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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Was that the dude that looked like the overweight Ted Cruz guy in the stands? I must have missed the introduction. CHIEF
  2. To be honest, I would probably fly my ISIS flag upside down as well, I don't know shit about reading Sandskrit. CHIEF
  3. 6’5” and 260 lbs. Should be a spin down candidate. We can bitch about Mack Brown till the cows come home, but that fucker won a lot of games utilizing that philosophy. If he could gain 30 lbs. the required strength and keep his athleticism, I would have to think he might be a home run. CHIEF
  4. I rode in the Long Ranger with the highest time airframe in existence about 40 years ago, from Lake Whitney to its FBO at Addison in Ft. Worth. We hovered over cattle creep feeders on the big ranches to the west of Ft. Worth until bucks as big as yearling calves came scampering out. The doors wouldn’t even latch, the airflow kept them shut. But when we would hover, all bets were off. CHIEF
  5. Santucci should just buy a house in B/CS and just rent it out in between his stints of being on the staff. I think he has been run off twice. But like a bad penny, he keeps showing back up, because this time, things will be “different.” CHIEF
  6. They should really wear bowties, and sing "Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight." I'm sure they get all of the "Dames." Pomade guys, for sure, not quite cool enough for Dapper Dan. CHIEF
  7. I'm a 9 1/2B. My favorite boot is my Redwings sized right with the white gum soles. My momma bought me a pair of new Tony Lamas. Full quill, in black. She finally said something profound, "these should last you the rest of your life." CHIEF
  8. Has a very 1930”s Munich beer hall vibe to it. CHIEF
  9. Well, CHIEF Jr. is happier than a pup with two peckers. Palmetto still had the best price but the $899 sale was over, so $1250 later he got what he wanted. I spent enough on the gun, it will be up to him to rig it out like he wants. That is a 22 round capacity mag, also has a flush mount mag that still holds 15 in a double stack. The trigger pull is amazing. 10mm ammo wasn't quite as big as I was expecting. CHIEF
  10. "In the land of aggieland"? Seriously? CHIEF
  11. That was noticeable against Clemson. He threw balls that would be contested to a spot that the receiver was either gonna make a contested catch or draw a DPI. CHIEF
  12. We went to our local sushi joint last night. We know the whole family that owns it. We always sit at the bar to bullshit with them. They are from Hong Kong originally. Of course, they have Christmas music playing, and "Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly" came on. In true A Christmas Story style Mrs, CHIEF belts out "fa ra ra ra, ra ra ra ra ra ra". I gave her a kick, should have seen the look on her face when she realized what she had just done. Our buddies from Hong Kong just died laughing as she desperately explained that it was from a movie, then they told her to be sure and drink her Ovaltine. CHIEF
  13. I can't wait for aggy to claim they are among the elite in college football, only for the Netflix narrator to say, "Elite? Aren't y'all slightly above average, usually 8-4, with no championship of any kind this century?" CHIEF
  14. The only Lexus to get is the five liter. They are a dinosaur, which I love. The last N/A sport sedan built is the IS 500. I will own one till they don't make them anymore. When I bought the GS-F in 2019, I could have bought an M5 with about the same miles for a couple of grand cheaper. BUT, Edmund's has a feature that shows estimated repair bills, and estimated trade-in value at 100k miles. The Lexus was estimated to have almost $20k less of repair bills and a $20k difference to the positive on trade-in value. It is truly the most cost effective investment in a depreciating asset that I have ever owned. Boring? Probably to some, but not to the other 90% that have never been in a sub five second zero to sixty, 150 mph+ automobile. Ours isn't a garage queen weekend warrior, it's our everyday family hauler, momma's work car, and the primary transportation, to Austin, for football games. So for us, it is practical and dependable. CHIEF'
  15. Yep, page 2. I use two of the oven bags, in case one breaks (they come in a two pack anyway). Drop it in the water till all the air is gone. Cold smoke 2-3 hours afterward. My smoker will still make a crust at a low temp. If yours doesn't may want to put it on a high temp grill and sear it on each side for a couple of minutes between turns. CHIEF
  16. I thought the Earth was flat, but couldn't be a disc, because how can you banish anything or any one to the "four corners of the Earth." CHIEF
  17. Here is a drone operator that says if it were civilians, there would have been arrests already, and a statement made by government officials. If it were aliens, or adversaries they likely would not have lights, and the government would be much more alarmed than what they are projecting. He 100% believes it is our own government operating them. But let's face it. A statement of "The drones are ours. Their mission is classified, but they are there for your protection" would never fly, especially in Jersey. CHIEF
  18. To put this in prospective, I can remember where I watched the game the last time aggy won a conference championship. Mrs. CHIEF, and a six month old CHIEF Jr., and I had gone with my BIL and his pregnant wife to Tequila Texas at the bottom of the hill going up to Jester Estates. My niece, who my pregnant ex-SIL was pregnant with is now a degreed mother with an 18 month old of her own. CHIEF
  19. That middle coin isn't very big. I guess its a "Little Caesars"? CHIEF
  20. That is kinda the rule in rural America, you take what you can get. My F350 spare is still a Michelin take-off of a ranch truck. It is a highway tire, that was taken off of a 6666 Ranch truck in exchange for mud grips. You have a flat in Guthrie, Texas, and you will take anything. CHIEF
  21. I've been guilty of running a harder compound when I want to get more mileage out of a tire. Mrs. CHIEF and I have had soft compound tires on our cars for nearly 30 years. The seller may have thought that you aren't gonna use it in tight corners and don't want you to come back on him as buying tires that wear too fast. This was a common practice in the 80s and 90s in the area where I lived. I remember buying 17" Z-rated tires for $234, a lot of money at the time, and getting 6-8k miles on them, so $2k worth of tires per year, over 25 years ago. CHIEF
  22. Does the car run expensive tires? Maybe he is getting a car with the same tire size, the expensive ones had plenty of meat left, so he removed them and put cheap Chinese tires on it. That cheap bastard. Looking at only 12k miles on the first set, are they soft compound? I know from experience those fuckers ain't cheap. We usually get 10-12k on my wife's car before having to go pay $1200/set for new ones. CHIEF
  23. If not, here is a good Christmas present for your youngest, my son's first gun: https://www.academy.com/p/heritage-rough-rider-22-caliber-revolver-200023427 That is even the same price that I paid for CHIEF Jr.'s twenty years ago. It has had about a million subsonic rounds through it. Pretty quite, and great for plinking. CHIEF
  24. That's why I think there was a hangup with the FAA. Pilots and air traffic controllers would be panicking if they were seeing things on their radar with no visual confirmation. Military was put in a "no win" situation on that. You couldn't keep this under wraps, pilots and air traffic controllers aren't going to sit on that information. CHIEF
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