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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. Their virgin Pina Colada is awesome, as were the shrimp quesadillas and beef quesadillas. CHIEF
  2. Troph, if you have enough people to fill a boat, we had five, and had a boat to ourselves, Aldora will do a twilight dive any night of the week at Paradise Reef. It's shallow, little to no current, really easy. We saw probably 8-10 octopus, a school of squid, crabs and lobster out in the open, a lot of stuff that is holed up during the day. Aldora's flashlights suck though, two out of the six lights in our group quit working during the dive. CHIEF
  3. Momma say, "If it's a boom, you're servicing new clients. if it's a bust you're appraising foreclosures." Both ends covered. CHIEF
  4. Mt mother has been on to me about getting an appraiser's license. All the ones around here are so busy they don't want to take an apprentice on. I'm not gonna drive an hour each way just to follow someone around. CHIEF
  5. This was the issue we had. Mrs. CHIEF uses six pounds, he only put two pounds in her BC. She is not one to mix words, he got the message. It was embarrassing, I had to calm her down. We went ahead and finished the week with him, they sent an "intern" that was new to the company, Arturo, and he was killer. He was with us for the last four days. 15 years experience as a divemaster, interesting, educated, Mexican upper class from what we could tell, spoke perfect English. He will be a real asset. We met up with our old divemaster Dario a couple of times, apparently some of the older employees had a parting of ways during COVID shutdown. He runs his own boat now, and just dives with friends. CHIEF Jr. has an "in" with Centurion boats. Dario wants him to design a dive boat with ballast tanks to sink a stern swim platform to make it easier to get elderly and weaker divers into and out of the water. He has people that have dove with him for 35 years, some of them want to keep diving. CHIEF
  6. Saw him yesterday at the beach club. We took today off to fuck around on the island, and day drink. The kids stayed out late and are sleeping in a bit. At least they can walk to and from the bar. CHIEF
  7. We are done with him today. He had a couple of significant mistakes. CHIEF
  8. Got the first day under the belt in Cozumel. Hit up Rage last night. We dove with Mario, which he told me is who Troph dove with. Hasn’t been bad so far. We pick our spot, pick our weights, and he pretty much stays out of the way. He is ok, if you already know what to do. Rage isn’t a fan at all. I can see him sucking for new divers. Chief
  9. Yes, Ike built the Interstate system through the Department of Defense. It's designed to take the load of a fully loaded B-52. The Russians would nuke every airforce base meaning strategic bombers would have to use the Interstates to land. CHIEF
  10. Ours doesn't. You have to have a mobile notary, or have a distant buyer go to a local title company to close. CHIEF
  11. Had a fellow hunter's son do the same thing. His nickname was "Stinky" the rest of the time we hunted with them. 10 years later, if I see him, he is still referenced as "Stinky". The worst ever was CHIEF Jr. was about 9-10 years old, and we were moving stands and feeders from Throckmorton to Aspermont. We shut a gate and he climbs out needing to shit. So he is doing the Pole Dancer off the front of the gooseneck. He has laid up a pile that looks like a whale rope. I get the bright idea to joke about all of the other hunters and their kids pulling up while he is shitting. He gets antsy and ends up stepping right in the middle. I bet you can guess who got to clean his boots. CHIEF
  12. The sex tent must be incredible. CHIEF
  13. Paid cash for the lot. It was just to give her her 1/2 interest in what was community property that she was entitled. Sorry for the bad advice. Yes, contact your lender and do what they require. This was before DocuSign was available. CHIEF
  14. I bought the lot my house sits on without Mrs. CHIEF, but we were married. She just wasn't here to sign. I did a Quit Claim Deed and added her. It was one page, easy, and you can find templates, and examples online. We were twelve years in, not recommended for Sugar Babies. CHIEF
  15. I had to stay home, this weekend, and take Mrs. CHIEF out on the boat for her two best friend's birthdays. CHIEF Jr. told his buddy that if he helped him set up hog panels around the feeders, and put up cameras, he would put him on a nice Aoudad. I warned him that he better not shoot my big one. He put him on one alright. This was the third biggest ram in the herd, and still huge. CHIEF
  16. That's a good question. In years of real estate I've never come across anyone that I've known to be behind on their mortgage. It's been either people in good standing, or a post-foreclosure. As a kid, when both of my parents were agents/brokers. I remember bankers calling and saying so-and-so was behind on a piece of property, and needs to sell it. Could you help them out? I'm not sure how it works with mortgage companies. I would assume they would want to work something out, add the payments to the end like they did during COVID when people couldn't work. This is a good question for Phil. CHIEF
  17. I don't see foreclosures going up, or going into the market. Who is upside down on a mortgage? If you get in trouble on payments just put your house on the market, rake in a profit, and buy something you can afford. CHIEF
  18. I converted all of my P365 mags. No problems so far. CHIEF
  19. We leave for Cozumel next Thursday. You gonna be around? CHIEF
  20. I'm sure you could at our rural HEB. My wife and I took the J&J, because it is a viral vector vaccine. Not sold on mRNAs at this time. I just don't know enough about them. If I had COVID, it was asymptomatic. Wife was down for about 4 days. If the symptoms are less severe, we are willing to take the chance on reinfection. CHIEF
  21. Funny story from the last time we were in Cozumel. Mrs. CHIEF and I decided to take a day off from diving. CHIEF Jr. and his buddy were the only two with the Divemaster and Captain that day. Since they are young and in shape they went to Stingray Wall on the north end of the island, the currents are really strong there, and Mrs. CHIEF would not have enjoyed it. About 40 minutes into the dive, Gato, the Captain gives them the signal to begin their decent early. They can see he is circling around, seems pretty nervous. As soon as they surface, he is there grabbing BCs and tanks, dragging them aboard. In a big rush. When Dario comes up, Gato shouts "meil de abeja" (honey bee). They are a half mile offshore, and it had come from the direction of the mainland. That means there is a swarm not too far behind the scout. Apparently, if they reach the boat before reaching shore, they swarm the boat and will fuck you up. CHIEF Jr. said he had never seen a dive boat ran wide open until that day. They ran straight to the beach and Gato took the bee and put him on a tree limb so the bees would go to the limb and not the boat. I'm guessing that has happened before. He said that he never saw anyone so nervous about one solitary bee. CHIEF
  22. It would probably benefit him to have a tank. It's a two hour turn around for him to go into Ft. Worth and get one presently. He has a buddy, here in town that could fill it. We have a badass crystal clear dive lake about 20 minutes in the opposite direction. It's covered up on the weekend with Ft. Worth dive shop classes. But is empty during the week. A tank and regulator would have been a better use of the money. I imagine he will purchase those in August. CHIEF
  23. Uncontained reloading supplies. My guess. CHIEF
  24. We are going through this right now. You would think CHIEF Jr. dives every other day. Apparently, he bought this dive watch and a transmitter, now he needs a high end reg to make it work. Almost sitting at $3k, and doesn't own his own tank, or reg. Thought I raised him better. CHIEF
  25. I've had one of these in my truck for probably 30 years. Works great. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/marine-raider-easy-lift-trailer-jack?gmc_feed=t&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxdSHBhCdARIsAG6zhlU2ZOJjT8j9C7SQ1Xt2o2H8gZhaEcXdhC9CNcdgkDGzadhLGsQIC28aAvMEEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds CHIEF
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