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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. We can get them pretty clean with an air compressor, but don't use it on the action, but it is tedious. An hour or so per gun. I'm thinking about getting a touch up spray gun with a stainless bowl. Even with brushes, it never gets them completely clean. We shoot hogs and coyotes from the road, so you have to be able to get to your weapon quick, which means they are kept in the open. When deer season gets here, I may keep it in the case and leave another gun in the quick draw rack. CHIEF
  2. My county requires a perc test, and you have to have an acre to run septic unless you are in a grandfathered subdivision. Then, they will require an aerobic system. A conventional system runs about $7500 and an aerobic about $11500. They will require two septic tanks and at least 70 feet of lateral line on a conventional. Doesn't matter if it's a shop bathroom that might get used one or twice a week, or a 3/2 with a five member household living there full time. They have a one size fits all septic plan, it's stupid as shit. My Dad got away with it on a bathroom used for entertaining 50-100 guests about once or twice per month. I thought it would bite my mom in the ass when she sold that place, but it was never even brought up. With 1-2 county inspectors they have bigger fish to fry. CHIEF
  3. I'd love to. But I can only imagine about 20 ways a 20 year Master Sergeant could dispose of my body. CHIEF
  4. You're right. I should have specified that it was not all kids, just more kids. Population growing and all that. CHIEF
  5. Dude, these fucks are in their 40's, they aren't kids. These people were just raised different, they are part of my generation. Poor parenting is not generation specific. What a stupid fucking take. You take anyone from any generation and tell them they are special and the rules don't apply to them and you have raised a fucked up individual. We see dads in fist fights over Little League games, people take shit way too seriously. America's main problem is that no one can no longer let anything "slide", no one in America is willing to take the "high road". When you have no one willing to apologize, because it's always the other person's fault, this is exactly what we get. We have always had busybodies, we have always had Karens, but not near the extent that we have now. We have always had road rage, but not to the extent now. We have always had Charles Whitmans, but not to the extent we have now. Have you never seen a 1950's Western where the richest rancher in the area had a bad kid that always did bad shit, and his father would always cover for him and the rules didn't apply to him? The problem is most people now are that rich rancher. The premise was always that the entitled prick kid was the way he was because of his upbringing. Sometimes the kid was humbled and set straight and apologized for his actions, but most of the time he was hanged for shooting someone, or was shot himself. The same thing is going to happen in America today, those kids get a wake up call, or it ends badly, and it usually ends badly. Total disregard for human life because they weren't taught to handle their shit. Are there still great parents, absolutely. But if this trend moves the needle .000001% the wrong direction, how many more potential mass shootings is that. Especially with discipline being taken out of our school system, for some, that was the only place with rules and consequences that they were not getting at home. CHIEF
  6. My .300WSM is absolutely filthy. It's all synthetic/stainless. Our less roads turn it from black/silver to brown, I can't even clean the dirt out from the foreshock and barrel. I have a friend the pressure washes his without getting too close, then cleans it with diesel, wipes it down, and then oils it. Anyone heard of cleaning a stainless gun that way? His gun looks fine. CHIEF
  7. Here's mine...I've told it on here before, on another thread. I've always lived in "ranching" country from 8th grade until college. My 8th grade year, I rode the bus about 200 miles per day. The bus driver lived about a mile from me, so I was first on, and last off. A young Mexican kid, Blas, and his younger siblings were the next on/off. So Blas and I spent a lot of time together. His parents were undocumented, and worked in the Plantation Foods turkey plucking plant. They would show up at the bus stop in a 1970's Olds 98 with 15 people in the car. Blas and the others would hop out and get on the bus. He was always a great kid, and we spent the time on the bus polishing up his English, while I learned a little Spanish. We were pretty tight friends. The next year, I had to drive to school because the buses ran before football practice was over. Well, a few years ago, Blas' name came up on Facebook. So I hit him up to see what he was up to. He had moved one school district over to a 2A school where he graduated as Valedictorian. But he, also being undocumented, wasn't able to accept any of his scholarship offers. Blas went into the army, where he became a Master Sergeant at the end of his 20 years of service. His service granted him US citizenship, and he has been all over the World. I've seen pictures of him and his family in Venice, Berlin, Paris, London, etc. Last year was the best, his absolutely gorgeous daughter had graduated Magna Cum Laude from Baylor. To be honest, it was kinda dusty. He has gone a long way from being that little kid getting out of that packed to the gills Olds 98 with his Goodwill and garage sale wardrobe to where he is today. He was always happy, determined, and his parents were determined that he would have a better life than they had, they gave him the opportunity. He had that same determination for his kids. CHIEF
  8. Not at 2 a.m. and I've never had a tarp that didn't leak at 75 mph. CHIEF
  9. I think Slorch is on to something. Kids are no longer taught by their parents how to deal with disappointment, rejection, or life difficulties. They are taught they are perfect, it is the other person who is at fault, and that retribution is ok. The retribution is just a lot worse when these kids grow into adulthood. Then you add in addictions, and they are part of the wrong crowd, they are invincible in their eyes, and shit turns deadly. When I was a kid, if I got in trouble at school, I could expect to be in trouble when I got home. My parents, taught me how deal with disappointment, difficulties, rejection, and depression, and how to be respectful, courteous, sympathetic and conscious of other's feelings. My wife had the same "old school" upbringing as I. That is the way we raised our son as well. At 23, he has all of those traits. I have never had to bail him out of a difficult situation, caused by any of those negative traits. He had a few classmates, that were raised in the former, that are now in jail. They were the perfect bad examples. Their parents were the ones that always sided with their kid over the teacher, which seems to be the new norm. All that teaches the kid is they don't have to respect authority (even if the authority figure is wrong) because Mama always has their back. But Mama has a lot more difficult job when things go criminal. CHIEF
  10. Wow, what a night. Everybody started packing up and leaving because there were going to be storms overnight. If you get 2-3 inches on the lease, you will not get your truck out for 3-4 days, or more. You always have to be watching the weather up there. CHIEF Jr. and I made the decision that we were going to take my truck and gooseneck to the front gate, take the Ranger back to camp, and rough it back out in the morning. It was cooler in the evening, we had purchased a 1500 lb. protein feeder, and were hauling the last load in, when a ball joint popped loose on the Ranger. That changed everything, suddenly it's leave the gooseneck at the top of the river crossing, and take my truck back to camp, load up, and get the hell out. This is at 11 p.m. The run to camp from our stand is about 20 minutes, took us about 20 to load, and get everything buttoned up. By this time we can see the lightning lighting up the thunderheads to the north of us. I had purchased a ton of protein, we put 1450 lbs. in the feeder, so I still had 550 lbs. on the trailer, no tarp, and would have a $320 loss if it got wet. We haul ass back to the gooseneck, hook it up, throw on the Ranger and tie it and the remaining protein down. It still is 30 minutes to the front gate, by the time we get there it is 1 a.m. we have to run east for about 80 miles before turning south, and these thunderstorms are moving north to south. So it's 85 mph from west of Benjamin all the way to Olney. CHIEF Jr. is driving, and I'm on the radar app watching. We thought we were going to get caught in Olney, when we turned south towards Graham, we could see heavy rain to our north about a half mile with each lightning flash. We turned south and put some distance between us and the storm front. But of course, we have to stop in Graham at 2:30 a.m. for CHIEF Jr. to pick up his Whataburger order that he called ahead and ordered, the storm almost caught us again. Now, I'm driving and CHIEF Jr. is on the radar app. We have a hail core to our left, in Grayford, that I am pretty certain is going to catch us in Mineral Wells. When we turned to get back over to 281 in Mineral Wells, I ran 60-70 mph almost to main street, turned south and finally got enough distance to not see lightning right behind us. We pulled into my shop, as soon as we got home, and shut the overhead door, crisis averted. We walked into the front door, here, in Granbury, at 4:51 a.m. By 4:58, it was raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock. I was so wound up, from being chased by the storm, I couldn't go to sleep, watched the lease get absolutely pounded on radar. I took a shower and watched the sun come up. Finally hit the sack about 6:30 a.m. I'm too old for this shit. CHIEF
  11. I go all hillbilly on shit like this. My electrician can pull any permit needed, but rarely does. For septic, I read the county rules, but never pull permits, just tell them it was an existing system from when permits weren't required. The previous structure was an unlivable 1970's mobile home, and I drug it off. Works great in the rural areas that were once cheap land. The septic on my 6 acres cost me about $2500. CHIEF
  12. At the lease for a work weekend. Saw that big Aoudad ram again. I’m shooting that fucker as soon as we get cooler temperatures. Gonna find us a good swimming hole on the river this evening. The river is as clear as the Comal up here. Never would have thought it. CHIEF
  13. I had the hours needed for an apprenticeship. The guy I worked for encouraged me to get my A&P. But testing was geared for airline work. I had only worked on piston aircraft so I didn’t pursue it. Probably a poor decision. CHIEF
  14. Turbo 210s are great but they have a tough time holding compression on their cylinders. They are tough on cylinder rings for some reason. Owners always needed one or two jugs every annual when I worked on them. Still very reliable. But you have to prepare for expensive annuals. CHIEF
  15. It looks like the bottom of the pool in a typical Lakeway home. We are doing our Nitrox cert this week as well. Dove with it the last two times, but thought it best to get the certification. We are three weeks out. Usually, I'm excited, but I have so many loose ends that it's an afterthought. Tough obligations right now, but due to my procrastination and subcontractor schedules. CHIEF
  16. That is a big fucking cat. Probably go 250 lbs. Ours around here top out about half that. They get over 200 at our lease in Benjamin. I guess if you are killing bigger deer, and elk, you have to be a bigger cat. CHIEF
  17. God, how did I miss this thread. Grats to all of you raising a snot nose that you can't wait to see what they will become. It's the greatest life experience ever. Mine is a senior ME student, boat mechanic, and has the chief of hiring engineering interns at Lockheed asking him when he is going to turn in his application. Enjoy this time in your life. You made the choice and deserve all the good things that come with it. If I could do it all over again, I would do it in a minute. The greatest thing you can leave in life, is the legacy your children live up to. CHIEF
  18. Cruise ship tenders/ passenger shuttles for places that don't have a cruise ship pier. CHIEF
  19. Same era. The Love Boat was the Pacific Princess, my Mom watched that shit once a week, and still watches re-runs. CHIEF
  20. How can that albatross the "Longhorn Network" be used in NIL? That shit has to be good for something. Have the entire team start redoing all of those lame ass 6-8 year old commercials and give 'em a piece of the pie. CHIEF
  21. Lake Fork, you are an hour away. A good guide will put him on a 10+ pounder. More big bass have come out of that lake than any other in Texas. CHIEF
  22. Got the 4" portal boxes and 33s" on so the floorboard sits at 25". Gotta cross the Wichita River to get to my huntin' spot. Should have dry feet now: CHIEF
  23. It's bigger than LBJ, and slightly smaller than Canyon. You can run upstream 40 miles from the dam. CHIEF
  24. Lake Granbury. It takes about the same amount of time to get to central Ft. Worth as it does to get from Volente into central Austin. You can still get 10-15 year old 4000 sqft. waterfront homes with two boat slips for $700-900k. CHIEF
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