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Everything posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Nice surprise on classic rewind today
  2. Taking my youngest on a UT tour tomorrow/friday. I had some ideas already where I wanted to take her to eat, but she wants to keep things near campus to keep the campus “vibe” going. Any suggestions? I have no idea what’s good in proximity to the 40 acres.
  3. It was tempting
  4. 72 degrees? Best patio in the area? Park far away? Nah bro, I’ll just park in the storefront across the way. Dude literally hopped the curb, parked, and walked in.
  5. Replying to my own post to ask who the fuck is mark McDonald
  6. So my son is a typical 18 yo dumbass and got a speeding ticket that exceeds the defensive driving limit. It’s his first ticket so I guess I got that going for me. Any Surly recs on a traffic lawyer?
  7. HiggyBaby


    Are some of them Alexandra’s? Just trying to figure out where to place season 2 on my list of shows.
  8. I mean, yeah. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/14EyeQ1NRf/?mibextid=wwXIfr #fox4forlife
  9. I’d say it was pretty good
  10. d6b02ed7-978c-4436-a44d-9044816affad.mov
  11. howling winds, slippery runway... maybe a mechanical issue? We'll get atc audio and video soon enough I think.
  12. $4900 a year? I’d kill for that. Just got my reminder email, time to make some calls.
  13. Flight Plan. Oof.
  14. did anyone else get a cirkul water bottle delivered? We did. I’m going back and re-watching all the ads because the women in our group just would not shut up at during the commercial breaks. I mean cmon.
  15. Yes and add the perfectly timed U2 post-911 show for dessert.
  16. I have a lot of very white people at my party.
  17. Good to know because the women in our party somehow yak louder during the breaks.
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