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Everything posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Kind of sucks for anybody wanting rain on the west side of the track.
  2. Thread bump. Started playing a LifeTime earlier this year. Mostly because I would take some workout classes and follow the stay at home moms to their next stop which was pickleball. But it’s massively popular. Teens to 80s and the open play sessions are always over-full with waitlists. It’s a really good way to complement your normal workout routine IMO and it’s super social as someone mentioned above. I’m actually at the point now where I’m evaluating new paddles because I recognize the shortcomings of my cheapo Academy one I bought when I got started. Lifetime brings in circuit professionals on occasion who run clinics, they’ve been really really helpful. Not sure if that’s an option for you.
  3. Back in the 90s they were the shit. Today, not so much. That said, theyre forecasting some goodness next weekend in NTX so I’m gonna allow it .
  4. Guess he disagreed with something that ate him
  5. 12 year old higgy: “Mom, I have no idea where your catalogs are. “
  6. We could be at 710 by the end of the week https://www.facebook.com/reel/695258250860041?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs is what I would have said back in 1991. Fingers crossed for you guys down there.
  7. Yeah that’s one I thought was long gone. And I give him credit for 1.5 hits. He collaborated with Paul Oakenfold in a song that ended up in a Diet Coke commercial.
  8. That’s too bad man, I enjoyed his 5-0 character
  9. How can anyone not like this guy? So many great roles and seemed like such a gentle spirit. RIP sir.
  10. Vic’s water taxi? Surly kids for sure
  11. Even that is tedious. It takes you over to PayPal which makes the process harder than it should. I ended up just changing my username, see if that works for now .
  12. Over the last couple weeks I’ve been inundated with spam like this. There a setting I missed or wtf? You can decline them easily enough I guess but the annoyance level is high.
  13. Boys in the boat. Meh. Could have been so much better.
  14. Seeing 7 of 9 in Picard has me binge watching Voyager. I want to circle back to the new stuff again but I forgot how good Voyager was. Almost done with season 4 now.
  15. plenty of sharks along that stretch of beach last couple days. Hits a little close to home as we frequent that stretch like I’m sure a lot of you and your families do. Stay safe. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nRR9WCy5hjjeBoze/?mibextid=K35XfP
  16. Meta AI sucks
  17. lol my bad, that’s what I get for taking a break from this thread
  18. Some things never change
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