are a dinosaur, which I love. The last N/A sport sedan built is the IS 500. I will own one till they don't make them anymore. When I bought the GS-F in 2019, I could have bought an M5 with about the same miles for a couple of grand cheaper. BUT, Edmund's has a feature that shows estimated repair bills, and estimated trade-in value at 100k miles. The Lexus was estimated to have almost $20k less of repair bills and a $20k difference to the positive on trade-in value. It is truly the most cost effective investment in a depreciating asset that I have ever owned.
Boring? Probably to some, but not to the other 90% that have never been in a sub five second zero to sixty, 150 mph+ automobile. Ours isn't a garage queen weekend warrior, it's our everyday family hauler, momma's work car, and the primary transportation, to Austin, for football games. So for us, it is practical and dependable.