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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. This is kinda where I'm at. But, I possibly think there could be something going on that they just can't tell the public, like a "for sure" dirty bomb threat that the intelligence agencies can't disclose without panicking the public. I mean, "radiation detection" has been floated out there. Maybe these drones have such good detection systems, they are scanning planes on final approach and taxiing. As for the lights? Maybe an FAA hangup. It could also be testing radiation detection drones for when Russia collapses and all of their arsenal gets pillaged and goes to the highest bidder. Run the drones in during the initial chaos and confiscate anything you can find. It may be a kinda like a MIB movie, where we come close to annihilation every day, and we are completely oblivious to it, as the intelligence agencies eliminate the threat and we never know. CHIEF
  2. If frog legs are on the menu, my son is going to order them every time. We have access to a ranch with several large stock tanks on it, absolutely filled with huge bull frogs. He and the ranchers son don't use gigs all that much, but throw buzz baits and smaller frog imitations into the bull frogs territory which they attack. He brings them back, and I don't care how many frogs he has, will have his mom fry them up and eat the whole batch himself. I'm lucky to get one leg. If I make an online order to Cajun Grocer, I absolutely have to order frog legs as well. CHIEF
  3. And the name of that cheap, generic, Chinese tire? You guessed it, Bang Ding Ow. A wholly owned subsidiary of Sum Ting Wong. CHIEF
  4. I've been lucky enough to see three. Two smaller ones and a "muy grande" sitting on the side of the road in a snowstorm south of Post, Texas. I was driving a small car, and his eye level was higher than mine. I have not seen the ones, here, in my neighborhood. But our Nextdoor page has probably a dozen photos of them that I do not know how to cut and paste. One of the photos is a big mountain lion sunning on one of my good friend's back porch, in the middle of the day. Someone took the photo of it from the 7th fairway. CHIEF Jr. and one of his buddies used to hunt in some really rough country across the river from us back in junior high. They were young enough that his buddy's dad or myself would drop them off and pick them up. I picked them up after an evening hunt one day and asked them if they saw anything. CHIEF Jr. saw zip, but his buddy said he watched a mother mountain lion and her three cubs play under his stand for over an hour. I was really proud of him as he didn't want to shoot the mother and leave the cubs to starve. I told him that he may be the only person alive to ever get that opportunity in the wild. I've posted this story before on another thread, but can't remember which one. CHIEF
  5. Yes, he was the first to use them, here, in Texas, and was credited with introducing them to the state. He had kennels and about 40 dogs for sale all the time. He never had problems with coyotes but every few years, he would lose a dog or two when they got in a scrape with a mountain lion. As far as melanistic mountain lions, they do exist, I watched one for about 15 minutes walk up our driveway at the ranch. The local game biologist for TPWD told me "black panthers" don't exist, but I know what I saw. It wasn't huge, but probably still weighed 60 pounds. That was about 35 years ago. CHIEF
  6. When I and Mrs. CHIEF first met, we still owned the ranch in Bosque county. It was Angora goat country, so there were plenty of mountain lions. We went to go sit in a blind for an evening hunt. As we got close to the blind I could smell a goat carcass across the fence. We hoped over the fence to inspect it. It was about half eaten and had cat prints all around it, and the tracks were huge. The neighbor had Commodore dogs and some donkeys for guarding the goats. But cougars are smart, they appear in the front of the goat herd, and when the dogs and donkeys run up to protect the front of the herd, they will sneak around to the back of the herd and pick off a goat. Mrs. CHIEF was a young, naive, city girl, and had never much heard a donkey bray, so when one of the donkeys went off about a hundred yards away, I had her convinced that it was the mountain lion upset that we were near his kill. She was absolutely mortified. She was in tears thinking we were gonna get attacked on the way back to the truck. I felt so bad, I finally fessed up that it was a donkey. Still cannot, to this day, believe that she didn't know what the sound was. CHIEF
  7. We have a huge deer population and multiple mountain lions in our neighborhood. CHIEF
  8. That was the joke on the way there. Might get the Lexus Land Cruiser as a bonus. Still laughing about it this morning. CHIEF
  9. Well Mrs. CHIEF's GS-F went out of warranty, and its possible the transmission cooler had antifreeze leaking into the transmission, so things were about to get really expensive. I once thought Lexus parts and labor would be cheaper than European cars, but no. Not really. Got almost $35k for it after driving it for five years and almost 70k miles, it is a nine year old car. It was in decent shape, but the carbon fiber accents were delaminating and cracking, it had a few dings. I'll take $14k depreciation over five years and those miles. We basically bought the same car, but a bit of a smaller package. IS 500, it is one of 53 ever built with the Incognito exterior and red leather gut interior. It is dated, but nothing I love better than a sport sedan with a naturally aspirated V8. There are only 150 IDS 500s exported to the US each year. It is about the last of it's kind. So Mrs. CHIEF had her "December to Remember." We both absolutely hate those commercials. CHIEF
  10. If he is gonna shoot a big boy gun, he is gonna shoot big boy pills. I got him a couple of boxes of 50 round 200 gr. FMJs for plinking, and a box of 230 gr. JHPs for business. CHIEF
  11. If you want a cheap infrared set up, and don't want to spend a shit ton of money on a thermal. You can get set up for less than $130. CHIEF Jr. and I did something like this, but with a set of infrared binoculars that cost much more than this pair, and not near as good of reviews. You can take this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCNKDGVW/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0DCNKDGVW&pd_rd_w=QzKKS&content-id=amzn1.sym.8c2f9165-8e93-42a1-8313-73d3809141a2&pf_rd_p=8c2f9165-8e93-42a1-8313-73d3809141a2&pf_rd_r=350T79PFHKVDWNK7ZPHV&pd_rd_wg=097rf&pd_rd_r=b90364de-503e-4c73-a2e8-9e5e0bba66f5&s=photo&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw and see out to a hundred yards or so. But you add this $20 infrared flashlight, and you can see out to 400-500 yards: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FJ3F54T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It has worked well for us. I didn't want to spend the money for a thermal monocular, so we glass with this set up, get a bearing and then switch to the thermal on the .300BLK. You can also use an infrared scope and use green/red lights as an instant on and lay waste as well. CHIEF
  12. Well, CHIEF Jr. almost got ran over by a 350 lb. boar the other night, at the lease. He kinda acted lighthearted around me. But Mrs. CHIEF and my nephew said it kinda rattled him. He is a bit tough to buy for, for Christmas, but he told me he wanted a 10mm, as his 9mm Sig just doesn't have enough lead in it's pencil. Looking like it will be an FN 510 Tactical. Looks to be running $899 at Palmetto State. It is a big ol' bastard. https://fnamerica.com/products/pistols/fn-510-tactical/ CHIEF
  13. I truly feel like Sark is willing to take some lumps, and play Quinn, who not only is already immobile, but injured as well. He is dragging Quinn across the finish line and giving him every opportunity to improve his draft standing, which I am not sure is working. If he benched him, his stock would plummet. I don't necessarily agree with the philosophy, but I understand where it is coming from on a cultural level. Quinn has certainly won us more games than he lost, and Sark is the only coach to have his team in two consecutive CFP appearances. He can be a little loyal to a fault, but I'm not the one to say that is wrong. But it says a lot about how he cares about his players, and is willing to take some criticism on their behalf. CHIEF
  14. Austin, the high is 67 with a 72% chance of rain, currently. CHIEF
  15. I meant the money to keep him here, and keep him stocked with his pick of coaching personnel. As guys move on and up on the career ladder. I trust that the Athletic Department will give him a blank check to go get who he wants. Whatever changes might be coming down the pipe with or without NIL, he has shown he is brilliant and trustworthy. CHIEF
  16. I truly believe that Sark will be here as long as he wants. Money will never be an issue. He is a top five coach. I hope he is our next DKR. CHIEF
  17. The SEC hasn't realized that inviting Texas into the SEC was just like the B1G getting Oregon. I haven't done any research, but did B1G teams dismiss Oregon since they were a PAC12 team like the SEC did Texas as a BIGXII team? I remember when an undefeated Auburn got left out of the Title Game for the USC buttfucking of OU in the early 2000s. These fuckers huff too much of their own farts. Texas will probably always be a fixture in the top 2-3 of the SEC, much like Oregon will be in the B1G. CHIEF
  18. A lady that we tailgate with has them. I imagine they are good seats as well. I can check with Mrs. CHIEF if you want them. Mrs. CHIEF will sleep so late tomorrow, I will have to wake her up for kick off. Sleeping in is her Saturday routine. CHIEF
  19. Mrs. CHIEF: Hey Patsy has two free tickets to the SECCG if we wanted to go. Me: We would have to jump on a plane to Atlanta tonight. Mrs. CHIEF: We could go in the morning. Me: We would probably need to be on the first flight out, so we need to leave here about 4am. Mrs. CHIEF: FUCK THAT. CHIEF
  20. It's an embarrassment of riches. The most stacked OL room in the country by a mile. I have watched Longhorn football for decades, and the second team would be starters probably back to the Casey Stoddard and Justin Blalock years. So, back to the 05' NC team. Have there been individuals during that time that would start? Probably. But the cohesiveness of the OL now is purely Kyle Flood, and Sark. The team mentality is getting to be like the 05' team. My favorite story from that time was when Texas played Missouri in Columbia. I think it was Justin that turned around to Vince and said, "hey, they know the play." Vince calmly pulled out his mouthpiece, and said "so." CHIEF
  21. If you invest in crypto in $Hawk, you deserve anything that happens to you: CHIEF
  22. Fours old, thinking I have something cool and original? FFFUUUCCCKKK. Surly needs to have a bunch of posters that just do crazy script writing. CHIEF
  23. Yep, and stuck my foot in my mouth, as you have plainly demonstrated. On Weed, my alligator mouth can overload my Canary ass in about three seconds. I now set a three minute timer to dwell on what I was about to use as a rebuttal. Try it, don't fly off the handle. That don't work on Weed. CHIEF
  24. It's all about class ranking to them. That is because they are weak in developing players. Look at the development that Sark has shown. Trevor Goosby stonewalled Nic Scourton, Tre ran for almost 200 on them, Ethan Burke with the TFL on 4th &1. Texas spends time on three star projects, getting them up to speed and turning them into draft picks. THIS is the way to win National Championships. CHIEF
  25. That is what I would order as well. I gave the "Green Hornet" to a buddy. The tilt and trim no longer works, and all of the hinges are rusted, its faded as shit. We had some good times on that boat. If we took it back to POC and dropped it into the salt, I am 100% sure it would disintegrate right before our eyes. Nothing funnier than when we made Justin drive back from the Big Jetties. because we had families with young children, like he was expendable. CHIEF
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