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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. The equal of Hut's in Waco, is Cupps Drive In https://sites.google.com/view/cupps-drive-inn Cupps, George's, and Poppa Rollo Pizza are all exceptional. CHIEF
  2. Traylor should have been this hire. There are several threads where Surlyites brought this up, and were "poo-pooed" about him only being 7-4 last year and Texas is too good to go after someone with a resume as short as his, and at a non-P5 school. That motherfucker has a ragtag band of San Antonio and Rio Grand Valley kids sitting at #23 this week. CHIEF
  3. Darrell Royal or Mack Brown never won their division or conference before being hired by Texas, should Texas have passed on them? It's taking a coach with a mediocre record, and seeing if his sobriety and offensive genius can translate, and if his choice of assistants can turn the ship around. It's really very simple. We will know in the next couple of years. CHIEF
  4. I just know how I was in high school and college. Alcohol, hell yeah. A little pot, ok. That was about it in high school. Didn't have a real "big time" dealer until college, never had enough money to make my heart explode on coke. There were two things that I was offered but no way would I have taken them. Heroin. I even knew at that point, not to fuck with it. It came with physical dependency that you couldn't get away from, and you would be on Methadone from now on if you did. Also, a very high chance of overdose. PCP. Knew a guy that was a veterinarian's son, had beat his own brains out with a pipe when I was a kid. I had seen the videos of guys getting shot dozens of times, and it still took five or six police officers to wrestle them to the ground. I had absolutely no interest in either of those two drugs, I had been educated about them. The problem is now any street drug, no matter how mild or unassuming, can be just as dangerous or more dangerous than either one. Knowing that would have undoubtedly set me straight. CHIEF
  5. It probably won't until several of the "cool kids" and friends have multiple deaths at the same party. But you have to try something, so you can say you tried to warn them before the big wake up call. Do you think Jake's death was a wake up call for the team, and others at the University? CHIEF
  6. Education and fear. First day of school, send everyone to the gym for a frank discussion of the dangers of the possibility of street drugs being laced or coming into contact with Fetanyl. Give them facts and statistics (based on some I've seen here): More people die from coming into contact with Fetanyl each year, than Americans killed in the entire Vietnam War. In this student body, there is probably going to be one of you that dies from Fetanyl, maybe more depending on size of student body. Your dealer may unknowingly give you a drug that is laced, or has come into contact with Fentanyl. One pound of Fentanyl can kill over 450k people. Show the penny picture. List off the musicians, actors, rappers, and athletes that died from Fetanyl. You really have to work on instilling in them that the risk is not worth the reward, that it can really happen to them, and hope that mindset carries over into college, or after high school. For college kids, same thing, but through campus organizations. CHIEF
  7. We were fortunate to get our Ranger in June. When we went and put a deposit down in late April, no one had claimed it. At that time the dealership was full of UTVs. When we went back in June, they were cleaned out. Had a guy offer us our money back and $5k, to walk away. CHIEF
  8. Mom gave her a monthly allowance at the student center, free pizza. CHIEF
  9. One would think that the drive to find a mate would start to increase for women, while in college. Especially with their being more women than men. The statistics bear out that most college educated people find their spouse while in college. I bear that out, I know Brisket did, another mutual friend, several of CHIEF Jr.'s friends all found spouses in college. Women are going to have to change their concept of "educated" from only a classically college educated individual to also include men that are trained in technologies and highly skilled trades that may not have come from a STEM program at a standard four year college or university. Educated and financially successful are great, but so are other traits sexual attraction, honesty, trustworthiness, empathy, compassion, pride in one's self, etc. CHIEF
  10. Here is a good, but long, explanation by Jordan Peterson. The list is, that Women want equal or above. They are obviously more invested in sex, as they have the chance to get pregnant, and if they end up single (single mother) they slide down the socioeconomic scale. Men date equal or down, because they can leave. The video mainly chastises men, for not doing things to make them equal or better. CHIEF
  11. “I’ll pay you $350,000 for your house as long as a human can go out there, look around, and make sure that price isn’t wildly off” is an interesting model but it’s not quite the same as “push this button to sell your house for $350,000.” And “I’ll pay $350,000 for a house and then send out a crew to replace the carpets” is not quite the same as “I’ll pay $350,000 for a house and flip it 20 minutes later for $355,000, collecting a small spread for providing liquidity.” Computerization has come into the housing market, but it hasn’t taken it over yet. Zillow is ran by fucking idiots that can't even keep their website updated. I don't know how many calls I get from buyers wanting to look at a specific house listed on Zillow that sold 6-9 months ago with no update on status. It's no wonder they failed at this "market opportunity" miserably. CHIEF
  12. This OL is letting a defender through, untouched, at least once or twice a series. Be it a lineman, or linebacker. I would wheel route with the RBs until they stopped it. That's about the only play the offense has time to get off when the defense pins their ears back. Sark needs to go back and watch his own seminar. CHIEF
  13. Gundy moved the DEs outside eliminating outside zone and jet sweep options. This funneled every run back to the middle. Our OL is so shitty, they can't even run block in the A and B gaps when the DEs are outside. It basically shut down the run game. We have no answer for that. There was a reason we abandoned those plays, the shit no longer worked. They dared Casey to beat them with his arm with a defender in his face. CHIEF
  14. CHIEF Jr. spent hours researching game cams. We ended up with a Covert game cam. My feeder sits at the bottom of a 200 ft. cliff that it must shoot a signal over. Right now I have 90% battery life (about 35 pictures a day), and 60% signal strength, between Benjamin and Guthrie. https://www.amazon.com/Covert-CO8076-Code-Black-2021/dp/B08VQFZGY7/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1634748402&sr=8-1&srs=9517145011 CHIEF
  15. About 10 years ago we were hunting on the Swenson Ranch between Aspermont and Hamlin. A shot this big solitary sow (500 or so lbs.) from about 600 yards. I was proud of the shot, of course, but it was like hitting a large dinner plate. CHIEF Jr. was not with me, but I decided to go show her to him the next morning. We went to the location, and I couldn't find her. We started looking around for her, and found nothing but her skull and spine about 50 yards away. The other hogs had eaten everything else overnight. CHIEF
  16. When I was a kid, I knew a guy that used to make "trot lines" for coyotes. He would bait them with pieces of meat, and hang them high enough that the coyote had to jump to reach it, and would get hooked. Absolutely the most cruel thing I ever heard of. His rationale was that coyotes didn't care if a fawn was still alive when they started to eat it. I always thought humans were better than that. CHIEF
  17. Yep, Bijan, KRob, J Miller would all be featured backs in 90% of backfields, and if you add Owens, that is a crowded and talented backfield. Bijan will be gone when Owens gets here. But Owens looks killer, and would probably take Blue's carries. CHIEF
  18. A pack of 3 sounds like 30. Might be time to invest in some night vision/thermal gear. CHIEF
  19. If he is offered and stays, I would be very concerned if I was an aggy. He will never have the horses to win a championship at A&M. We know it, he knows it. He will just coast along, rest on his laurels, and collect paychecks. He is set for life with no expectations. All LSU has to do is make an above average hire, and aggy will be back to 7-8 losses in a row. CHIEF
  20. I thought Woodward was all about "splash" hires. A guy in his second year at a small private school P5 and a guy that has never coached at the P5 level doesn't seem like his style. But a "sitting national championship winning coach" stolen from a recruiting rival seems to make sense. CHIEF
  21. Well ol' Goaty Goat showed up by himself last night a little before 3am. He and his buddies have been hitting the feeder pretty hard. I have another feeder about a mile away I think I'm gonna hunt at the beginning of season, at least until the deer drop down into the river bottom. The hunter that was at that feeder isn't on the lease anymore, but there was a 3.5-4.5 year old 12 point that was coming to that feeder last year. It has no camera, so not sure what to expect. CHIEF
  22. What other "Big Name" coach doesn't come with a buyout? Woodward probably got wind he was gonna have a chance to get back to BR, why do you think he wrote Jimbo's contract the way he did? Jimbo isn't elite, but neither were Leslie and the Ogre. If Jimbo is ever gonna win another championship, his only chance is Baton Rouge. All you have to do is be an elite recruiter of Louisiana talent, and just out talent other teams. There is plenty of talent in Louisiana to win it all with his "keep away" brand of football. CHIEF
  23. When my Old Man was still alive we would go to Lake Calcasieu every October. We usually had our limits by about Noon. We would then set up on the edge of the ship channel and catch a couple of hundred Sand Trout till we got tired of catching them. They were like perch in a stock pond, you had to have the slack out of your line by the time your bait/lure hit the surface, and just set the hook. CHIEF
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