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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by CHIEF

  1. Just talked to a cousin who is an ICU nurse at Dallas Methodist. He said that he doesn't have that much faith in the COVID test. He said if you have been infected, but you are asymptomatic, that they test them four times, and all must be positive. With ICU nurses being in short supply, I guess they want to ABSOLUTELY make sure. Apparently an abundance of false positives. I know that my county has shown 59 positives, but the health data turned in at that time, only said there were 35 confirmed cases. Makes you wonder how much discrepancy there is in the numbers.


  2. 1 hour ago, TexasEd said:

    Not to bring politics into it but I really think it depends on if they watch a certain national "news" network or not.  So the combination of stupid people and families with 16-25 year olds is what is spreading this.

    I've got a 22 year old, then I have my 21 year old niece, and her fiancee (23)staying with us until they get an apartment. They all work in essential jobs. The boys are able to social distance since they are both boat mechanics, and work on the water. The niece is working at a daycare. The 19th Hole at our Country Club opened just two nights ago. The rule at my house, is if you feel the need to have to go to The 19th Hole, or any other bar, for a reason, you must call us so we can stack your shit out by the curb. This goes for CHIEF Jr. as well. We have done so well at masking, social distancing, staying home, and washing up. I'm not gonna let them fuck it up now.


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  3. 14 hours ago, Bevo said:

    What company?

    Aries Building Systems. I also have some plans I drew up that uses three shipping containers set up in a "U", sleeps up to 10, and has a hipped roof that covers the whole courtyard. Gonna build that in Southfork, CO in a few years. Can probably build the whole thing for less than 100k.


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  4. 21 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    Yeah, I'm pretty excited about buying the land. I'm not too excited about building a house though. I've been told by enough people that a timber frame home is going to run in the $250-$300 per sqft range. I'm hoping that I can get a hybrid stick and timber frame done for $175 per sqft. I have expensive taste but I have always been great at getting deals. I have a friend at Hinkley lighting where I can get fixtures at cost and I can get tile at cost and probably would prefer the new wood patterned tile over hardwood and ROFL will build the roof for pennies. 

    Mrs. CHIEF works for a commercial modular building company, but they have spinoffs that do higher end modular, and I'm sure there are others, maybe even under $100 sq/ft to that area. Might not be exactly what you want, but would save you a buttload.


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  5. My Dad's family are all musicians, the easiest and quickest way for me to learn was to pull up a chair and grab a guitar at one of their jam sessions. Learn to play rhythm, and watch the leads. After about 20 years, I started taking finger picking lessons, reading sheet music, practiced finger style patterns, and that changed things forever. You are never too old to learn. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. I grew up the first 27 years ranching. If you have over 500 acres and most of it is in pasture land, and a crop is not your primary source of income derived, you have a "ranch. If you have under 500 acres, you have a "place". If you have acreage that the primary income comes from a crop, you have a "farm". Thats the way it was always described where I grew up.


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  7. On 6/16/2020 at 8:02 AM, PatrickMcHorn said:

    I also do the date conversion. 15th century means nothing to me, but 1400s... I can name some things that happened then. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.

    Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

    Me too. I still remember the rhyme my Dad taught me to remember the discovery of America:

    In the year 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He went so fast he split his ass and shit all over his crew.

    The first sentence was probably sufficient, but the second sentence was what made me remember.



  8. We are seeing a ton of white flight coming out of DFW. The protests, riots, and COVID issues, and population density has made the real estate market boom around Granbury. Probably half the buyers are straight up cash people. For a few weeks we had opportunists coming in and trying to lowball people without making any headway. No one here is "over a barrel" they are mostly on retirement pensions and the shutdown never effected their paychecks.


  9. This virus is still mainly predicated on population density. Here, in Hood County, we still have only had 35 cases, and only 3 infections have been from other Hood County residents. All of the others were travel related, or from working in DFW. 28 of the 35 have recovered. This is a retirement area, so we have had 4 deaths, all elderly. Our bars and restaurants were opened to 75% about 2 weeks ago. I would say the average mask usage is probably 40% and always has been.

    I bought the envomask that Greenspoint recommended when this first came out. I wear it in Ft Worth, I wore it in Austin, but I rarely wear it in Granbury. If the parking lot is full at HEB, Home Depot, or Lowe's is full, I wear it. I just tend to shop at low periods of customers. The idea that wearing masks as a state requirement is ludicrous in Benjamin, Texas.


  10. 8 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    We are about to start discussing lutefisk.

    There is a thriving population of Norwegian lineage, here, in Texas. Norse, in Bosque county is the burial place of Cleng Peerson, the father of Norwegian immigration to America. My high school still has a lutefisk dinner every December, reservation only. We would get a 600 lb. bale of dried cod, every year right after Thanksgiving, the cod would have to be skinned, I would smell so bad when I got home that Mom would make me strip down before going inside. My Dad ran the rehydrating process until he passed away last year. You soak them in bathtubs full of lye water for several days, then flush it with fresh water. It has the taste and consistency of boiled egg whites.


  11. 2 hours ago, Clintonaldo said:

    His words are nice but is he putting his money where his mouth is?

    Fuck yes he is.  Volunteering, a brilliant voice in shitty times, standing with his black athletes. If there is anyone I want for the face of Texas Football right now, he is it. There is no one who has said and done more, including black coaches. The silence on Brennan Eagles, and letting Brennan have his platform with no dismissal or tisk-tisks is refreshing. 



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    • Fuck You 1
  12. 14 hours ago, SDG said:

    I’m one of the more police reform posters in surly and even I think this point needs work.  Police are going to kill people given the nature of their work.  Extreme example; cop run into a high school with an active shooter and manages to take him out.  Why should he be terminated?   

    The review board would deem that use of force justified. The members of the board will have to be impartial and not be agenda driven. This isn’t to nueter the cops, but to keep them in line during routine interactions with the average citizen. 


  13. 10 minutes ago, GotThatFire said:

    Reports? Please elaborate. 

    Set up a department or a branch of an existing department with advertised contact info for citizens to call if they think their rights were violated. They can email pictures, videos, whatever, as evidence. The independent agency then can view the LEOs body cam, and come up with their own conclusion. The review board would have to be properly vetted, no former or current LEOs. 

    You must be a registered LEO to work anywhere in the state, but your license can be revoked. End around on the unions.


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  14. I still like the idea of LEOs having to get a license from the state to be an officer and citizens being able to report rights violations directly to the state. Two or more reports in a six month period and you lose your license. If you beat or kill someone it is instant termination with criminal and civil liability (must carry a personal liability policy paid by the LEO). If you accumulate over five violations, your licensed is revoked. If your body cam is off, its a violation.

    Call an emergency legislative session to get it passed, and it could be implemented before football season starts.


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  15. 35 minutes ago, jinx said:

    Gotta say, if me and a buddy are both holding pistols and the best the other guy can come up with is a metal bar or a cinder block, I bet I can get him to drop said block / bar without unloading a full clip into his body.

    Yep, cops go straight to brute force, no deescalation tactics whatsoever. They ain't got time for that. Anyone with a mental issue is gonna get shot. Social workers and police negotiators should make up half the police force, they can talk the amped up and mentally unstable down off the ledge. The biggest problem with police is the lack of empathy. 


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  16. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This...is a GREAT suggestion.  It is an end-around on all the other mechanisms (hangups in contracts prevent you from terminating cops, qualified immunity prevents you from getting a judgment against them).  It's an administrative mechanism that gets you to a point of revoking their license, which accomplishes the most important goal for the public  -- getting bad cops out of the uniform and off the street.

    Yep, and there needs to be a hotline, and a way for a complainant to submit evidence to that governing agency directly. I wouldn't count out the locals to just sweep these complaints under the rug. I would buy TV advertisements out the ass to make damn sure the public knew about it too.


  17. 11 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    I think more layers of bureaucracy lead to the opposite - more nepotism and cronyism like you see with so many other large institutions.  Maybe not.  The issue would be LE's not from or accustomed the areas they manage.  Many precincts required officers to live in the areas they managed.  

    If you have a centralized state academy you must pull up roots to go attend, and a two year commitment, and a rigorous screening process, you are automatically going to have fewer qualified LEOs which should cause an across the board pay increase. Also spending two years with other outstanding cadets of all, races, creeds, and socioeconomic backgrounds, might open their eyes about ALL of the public they will be serving and break down any preconceived notions and stereotypes. If you added this, bust up the unions, and end Qualified Imunity, it should go a long way.


  18. I think the German idea is a great plan. Each state needs to have its own law enforcement academy, and to be a peace officer in your state, you must have gone through the state sanctioned program. The curriculum and training methods could be closely monitored at the state and federal level. All police departments would have to pick from these LEOs. The state and feds would then be responsible for interviewing, psych evals, vetting, and weeding. There would be less Nepotism, and cronyism, and the academy can start teaching them how to, again, protect and serve, and be an asset to their community. For two years, the cadets would have a cookout in an impoverished minority neighborhood every other week, so they would learn to view these people as people, friends, and most importantly the ones they are to protect and serve.



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